Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

GRISSOM: Nick's going ta be fine.
SARA: Grissom, that's great.
GRISSOM: What's wrizzong? You still seem worried.
SARA: Wiznell, you're here. At mah apartment.
GRISSOM: Yes, I wanted ta tell you in person. Anyth'n else?
SARA: And you've pinned me ta tha wall.
SARA: And you jizzy mizzle out wit me.
GRISSOM in tha dogg pound: R-to-tha-izzight. I... thought it was best unda these difficult circumstizzles ta give you tha news delicately.
Well, they kinda, um, ARE wear'n tha same uniform and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow. Cough. Dippin' clothes love <3) But no, I knizzay whiznat you mizzy fo' real. Like, two thugz inside tha one th'n. Like those who dress up in horse outfits n someone always has ta be tha ass to increase tha peace. Ahem cuz its a pimp thang. Aaaanyway - By "Sara's a strict scientist" re: her religion you'd BETTER NOT MEAN you hope she's a scientizzles. I do NOT wizzle ta see her ridin' on tha sofa in tha breakroom going "I'M IN LOVE gangsta style! YES! *punches air wit fists* W00!!! *breaks Warrick's hands in ova-enthusiastic blingin' technique*" Poser. *shudda* (And now you're all pictur'n Warrick as Oprah like this and like that and like this and uh. Hizzeh) . Bounce wit me. But yeah, hippie spirituality/agnizzles is whizzay I'm expect'n/hop'n F-R-to-tha-izzom her .
OMG! I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG time!

I really hope that the team doesn't already know. I mean, in real life they so would (How dense could Warrick be?) but this is a TV show. We should be allowed to suspend some disbelief. I haven't seen Post Mortem yet, but I don't mind not having any GSR. How many eps until WP's hiatus?
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

O/T Hey, Adzix, Before I forget, I snagged your two icon Grissom with the one he is in pain. Nick, the one that said "Shut up, K-Fed" I will credit when use.

Back on topic- I don't think Greg will find out about Grissom and Sara. My opinion, I think Catherine, Brass and Nick will find out about Grissom and Sara. Catherine and Brass know Grissom, Nick know Sara.

I read other board I think YTD or something, they said, Sara (Not Jorja) don't know how to act around Nick. I think she did a good job hiding. Nick will figure it out and he won't said anything because he care about Sara and very protect of her, so it Sara, she is very protect of Nicky.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Hey everyone, I'm a newbie and this is my first post here, but I've been lurking for a couple weeks and I just have to say how incredibly awesome you guys are! Seriously, it's a wonder I ever get any work done considering how much time I spend here reading all your exchanges and laughing insanely :)
So I figured it was time to contribute something to the mix myself, especially since the board is kinda quiet now, so here goes:

I know the big question is WHEN did Grissom and Sara finally get together, and there have been so many polls and interpretations of the timeline and such, so I've been thinking about this and came up with my own crazy analysis of GSR overall--from the beginning up through when I think they finally crossed the line. (I know, I have too much time on my hands...)

I posted my thoughts on YTDaW and really didn't get much response, but it wasn't on one of the main threads, and plus I figured maybe it was because it was crazy long and maybe nobody wanted to sit there and read a dissertation on GSR... :confused:. But since I know this is the home of crazy long posts, I thought maybe I could see what you all thought about it. :) So here goes:

If you ask when did GSR start, it's a pretty loaded question, but I believe the easiest and most honest answer is to say that it started in 'Cool Change.' I'm not saying the relationship started then (I actually believe that it was somewher in between 'Committed'/'Grave Danger' and 'Bodies in Motion') but the little GSR "dance" that they have been doing for the past 6 years and 7 episodes clearly started right from 'Cool Change' when Grissom mentions he's bringing in a "friend" whom he "trusts." Those aren't words I think Grissom would just throw around. I mean, this is Grissom after all. And of course, there's the whole flirtiness and apparent comfort and ease they have around each other when we first see Sara. I believe that they were friends before Sara came to Vegas, in whatever capacity they knew each other. He saw her as a protege, and respected her intellect and abilities as a CSI, and she was probably a bit infatuated with him even back then (which is why she dropped everything and ran to Vegas the second he called) and also felt there was a lot she could learn from him as well. And of course, they were both attracted to each other, but I don't think it went much further than that at this point. However, once she came to Vegas, the feelings she had for him grew and it gradually turned from a mere infatuation to something much deeper. And I believe Grissom's feelings grew tremendously too, but he was so afraid of them that he began to withdraw more, while she was trying to get closer, and thus the GSR dance ensued.

