Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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PurpleAm5 said:
Okay, they just got together and we're talking about cheating! Where did this come from. I been gone a few days and then see this. I don't even wnat to think about problems yet. I just want to enjoy the relationship. If they had either couple cheat, I would stop watching because I would be so annoyed. I stop watching General Hospital because that happen with my favorite couple and that was a soap. I can except a break up or even some trouble from LH in the future but if they break up GSR because ONE OF THEM CHEATS ON THE OTHER AFTER SEVEN LONNNNGGGGG YEEAARRRS. I AM OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep preaching! The split second I saw the word cheat on this thread, i wanted to stick my fingers in my ears and lalalalalala. So, I didn't vote. They've been waiting for soooooo long, so I just can't see our pair cheating on each other. I mean, what part of "like an old married couple" says cheat to you?
Trying to stay positive. I just visited the if Grissom leaves thread, so it's not helping.
Anyway, what did Sara get for her birthday?
But, in a horrific turn, this is Grissom's horoscope:

"You are in a very creative mood today so be sure to make the most of all that enthusiasm! It’s a great day for going shopping with a group of friends and stocking up on your wardrobe. You will be on fire with your fashion sense and able to dispense some excellent style tips! "


He's going to buy his BH in red and green. Muahahaha.
On the subject of cheating, I think it's nice that we've all come to the same conclusion - they wouldn't. The writers would be foolish to include such plot elements and I really don't think they will. They're usually pretty good at subtlety - like the "you're married" scenes between Cath and Warrick in BIM (I rewatched it again yesterday) - it's all very understated with no melodrama. I feel our fave couple are safe.

sarahvma said:
This is the show that had two professional lab techs settle an argument with a contest that involved one of them having to wear a Swami Hat. Let's not rule anything out. lol.
That's right. Us professional lab techs never do anything like that. We don't wear reindeer antlers around the lab at Xmas either. Or create cheap horror-flick effects with dry ice in the sink. No, always very professional - you can trust us with your bodily fluids ;)
What's a BH?

I also picked the unintentional's not out of the question I think for Gris to hurt her without thinking, he's done it in the past. But I don't think he'd ever cheat intentionally. I don't really think either of them would do anything intentionally to hurt the other.

lol...the horoscope thing is funny. Sometimes he has good taste but other times it's questionable. *coughtheshirtcough*
so the difference between the two of them is 15 years. the real difference is 15 as well - Billy is 53 and Jorja is 38 ... what was my point? uhh, i think i don't have one.
What's a BH?
Bruised Hermione ... joking. it's Blue Hawaian, and i'm not talking about the coffee.
"You are in a very creative mood today so be sure to make the most of all that enthusiasm! It’s a great day for going shopping with a group of friends and stocking up on your wardrobe. You will be on fire with your fashion sense and able to dispense some excellent style tips! "
Where's Andre?! Where's Andre?! Andre?!! .... yeah, i feel some Project Runaway issues in here. but i have a solution! no shirt at all!!
Keep preaching! The split second I saw the word cheat on this thread, i wanted to stick my fingers in my ears and lalalalalala. So, I didn't vote. They've been waiting for soooooo long, so I just can't see our pair cheating on each other. I mean, what part of "like an old married couple" says cheat to you?

I don't think that they WOULD cheat. As the characters have been written, I don't believe that they could, even.

But the problem of the matter is perception. Sara became suspicious and hurt when Sofia started claiming that Grissom was her good friend. So of course she's thinking that their relationship may have gone further than she's aware of.

And then Lady Heather on top of that.

So because Grissom isn't the sharing type, I just think that they'd run into a problem of perception.

LH returns, Sara finds them together somehow, like at the end, and really, even if it's innocent, there's still history there.

Will it happen? Probably not. But there's a possibility when you don't simply think of cheating as bed-hopping.

That's right. Us professional lab techs never do anything like that. We don't wear reindeer antlers around the lab at Xmas either. Or create cheap horror-flick effects with dry ice in the sink. No, always very professional - you can trust us with your bodily fluids

I fear for the law system in general. lol.

Where's Andre?! Where's Andre?! Andre?!! .... yeah, i feel some Project Runaway issues in here. but i have a solution! no shirt at all!!

It just looks so... matronly... anyway, carry on!
I'm hep, where did this concept come from? cheat on her- I don't think it's in his make-up- and chose "other" he's been waiting and her as well, for this shining moment- and why would he even be thinking on this? no way- I know men are men - but he I believe watching this character (Grissom) for so long,he WON'T ever do that- Sara is it!!!!!!!their joined at the hip-- :p



Who knows? Writers will do strange things in the quest for ratings.

But anyway - for her birthday?

Am I the only one, and I know this sounds obscenely creepy, but am I the only one who thinks that their idea of dinner and a movie would be a trip to the body farm?

So that's my vote.

