You got a point there.But I must say it makes me furious this "whole dancing around eachother game" is really getting on my nerves. I want to climb through my tv set and grab gris by his shoulders and shout in his face: What the hell are you waiting for you love her she loves you get your sexy ass moving and TELL her, for christs sake we all will get a nervous breakdown if you two wait any longer :lol: I still think that fear is the problem here. She gives him hints, he pretends not to figure it out when in fact he knows whats going on, when he is ready to make a move she hesitates and gives him the feeling he doesnt have to say or do anything. She just doesnt want to bother him with herself and thats creates a feeling as if its better not to take the next step. They two are really brilliant in directing the other one in the wrong direction. You meant she didnt wanted to push him but i just dont understand why. She wants him so badly why didnt she give him the chance to say something nice to her. Dont you think she was afraid that he might not say anything "nice". I cant remember a single situation when grissi really said whats on his mind when it comes to their relationship. There has always been those special looks, meaningfull silence, but never a clear statement. He sometimes looks really sad like feeling sorry for himself not to be able to show his feelings....