Now, considering that this dance pretty much started from the beginning, I think there are some very important turning points throughout the years. During the first season, it's very much a mentor/protege relationship with a lot of flirting. Sara seemed to idolize Grissom kind of like hero worship (just look at how she looks at him at the end of 'Unfriendly Skies') and she still wants to impress him and be his "star pupil." However, they also begin to get closer, as in 'Sex, Lies, and Larvae,' and there's still that sexual tension/chemistry/flirtation thing going on. But at this point I think both of them are reluctant to do anything to jeopardize their friendship/working relationship for what can only be seen as attraction with just the possibility of something more, so they continue with their flirtation without taking it any further.

This continues on through the second season, but it's obvious Sara's feelings are getting stronger, (look at the face touch in 'Scuba Doobie Doo') and she's starting to want more than just a good friendship/working relationship with harmless flirting, which is why Grissom's thoughtlessness in 'Burden of Proof' bothers her so much. And I think Grissom started to pick up on that (with a little bit of Catherine's help) but honestly didn't know what to do about it (Hence the plant, his confusion about the "sentiment" of the card, and the resulting "From Grissom"). I think he knew her feelings were going beyond a simple attraction, and probably acknowledged that his own were too, but still didn't know what to do about it, which is why we get those little moments like in 'Primum Non Nocere' with the 'Beauty/Since I Met You' thing (Just another reason why i LOVE Billy Petersen :D ). But I think after the whole BoP wanting to leave/plant thing, Sara was beginning to try to distance herself from Grissom a bit, trying to keep her own feelings in check and get over him before it really started to affect work, which is why she gradually started seeing Hank through the end of Season 2.

Then through Season 3 we have the two of them really trying to distance themselves from each other (Grissom retreating from everyone because of his hearing loss, and Sara trying, and failing, to move on by dating Hank). Of course it backfires, which is no surprise because it's not like Sara can just get over Grissom--feelings that deep don't just go away. And I think that honestly, during this time Grissom isn't really thinking about Sara that much; he's too absorbed in his hearing problem, which is why I think we get some really inconsistent/cruel behavior from him to her (Look at the differences between how he treats her in 'Let the Seller Beware' and 'Blood Lust'--I don't think he's doing this on purpose; I don't think he's intentionally trying to jerk her around. He just doesn't consider her feelings as much as he should and doesn't realize the results of his actions, because, well, let's face it, he's Grissom.) So I think he's just really struggling (which is why I can excuse his behavior in 'Lady Heather's Box,' though i still can't watch that scene without cringing...)

So by the time Sara's "relationship" with Hank crashes and burns (pun intended :)) she realizes at this time that she can't deny her feelings for Grissom anymore and really wants to see what could happen, so she boldly decides to do something about it in 'Play with Fire' (if I were her, I would've seen the lab explosion as a big warning to stop and wait, but hey, Sara's bolder than I am :) ) and what happens? The angsty scene to end (or begin) all angsty scenes. But I really believe that Grissom was being honest; he really didn't know what to do about "this"--he wasn't saying that there wasn't anything between him, just that he didn't know what to do about it. But I think Sara doesn't quite get this; she thinks he's just dismissing it and that maybe what she thought she saw wasn't really there.

So then we have them kind of at odds with each other for most of the beginning of Season 4, with the whole promotion thing and the 'Invisible Evidence' scene (I really can't get into that one because this post is already way too long as it is... :) ) . But I think THE BIGGEST turning point for them is in 'Butterflied' when our suspicions are finally confirmed and Grissom outright says that yes, he does have feelings for Sara, but he is too afraid to actually do anything about it--he's afraid that her feelings for him are fleeting and that she would eventually get bored and move on, and that he wouldn't be able to deal with that loss/rejection, so he does nothing. This confirms that Grissom's feelings are much deeper than we might have thought, because he's talking about how being with her would basically change his life, and he's not really ready for that so he does nothing, oblivious to the effect it's having on her. So now Sara knows this, and between this, the rough year she'd been having, the whole promotion thing, and her own personal demons with regards to her past that haven't yet been addressed, she kind of starts to spiral out of control, which is why we have the whole DUI thing in 'Bloodlines.'