Body farm.
We plan to "tape each other up" with crime scene tape while watching. And Dayna's boyfriend glares at us and makes loud pronouncements of rage. Yeah. We're cool like that.
He can't make any pronouncements since his Daddy privileges have been revolked. He has to shut up and sit in the corner whilst we celebrate. You just KNOW it's gonna turn out that you and I will be getting drunk off our asses playing our drinking game and squealing every time Grissom so much as glances at Sara, and he'll be going "Shut UP, I'm trying to HEAR!!!!" We'll set the dogs on him.

And you WOULD go to Vancouver Island, you ho. Trying to steal my man, aren't you? AREN'T YOU???!!!
Yes. Mmmmmm, Mr. Hazel-eyes. *strokes his hazel eyes that aren't really hazel* I was also stalking Dr. Shuriyu before she could stalk me. HA! I WON, SHURI! I WON! I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS! CLOSET GSR! ADMIT IT!

Lemme check... yep. September 16th was Sara's birthday. And y'all call yourselves fans. PAH! A POX. POX! Anyway... that makes her 35.
Oh shut up, you had no idea until sidlreiana mentioned it. Don't try to steal her cool factor.

"You are in a very creative mood today so be sure to make the most of all that enthusiasm! It’s a great day for going shopping with a group of friends and stocking up on your wardrobe. You will be on fire with your fashion sense and able to dispense some excellent style tips! "
*SCREAM* NO! GOD NO! You just KNOW he's gonna show up in gold lame and pleather! PLEATHER! And one of those little felt berets that old beatniks wear. I say we lock all the doors and hide.
totally agreeing with you on that!! Please stop talking about grissom cheating on sara, we ve waited long enough for them to finally get together that cheating is NO option!! :mad: :D Cause dont forget we know that they are together but thats all!! We dont know since when, what finally brought the two together and how intense this relationship really is. Remember grissom could be a real a**hole sometimes and when i think of PWF when he let her down with the whole dinner thing i really could have slapped him in the face and dont get me wrong i really like his character!! Ive just seen s6 and one thought accured to me, just let me know what you think about that: What if in WTG sara and gris are together for the first time?! What if what happens with brass made him think that life is too short to let your dreams pass you bye so he decided to make a move ? I cant find any hints that they have been already a couple because in one episode sara teases gris with the notion "maybe some people shouldnt be together" and gris lookes a little bit shocked by her statement. Do you think that she would have said something like this to him when they are already together cause when i think of how she suffered of not being together with her beloved gris i cant imagine that she would say something like that when they already had been together ?! :confused: :confused:
He can't make any pronouncements since his Daddy privileges have been revolked. He has to shut up and sit in the corner whilst we celebrate. You just KNOW it's gonna turn out that you and I will be getting drunk off our asses playing our drinking game and squealing every time Grissom so much as glances at Sara, and he'll be going "Shut UP, I'm trying to HEAR!!!!" We'll set the dogs on him.

So shall it be typ'd, so shall it be done.

And I don't get "drunk", I get "spirited".

Yes. Mmmmmm, Mr. Hazel-eyes. *strokes his hazel eyes that aren't really hazel* I was also stalking Dr. Shuriyu before she could stalk me. HA! I WON, SHURI! I WON! I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS! CLOSET GSR! ADMIT IT!

They're probably an ugly grey color and I hate him anyway.

Oh shut up, you had no idea until sidlreiana mentioned it. Don't try to steal her cool factor.

No one can steal Sid's cool factor. It's unstealable. She's got, like, one of them little white buttons on her cool factor, so when I try to leave her cool store, the cool alarm goes off.

*SCREAM* NO! GOD NO! You just KNOW he's gonna show up in gold lame and pleather! PLEATHER! And one of those little felt berets that old beatniks wear. I say we lock all the doors and hide.

Other than his "date" leather jacket, which he doesn't even wear anymore and I imagine he probably would've removed leather and suede from his closet now that he's dating Sara anyway, if Grissom ever wore pleather, I would leave the ship, guys. The Mr. Rogers sweater beats pleather any day.

lol @ cheating not being an option. Guys, when ratings are involved, cheating is always an option.

But I do not, and I'll say this again, I do NOT think that either one of them would grow tired of the other and have some long-term affair. Like I said, I think that any attempt at "cheating" would be more like one of them walking in on something perfectly harmless and assuming the worst.

And both Grissom and Sara have huge jealous streaks - Grissom basically pouting like an infant after he finds out Sara's been dating, and assigns her on her day off halfway across town when Nick wanted her case...

And Sara is watchful of any woman near Grissom.

So while I don't think they would cheat, I think they're both very likely to jump to the wrong conclusions.


Um? Dudes. DUDES.

That's right. It's on the shelves.

