Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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You got a point there.But I must say it makes me furious :mad: this "whole dancing around eachother game" is really getting on my nerves. I want to climb through my tv set and grab gris by his shoulders and shout in his face: What the hell are you waiting for you love her she loves you get your sexy ass moving and TELL her, for christs sake we all will get a nervous breakdown if you two wait any longer :lol: I still think that fear is the problem here. She gives him hints, he pretends not to figure it out when in fact he knows whats going on, when he is ready to make a move she hesitates and gives him the feeling he doesnt have to say or do anything. She just doesnt want to bother him with herself and thats creates a feeling as if its better not to take the next step. They two are really brilliant in directing the other one in the wrong direction. You meant she didnt wanted to push him but i just dont understand why. She wants him so badly why didnt she give him the chance to say something nice to her. Dont you think she was afraid that he might not say anything "nice". I cant remember a single situation when grissi really said whats on his mind when it comes to their relationship. There has always been those special looks, meaningfull silence, but never a clear statement. He sometimes looks really sad like feeling sorry for himself not to be able to show his feelings....
well i think she didn't want to push him, b/c after she told him what she feels, he might've felt obligued to ask her out only b/c of her confession, heat of the moment and not exaclty b/c he really wanted to. in other words - it would look like she almost forced him to ask her out. in reality, she wanted him to decide on his own what he wants and not regret anything later, which would be IMO worse than leaving it as it was. another question, why did she do that? why did she confess?

again, my answer would be Butterflied. she heard him saying "i COULDN'T do it", not "i CAN'T do it". when i first watched that episode, it looked like he actually already felt it was too late for them and he blew everything she felt for him by doing nothing. in Snakes i think she's reassuring him about her feelings, that she STILL feels the same about him, and that the ball is on his court again, she's giving him another chance. he's not too late yet.
You are right, sara wants him to want her and not to force him.
thats true, he said I couldnt do it. Did you think about why he has said that anyway? He didnt had to reveal such personal thoughts to dr. lurie. Was that to remind himself of making the mistake of not having a relationship with sara or to explain to himself why he hasnt admitted that he loves her,as a kind of excuse???? I think it took him alot to say such things, i think he said it more to himself than to the doctor. Is Grissom afraid of being left like dr. lurie? What do you think??
Hi,i'm french and i haven't see the whole season 6 yet but i saw most of the scenes between grissom and saea on the internet.I'm so glad they finally got together and i like the way the writers of the show made it.that's a great cliffhanger!i can wait for news about season7:
Hello again, my dear friends. I've been grounded since Sunday from the computer and telephone. *cries* But it gets worse...I've been grounded since Monday night from the TELEVISION. *dies* I'm dead right now. Seriously, dead. I've had soccer practice for the High School team everyday this week from 9 to noon. My body is killing me, I haven't seen an episode of CSI in 3 days, and I want to go to Vegas and die. xP *pictures scene*
"She died from...lack of CSI.."
"Oh no! The poor girl! We must revive her with the sound of the theme song." *gets boom box* -theme song plays-
*becomes alive again* *happily runs around lab*

I'm convinced that if I ever do die from lack of CSI that the theme song could revive me...

Anyway, on an on-topic matter, I'd like to state my opinion on the issue being discussed right now. Ahem...*prepares for speach*

Mmkay so, personally, I think that it was Sara who was kinda the one to say "It's now or never" and what-not, but at the same time understood if he didn't want to have a relationship. And after that it was like this huge emotional thingy between the two of them cuz Grissom decided to be an a$$ again and seem to not care, then Sara was all like "See!? You always do this to me!" and blah blah blah emotional emotional. And eventually everything, for the most part, is worked out. Also, for that poll a page or two ago, I said: Much as I want to believe the above, I just have a hard time believing all of their troubles are behind them and that they are totally comfortable with each other... yet.

Again, I must explain why I said this. Basically, it's common sence. You don't go through that emotional pain for 6 years and then work everything out all in one day. It just doesn't happen. It takes time, and I think that's what they need to have a perfect relationship. It's pretty much good for right now, don't get me wrong, but it's not perfect. There's still that feeling of worrying about if something that's happened before to kind of mess things up is going to happen again, and they'd feel like they need to be careful. But the reality of it is that, now that they know how they feel about each other, something like that isn't bound to happen again because they don't want to loose what they have.