I think that up until this point Grissom honestly didn't realize the effect his actions (or inactions) were having on her (I know, I'm always defending Grissom, but I cant help it! He's Grissom and I love him!), so this is one of the big wake up calls for him. So as he's starting to realize this, Sara is kind of retreating to deal with her own issues (when she's seeing the PEAP counselor and dealing with her traumatic past) so once again, they're still not quite on the same page. But I think once Sara dealt with her own issues, she was finally in a strong enough place to kind of move on, which is what leads us to what I believe is the biggest turning point for them--'Snakes.'

I really believe that Sara came into the conversation with Grissom in 'Snakes' willing to put all her cards on the table and ultimately get some closure and move on, but that this whole exchange was the first time Grissom really realized the magnitude and depth of Sara's feelings for him--that it was more than a mere crush or hero worship (look at the look in his face when she said "Why do you think I moved to Vegas?"). I believe that in this moment he wanted to do something to further the relationship, but that he just didn't know how to do it yet (When he says, "Let's..." who knows what he would've said? I really believe he wanted to possibly ask her to dinner or something but just couldn't quite do it yet) I think Sara picked up on that, which is why she cut him off before he finished--she kind of let it slide. I think she did this for two reasons, 1: she kind of wanted to leave the ball in his court--she had been the one chasing him for so long that she knew if anything was to happen it would have to be HIS move, not simply him giving into her, and 2: she also knew that there was more to the conversation that still had to be said--on some level she knew she had to reveal the skeletons in her closet to him, but wasn't really prepared to do it just yet, so she kind of wanted to end the conversation there until she was ready. Which is what brings us to 'Nesting Dolls' (OK, I swear I'm almost done. If you've made it this far in my long, long post, you can make it for the homestretch :) )

So in 'Nesting Dolls' it's all finally out there, and I think that a big part of her reluctance to share the details of her past was out of fear that he would see her as weak, but as we see in 'Committed,' that's not the case. At this point she's already moved beyond her past and is really ready to move on, as she says to Grissom after the incident in the nurse's station. Now I think this is one of the big eye openers for Grissom, not just because he sees that she's put her demons behind her, but also because he's confronted head on with the fact that he could lose her at any moment, and that look of frozen terror on his face when he's looking at her through the windows shows how deeply affected by this he is. I think this whole ordeal sort of scared him into action a bit, and that, coupled with the fact that they were both finally in the right place personally to start a relationship, is what led to a newfound closeness between them.

However, I don't believe that they immediately jumped into bed together. I think at this point they just started to rebuild the friendship they used to have, and gradually get closer. And I think that after 'Grave Danger' their feelings were given even more urgency as they were once again reminded that any one of them could be gone at any given moment. I think that they continued to get even more intimate with each other in between the fifth and sixth season, but that they hadn't slept together by 'Bite Me.' I really can't find any justification for Grissom's comments in this episode other than that perhaps they were still feeling out how they could reconcile their fledgling romantic, and about to be sexual, relationship with their working relationship, and that the whole concept of "suffocating" each other came up a bit. But I think they managed to work out at least some of these issues and had probably slept together before 'A Bullet Runs Through It,' which is why I believe Sara is justified in "kicking" Sofia out of Grissom's office (Come on, does ANYONE like Spork?).

