Adzix said:
hmmm .. i just got an idea i'll put it as my avie. some sort of revenge for bold TH, puffins, dolls and all the others.
Do it! It can be revenge for the terrifying Mrs Grodenko, too (although, that's possibly what you meant by 'bold TH' *cough*) DO IT. *weeps*
sarahvma said:
would Ecklie EVER attempt to get Sara on his side? I just mean, with their history, even if it WAS to usurp Grissom, I have a hard time believing he'd ask for her opinion.
I think he was probably grasping at straws, trying to get it out to the media. He felt as stuck on that case as anyone. Plus he hasn't been
particularly evil in the past year, so you never know. But I think that move may have shifted Sara back into his not-so-good books
that frustration of "Frigging EVERYONE sides with Grissom. Pout. I'm off to hatch evil."
The only good I see coming of that scene is that perhaps Ecklie is finally willing to trade back his white hat for the black one.
Agreed. We love to hate evil Ecklie.
his ear surgery kind of reminded me of when you go in for a test or I had a friend who went in for Canadian Idol and told NO ONE. And it's partially because if it fails, you don't want everyone to know. If it fails, he'd have to tell everyone about his hearing problem anyway. But she got into Canadian Idol and then told EVERYONE. So...
There's a
Canadian Idol?! The mind boggles.
Or perhaps Grissom underestimated his team of trained investigators and Catherine was the only one willing to step forward about it at the time.
Reading that, word by word, I so expected the word following 'trained' to be 'monkeys'. *Cough*..
Aaanyway, I'd say it's more likely that:
it was just a canon slip by the writer who forgot that the whole team wouldn't necessarily be privvy
But then again, while the CSIs aren't exactly quick on the up-take, the lab rats have a different sense of things altogether, and maybe Greg as their holy geeky leader, is still privvy to insider stuff there.
Yeah, I think there's a strong possibility that between Greg's comment in Spellbound and Sara's in the finale, that we were just supposed to get the sense that Grissom REALLY isn't as private as he'd like to believe.
Again, I think it may be a case of Greg having labrat info, and Sara being savvy to the ways of Gil Grissom
Sorry - I didn't see TS's post.
*whimper* ...*wails*