Wow, that was a pretty long post...I wonder how many more I need before I can have an avatar...
Hello welcome back *puts csi dvd in the dvd player and turns music on as loud as possible to help jord recover*.
I totally agree with you on that.Although they are now a couple there is still a lot of work ahead. Their relationship is brandnew and therfor very fragile btw they still didnt tell the rest of the team. that is a big step and s/g ahve to figure out what exactly they are going to tell. I think that both of them have their diffulties with finally beeing together after struggling for so many years. They need to get used to not only beeing coworkers but lovers. Grissi , in my opinion, isnt used to have a girlfriend especially not someone with such a strong but sometimes hard to handle personality ( i mean that in a positive way) and sara has to get used to now finally being together with the man of her dreams. Imagine, you long for someone for such a long time,you suffer, you are afraid that your dream nerver comes true and then eventually the unexpected happens?! Wouldnt you be worried that you could wake up from this dream?
i don't agree.I don't think they work everything out all in one day.The point is that we don't know when they start dating,maybe it was at tha beginning of this season...after all,warrigk got married after Nick's kidnapping,so who knows what grissom and sara did?
I understand your point of view, but as you know gris and sara are the most troubled teammembers, at least when it comes down to relationships. I dont believe that everything
is solved between them, that would not be sara/grissi like. I dont mean that they will break up or something dont get me wrong but i feel that that our drama king and queen will keep us busy till the end of the show (hopefully with an happyending) :)
You're right,they're obviously troubled but i wanna believe that everything's going to be fine for those two,let me hope!anyway,I wonder if their relationship is going to affect their jobs and how will the others react when they'll find out.I think greg's going to be sad because he has a crush on sara.
Me too! i hope that everything will work out right between them. According to the reaction of the team question I would say that catherine wont be very enthusiastic but not because she wants grissi for her own ( i think she has someone else in mind..) but she will be worried about the relationship lasting. I believe she hopes the best for s/g but she knows that they are both hard to handle. Nick and Warrick will be very surprised but be happy for them. Greggo will be a little bit disapointed but he will get over it, he is young and open minded, no problem for him to find someone else.The main problem will be Ecklie. As I said in another post, I think its important to tell the other teammembers and not to let them find out for themselves because they could feel kind of betrayed. They re not only teammembers but friends and to "share" the secret with them would be good for the teamspirit. Time will tell if sara and grissi can handle the coworkers/lovers situation or if it would be better to change the job situation. We all will see.
i'm not sure ecklie will be a problem.I mean he can not fire sara because she has a relationship with a boss,that's against the law and he will never fire Grissom because even if he doesn't like him he knows that grissom's the best csi in the lab.
but remember he splitted the team, there are many other ways of giving someone a hard time, you dont have to fire them. Ecklie is an ass... :mad:
I must admit i didn't not really think about that...I was so happy to see grissom and sara together.In the same time,that tells us a lot about grissom's feeling.He must really love sara to risk his career!
yes you are right. I just hope that he will show his feelings for sara on the big screen. The guessing game is funny but what we need is the proof that we were right believing in sara and grissi.
Actually, though - I figured it was more from Grissom's POV that it felt like she was moving on. From Sara's POV, it was more like 'Here is exactly how I feel. And it's up to you to do something about it, because I will no longer be making the first moves.'

So she was moving on... but not in quite the way he thought, perhaps.

I think UnBearable may have even been about getting Catherine and Ecklie off of his back, as, of course, he doesn't want to get Sara back on the team and then have her fired for suspicions of dating her boss or something.

Perhaps it was to cut down on Ecklie's ammo? Or maybe he's just learned how to keep an employee since the plant incident. Either way - nothing came of it, and GSR has come since then.

But as I was discussing with Dayna earlier, timing is so crucial with GSR. Will I accept it if they say they've been dating for any period of time? Yes, it's canon. And even if it conflicts, canon still has to be treated as such, unfortunately.

But I will be very disappointed if we're supposed to believe Grissom in any way made a move during Nesting Dolls, and then UnBearable happened anyway. Even if - and I know that the plots for Nesting Dolls and Iced got shifted around - but even if the episodes weren't intended to air in that order, that's now what they have to look at.

So... yeah - pretty much anything after UnBearable for an official first move or statement, I'm fine with.
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