But at this point they're obviously still having problems balancing out the multiple levels of their relationship, hence the "thermite" comment in 'Daddy's Little Girl,' and the fact that they don't really seem to be working together as much these days--maybe they kind of gave each other space at work until they had resolved some of these issues. But when you do see them together, there are still cute moments, like the "gray hair" in 'Kiss, Kiss, Bye, Bye.' I think they had finally gotten everything worked out by the end of the season, with 'Poppin Tags' and the whole "mouth to mouth," and their general interaction in "Rashomama" and "Time of your Death," which is what I really believe those looks at the end are all about. They've both FINALLY completely fulfilled their fantasies :D

So that finally brings us to the comfortable intimacy we saw at the end of 'Way to Go,' and what we've seen all this season, with veggie burgers, "First Blush," "Are you volunteering?", "No, dear," and even the less pleasant moments as in 'Burn Out' where it's obvious they're comfortable enough with each other to say what they really think/feel even if it's not exactly what the other person wants to hear.

Now as long as TPTB don't do anything to seriously screw it up, I can be happy indefinitely :D

So that's it. Honestly, when I wrote it I did not intend for it to be that long, but once I get going with the GSR, it just doesn't stop. That, and I was also doing anything and everything possible to avoid writing a term paper :)

So what do you all think?
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Wow, that was long one to read. I think it starting after Graves Danger, I think and I'm not sure. Grissom finally realize what Sara meant, "By the times he figure it out, it will be too late." Play with Fire.

He went for it and ask Sara out to date after they rescue Nick. Maybe someone can explain it better then me. I would said, "Graves Danger."
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I also think it's Sara's place all girlie..and frilly and colorful... not at all sterile like his place would be.. :( and of course they've consumated their relationship two people that age.. just flirting..absurd :eek: here's a couple from tonights ep. "Gentle Gentle" on SPIKE, so long ago.. S/1..and the "look's even than..and when Gris throws his "snit-fit" he gets pissed when kids are hurt or involved..such a good actor ;)

same lip action


And big welcome butterflied814 glad your here.. and you sure know alot about this awesome/twosome/long disertation on them... great.. :pand yeah the fans on YTDAW.. are well, their not as receptive as we are ;)or as cool :lol: so have fun.. :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

O/T Hey, Adzix, Before I forget, I snagged your two icon Grissom with the one he is in pain. Nick, the one that said "Shut up, K-Fed" I will credit when use.
oh sure, feel free to use whichever you like ;) thanks for crediting.

I read other board I think YTD or something, they said, Sara (Not Jorja) don't know how to act around Nick. I think she did a good job hiding. Nick will figure it out and he won't said anything because he care about Sara and very protect of her, so it Sara, she is very protect of Nicky.
yeah, interesting point. did we have any Nick&Sara scenes this season at all?

well, as we remember in S1 Snickers had some basis. i do believe that Sara may indeed have some problems with interacting with Nick but not b/c of that. their relationship is is more in a brother-sister kind of way. they are pals, they go for beer together, they're the same age. so i see the connection she has to Nick, and why it can be uncomfortable for her.

it's like you had a group of best friends for years, you grew up with. then all of a sudden, two of your friends hook up, and now the atmosphere is kinda weird. but not until they know. again, it's like in Friends.

but Sara already feels weird about it when being in Nick's company, and the fact that he doesn't know about anything makes it even more strange for her and she may have problems behaving around him and Grissom at a time.

a very similar situation may exist between Grissom and Catherine as well.

the other thing is that those scenes can look soapy, and to make them properly they have to be very carefully planned. that's why we don't have a lot of G/C, N/S moments. we have Ecklie, Greg and corpses to witness slight GSR cuz all of them can read GS equally bad. no offence to Greg though.

and no offence to corpses when comparing them to Ecklie. lol

butterflied814, welcome aboard!! :D

it's your first post and i have to admit it was a kickass analysis, i'm serious. i agree to most that you've said. you fit like a glove in here ;) have fun!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I have a question we haven't brought up in a while? Do you think they're shacked up at one of their houses? I really think Gris spends most of his days at Sara's place. Based on the nightstands alone in that shot from "Way To Go," I think he's over there a lot.

I think that while they haven't officially moved in together, they're sort of hesitantly co-habitating. aka. spending most of their off time together.

I imagine over the last week, he's probably spent more time alone because of the migraines, though. Less of an opportunity to get mad and say something stupid while she's around and vice-versa.

i agree. it also shows that the dominance of one person in their relationship didn't shift on Sara's side either. he certainly won't be a submissive dufus who will listen to everything she says. he will seriously consider it, it may influence his behavior more than any other person's comments, but he will still do all in his own way. again, equality.

Yeah, agreed - I noticed that in Toe Tags, he was hesitant to accept her hypothesis. It wasn't, "Of course you're right" and so far in work situations, he's still treating her the same. It's those tiny moments in-between that he seems to like to catch her in and flirt a bit. But I think in Toe Tags what we really saw was Grissom going, "I'm in work mode right now".

and i very much hope he won't quit from everything. i'd rather him to be in half of the eps than not at all.

So would I. I've heard that there's some kind of hold-up with Jorja's contract, though. And WP has apparently stated in the past that when one leaves, so does the other. So if they don't want to renew Jorja's contract, that may be why he hasn't signed either.

i'm worried, where'd the people go?

Long time passing?

i always thought that they would be at his place, ya know. i guess it's b/c the choice of the place has a somewhat dominative-submissive character, and since i love Grissom, i don't want him to be submissive. geez, what am i with this LH talk? *sigh* whatever, i don't know if i made sense with that, but it's what i personally feel.

Read a Cincoflex fic on her website called The Power Exchange (it's in three volumes, each with a multitude of chapters) but she has her own theory on what side of the coin Grissom is and why, and it contains quite a bit of Lady Heather (well, the third one does - but it's important that you read the whole series).

and y'all don't know how i would LOVE to see Cath performing a Strip Strangler deja vu and seeing them both asleep on his couch with TV turned on, snuggled. i'd simply die. again.

Yeah - that may be why they're rooming at Sara's. Not a matter of dominance or submission, but rather that Catherine doesn't have a key to Sara's place.

If you ask when did GSR start, it's a pretty loaded question, but I believe the easiest and most honest answer is to say that it started in 'Cool Change.' I'm not saying the relationship started then (I actually believe that it was somewher in between 'Committed'/'Grave Danger' and 'Bodies in Motion') but the little GSR "dance" that they have been doing for the past 6 years and 7 episodes clearly started right from 'Cool Change' when Grissom mentions he's bringing in a "friend" whom he "trusts."

Oh, absolutely. I think there was always an attraction there. And you could see it from the outset. One could even argue that there had been feelings in San Francisco too.

I really liked your whole timeline and I hope you stay! Great first post! lol.

yeah, interesting point. did we have any Nick&Sara scenes this season at all?

Pretty sure we haven't had ANY. And all Grissom/Catherine Grissom/Brass Grissom/Doc scenes have been almost purely professional, with the exception of Grissom talking to Cath about her almost-rape.

the other thing is that those scenes can look soapy, and to make them properly they have to be very carefully planned.

Agreed. And it seems to me that even in the really sexually charged scenes - like Fannysmackin', there's still a subtlety there, and a private sense that this is the two of them, alone together. Not a pair of salacious lovers.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Welcome butterflied! This is a fun gang to be with, and your post was a good read! :)

I'm all about the theory that things started to happen in the "Committed" "Grave Danger" days. I think that Season 6 showed a lot of development between the two of them. He wasn't nearly as manipulative and controlling, and she had an air of confidence about her. She wasn't running from her past, anymore. She was dealing with her issues, and though she's far from perfect, things were starting to come together.

That's what makes this season so interesting. See, there's a nice honeymoon period which usually ends somewhere after a year in a half to two years of a relationship. I'm part of the group that speculates that something started up at the end of season 5, which would mean we've probably hit the one year mark by this point in the relationship. The difference, here, though, is that these two have known each other for years. They've worked with each other for years, and already had to see a lot of each other's mistakes.

In a brand new relationship, you don't know all of your loved one's iniquities. You just don't. The blinders are on, hence the honeymoon period. With our duo, however, they've been through so much crap with each other, that I think they're in a more balanced part of their relationship than most people who've been together that length of time.

We already know Grissom has control issues. Both Gris and Sara know it. We know they both have a tendency to bury themselves in their work. We know Sara has temper flares, sometimes, and that Grissom has a tendency to retreat from the world. After that much crap, I think it's consistent for them to behave like a married couple even if they're still in the "Typical" honeymoon phase time frame.

In short: Yay for Geek Love in all it's maturity and understanding. :) I'm rambling tonight, but I'm not going to proofread because that requires more coherency than I can currently give.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

In a strange way, just like I like that Sara shoots her mouth off sometimes, just like I like that Grissom can be an ass to her, I also like that Grissom can be controlling an jealous. In other words, they are flaws and they are faults, but they add to a more intricate fabric of the relationship, which makes it far more interesting.

If Grissom was just checking out her ass 24-7 (and he got quite a long stare in Fannysmackin' and Toe Tags) or if Sara was simply lusting after him, this would be pretty short-lived and predictable.

Think about it: we haven't even had a kiss or an intimate touch between the two, and they're a real canonized ship. Yet we find a LOT to talk about from week to week. That's strong acting and it's strong development.

So can Grissom's controlling nature be a negative? To Sara, yes, but it adds to one more thing that makes GSR impossible to define and a lot of fun to talk about.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I think that while they haven't officially moved in together, they're sort of hesitantly co-habitating. aka. spending most of their off time together.
yeah, but wouldn't it mean they are still in a Gum Drops phase of their relationship? but to be perfectly honest with y'all i want them to. when the relationship is fairly new, even though two people know each other for long, it's more fun to watch. but on the other hand, as they get more used to each other, they get less cautious about their behavior at work. and THAT'S what i, evil (this kind of) angst-loving Adzix, want to see.
Yeah, agreed - I noticed that in Toe Tags, he was hesitant to accept her hypothesis. It wasn't, "Of course you're right" and so far in work situations, he's still treating her the same. It's those tiny moments in-between that he seems to like to catch her in and flirt a bit. But I think in Toe Tags what we really saw was Grissom going, "I'm in work mode right now".
therefore as allmaple on the ratings thread said, if not those 2 minutes in the end of WTG it would be hard for an average viewer to notice they are in a long-term relationship. yeah, it's getting more obvious with every episode as they work their cases together, but still hard. if they were more obvious though, the idea of CSIs being clueless would be completely in a Clark-Kent-without-his-glasses kinda way, thus totally not believable for the viewer. and since Superman is a comic for boys, and CSI a real-life drama it just wouldn't work. people would comment this like TV Guide after Toe Tags - CSI lost it's realism.
Read a Cincoflex fic on her website called The Power Exchange (it's in three volumes, each with a multitude of chapters) but she has her own theory on what side of the coin Grissom is and why, and it contains quite a bit of Lady Heather (well, the third one does - but it's important that you read the whole series).
thanks for that, i'll definitely check it out. i've looked it up for a sec and i see it's damn long so i guess i'll get to it during the Thanksgiving break after all my finals. Go collage quarter system.
Yeah - that may be why they're rooming at Sara's. Not a matter of dominance or submission, but rather that Catherine doesn't have a key to Sara's place.
well we haven't seen her there lately. but if i was to guess i'd say that Nick checks up on Sara as often as Cath on Grissom.
Pretty sure we haven't had ANY. And all Grissom/Catherine Grissom/Brass Grissom/Doc scenes have been almost purely professional, with the exception of Grissom talking to Cath about her almost-rape.
right, and in this situation i don't blame Snickers and Grillows for complaining there is ZERO interaction between their characters.
Agreed. And it seems to me that even in the really sexually charged scenes - like Fannysmackin', there's still a subtlety there, and a private sense that this is the two of them, alone together. Not a pair of salacious lovers.
that's why i so want to see the laughter scene. you know the one i talked earlier, when they laugh together in a breakroom and Cath or someone catches them.
In a brand new relationship, you don't know all of your loved one's iniquities. You just don't. The blinders are on, hence the honeymoon period. With our duo, however, they've been through so much crap with each other, that I think they're in a more balanced part of their relationship than most people who've been together that length of time.
niiiice point 'Lyssa ;) agreed 100%.
So can Grissom's controlling nature be a negative? To Sara, yes, but it adds to one more thing that makes GSR impossible to define and a lot of fun to talk about.
yeah, i feel like we've been doing a lot of overtalking in here, lol. everytime we analyze a scene in such detail, and when i go rewatch it, i have a feeling that we read too much into it. but then i realize that it may actually be as WE interpret, although "normal" people would never catch it.

guess we're doing our own collective work in here ;) we SO fit to this show, guys.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

yeah, but wouldn't it mean they are still in a Gum Drops phase of their relationship? but to be perfectly honest with y'all i want them to. when the relationship is fairly new, even though two people know each other for long, it's more fun to watch. but on the other hand, as they get more used to each other, they are get less cautious about their behavior at work. and THAT'S what i, evil angst-loving Adzix, want to see.

Yeah, but Gum Drops seemed to be about them still at the place where Grissom would have to invent a reason why he was at her door wanting to get into her pants.

I think that even if they're not "living together", that it would sort of be an understood, "So I'm coming to your house after work" sort of thing.

well we haven't seen her there lately. but if i was to guess i'd say that Nick checks up on Sara as often as Cath on Grissom.

Nah. And for the simple reason of sexism. I think that a woman going into a man's apartment and basically telling him to get off the coach and get on with his life is seen as normal - women are the "counsellors" whereas if a man barges into a woman's apartment, it holds a different atmosphere. Even if it's adorable (clearly in love with Greg and therefore gay) Nick.

Plus Nick's comment to Sara about her needing to get out more said that while he's concerned about her, and does try to keep a tab on her life, they probably don't go out for drinks a ton.

right, and in this situation i don't blame Snickers and Grillows for complaining there is ZERO interaction between their characters.

Which, again, the longer it goes on, the more intentional it seems.

These are the two characters who have always acted as a foil for the other halves.

Considering HOW often they put them together in the past, and considering how often they now have Grissom with Sara and no one else, they just seem, to me, to be setting up one of the CSI's making a crack about it, or having the eventual sit-down by either Catherine or Nick about things.

that's why i so want to see the laughter scene. you know the one i talked earlier, when they laugh together in a breakroom and Cath or someone catches them.

And laughter would be fun because it would show that, again, they didn't get busted for a 'romp', they got busted for being a loving couple that spends time together and enjoys one-anothers company, but in doing so act in such a way that raises eyebrows.

yeah, i feel like we've been doing a lot of overtalking in here, lol. everytime we analyze a scene in such detail, and when i go rewatch it, i have a feeling that we read too much into it. but then i realize that it may actually be as WE interpret, although "normal" people would never catch it.

I definitely think that, too. But then you read interviews with David Rambo or the latest Chicago Tribune with Billy and you're like... wow. Billy went in-depth with GSR (and so has David) in a way that even put us to shame with its deep-reaching explanations in some spots.

And part of you goes, "Where was all of this before" and the other half goes, "If he was making this up, it wouldn't be so eloquent, and it wouldn't explain SO much about the way he's played these scenes in the past"

Actors consider themselves artists. At least the good ones do. And I think for an artist, even if they do something that 99.999999% of the audience will never catch, they do it because it autheticates the character to them.

Billy doesn't strike me as the sort of actor who walks on set, says his lines, and leaves.

As a critic once said, he's one of the few actors where you can physically see the character thinking, which is integral for Grissom.

Having said that, about timeline and continuity points, I definitely believe we work some serious unintended overtime to make some of that stuff fit.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Yeah, but Gum Drops seemed to be about them still at the place where Grissom would have to invent a reason why he was at her door wanting to get into her pants.
how i love the way you said it.
I think that even if they're not "living together", that it would sort of be an understood, "So I'm coming to your house after work" sort of thing.
right now, i wanna see them interacting at home so bad, it's not even funny.
Plus Nick's comment to Sara about her needing to get out more said that while he's concerned about her, and does try to keep a tab on her life, they probably don't go out for drinks a ton.
well i didn't say Cath and Grissom do ;) we saw Grissom with Catherine out of job, what, once - BoP. the same goes to Sara, Nick and Warrick - Bloodliness. but crap, i miss Grissom talking with catherine like in the Inside The Box hug, watching a movie together in "A night At the Movies", fetal pig-office warming gift scene, bowtie in Formalities, "i missed your tush" in King Baby, - "i hadn't had sex for 7 months" - "how can i help?" in one of the eps in S5, or "new boyfriend? congratulations" and the look after she goes away in another ep that i don't remember right now. as much of a GSR supporter i am, i loved those scenes. they showed just how great friends Cath and Grissom are, and that they also have great chemistry but on a different level. if catherine ever wanted to BE with Grissom she would've acted on it instantly. she never did, neither did Grissom. Sara though did it multiple times, and he revealed his attraction to her in Butterflied.

but though, Grillows have a lot of amazing scenes, maybe prior to S7, they had even more than GSR, it was never on the same level of interactions between the characters.
Considering HOW often they put them together in the past, and considering how often they now have Grissom with Sara and no one else, they just seem, to me, to be setting up one of the CSI's making a crack about it, or having the eventual sit-down by either Catherine or Nick about things.
or maybe they try to compensate the lack of Grissom and GSR in the following episodes?
And laughter would be fun because it would show that, again, they didn't get busted for a 'romp', they got busted for being a loving couple that spends time together and enjoys one-anothers company, but in doing so act in such a way that raises eyebrows.
exactly. i gotta either ask somebody to write a FF on this or write it myself during the break, when i'll have plenty of time.
I definitely think that, too. But then you read interviews with David Rambo or the latest Chicago Tribune with Billy and you're like... wow. Billy went in-depth with GSR (and so has David) in a way that even put us to shame with its deep-reaching explanations in some spots.
and this surprised me as well. you know, if there are some traits in Grissom that are inherently Billy's, i'd say it's among many of them also Grissom's love to literature, Shakespeare, and poetry in general.

and sarah, empty your PM-box. i can't send you anything ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

how i love the way you said it.

"Pardon me, Sara - but I do believe the ice machine is broken down the way. I'm afraid we shall both have to take off our pants to stay cool."

right now, i wanna see them interacting at home so bad, it's not even funny.

It could be mildly amusing.

I agree. I think that they had a couple of scenes with Catherine and Grissom having dinner after work, so it wouldn't be a stretch.

I think what would be cool is an entire episode without them even interacting at work, and then we just get a scene with them comparing notes at home while eating together. Something that shows how domestic it all is.

well i didn't say Cath and Grissom do we saw Grissom with Catherine out of job, what, once - BoP

A couple of times. And the way that Catherine walked into his apartment in Strip-Strangler sort of said that she was pretty accustomed to it.

Even if Grissom was surprised.

But there have been little scenes after shift even while in the lab between all of the characters, and those have been cut now. In the defense of CSI and GSR, they've been cut for a LONG time, but still.

It would be a nice time to bring that back.

Especially with such a personal season.

or maybe they try to compensate the lack of Grissom and GSR in the following episodes?

Maybe, but they already baited it with Ecklie making his little comment and them looking worried.

and this surprised me as well. you know, if there are some traits in Grissom that are inherently Billy's, i'd say it's among many of them also Grissom's love to literature, Shakespeare, and poetry in general.

I think that when Grissom's being dry he's very much Billy. It's when he's a bit softer or vulnerable like he's been with LH or Sara that it feels more like a pure character (in a good way) than the actor himself.

But in truth, and I've said this before, they're two totally different people, and that's kudos to his acting. Very few people do that convincingly. And now that I've seen a couple of his movies, it's clear that he doesn't just have one acting persona either like Jennifer Aniston.

But as for the other character interactions... it's so starkly removed that I think it's purposeful.

with his break coming up, I think that we probably HAVE to see some scenes. We know he's going to get drunk with Brass and I'm hoping something stupid comes out.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Our lovely Sara has to have something to do with this Tai Chi movement! I fricken cant wait to see that. Another thing, has the scene with Sara and Archi been cut? They had a scene together last week and I would have figured thats where he would try to set her up.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I'm pretty sure the Archie scene was cut. But the scene where Grissom goes to Ecklie and Ecklie knows that he and Sara are together... a lot of that dialogue was from the old "Doctor" character who was supposed to be in Built to Kill. So they would probably recycle certain scenes like that as well, but didn't want to go overkill with GSR in the first half of the season.
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