"Tongue would cost more"

"Sure, Sara loves Grissom in the buff"

"Wouldn't having sex reinvigorate anyone? Especially if you're like Grissom, who probably hasn't had sex in ten years before Sara"

-- Which suggests 2 things: one, he really didn't believe that Grissom "did it" in LHB, and he's implying he doesn't buy the San Fran or the "early seasons" crap either.

I can't believe they actually asked the shirtless question.

And they answered my question :D
gsrhappyending said:
Ive just seen s6 and one thought accured to me, just let me know what you think about that: What if in WTG sara and gris are together for the first time?! What if what happens with brass made him think that life is too short to let your dreams pass you bye so he decided to make a move ?
Although you do have some good reasons for thinking it may be their first time - it just feels too comfortable for me to believe that. They are too at ease with one another.
gsrhappyending said:
I cant find any hints that they have been already a couple
The "eye-sex" scene at the end of TOYD is very *knowing*. It felt as though they were exchanging looks based on an existing relationship rather than flirting before a potential one.
gsrhappyending said:
because in one episode sara teases gris with the notion "maybe some people shouldnt be together" and gris lookes a little bit shocked by her statement. Do you think that she would have said something like this to him when they are already together cause when i think of how she suffered of not being together with her beloved gris i cant imagine that she would say something like that when they already had been together ?! :confused: :confused:
I'll admit that when I first saw WTG I felt that the scene suggested that had been together for a while but I could not see it having been for more than a month of two because of certain scenes, including the one you mention above. (from DLG) However, various discussions on this thread have be considering the possibility that they have been together all year. In which case, it's possible to read the scene from DLG where Sara says "I guess some people shouldn't be together" as an "in-joke" for Warrick's benefit. Warrick was also present in the room and is well aware of the feelings Gris and Sara have for one another but would be unaware of any relationship. Sara's line could be a gentle dig at the time it took Gris to get over his fear and do something about his feelings. At the same time, to Warrick's ears it sounds as if Sara is putting Gris down for not doing anything about their situation whilst actually there is something going on - a bluff of sorts. Gris may look shocked because they are in a relationship and so he doesn't get why he's being picked on.
Maybe. It's one interpretation - I'm open to others.

Of course, my first thought when I saw that scene was "since when has rust been an element?" I mean, purlease, Gris would never make that mistake.

sarahvma said:
-- he's implying he doesn't buy the San Fran or the "early seasons" crap either.
All I got was a picture when I clicked on that link (and after I registered) so I'm confused as to the references below the link. I feel I may be missing something. And what is this "San Fran and early seasons crap"? I am in the dark - please enlighten me. Cheers.
Sorry, YTDAW seems to have gone down. That picture was from the much-awaited all-GSR CSI article in TV Guide. There's a front cover with the two of them, that picture, and then an article that asked them all kinds of questions.

Mine, the one about fan reaction, was the first to get answered (yay to me. lol)

They also asked questions about Grissom's beard, the shirt, and the hat.

They asked Jorja if she wanted to do a Lady Heather episode, and they asked Billy if he still felt that LH was his soul mate.

They asked if Grissom felt he had betrayed entomologists...

and a lot of other really good questions. The ridiculous ones got beat down pretty easily, so that was good.

Anyway - a great article, and the two actors seem really comfortable with each other.

When YTDAW comes back online, I'll link you to the rest.


Especially shippy parts:

1) WP says that Grissom wearing that shirt with Sara is the equivelant of anyone wearing their hair down - he's with her because he trusts her
2) His answer to why he turned down Sara in PWF was rather vague, but I don't think he knew that that was the exact scene they were referring to, but at the end of it, it kind of came off as "Grissom doesn't always know what he wants, and he's scared of changing his life."
3) WP says he'd still like to have a kiss, but "tongue would cost more"
4) Jorja wants to do a scene with Lady Heather
wow congrats sarah!! i'm RUNNING to buy it after my tennis practice. i'm SO FREAKIN' excited!!! ohhhhhhhhh!!!! *seriously DIES* go GSR!

Warrick was also present in the room and is well aware of the feelings Gris and Sara have for one another but would be unaware of any relationship. Sara's line could be a gentle dig at the time it took Gris to get over his fear and do something about his feelings. At the same time, to Warrick's ears it sounds as if Sara is putting Gris down for not doing anything about their situation whilst actually there is something going on - a bluff of sorts. Gris may look shocked because they are in a relationship and so he doesn't get why he's being picked on.
gotta admit, i like your interpretation a lot. it really fits. i guess this is what i'm gonna think when i'll be rewatching this episode. great thinking csi_fan_uk
They used TWO of my questions in the TVGuide Article! I am on cloud nine and must rush out to buy that thing, now! I can't believe it! I'm stoked, I'm surprised! I'm in GSR heaven!

Here is my original wording from the TVGuide page:

"Does the fan response to this new relationship ever shock you?"


"If you do not already know, which character do you think will be the first to discover Grissom and Sara's hidden romance?"

It's great to see that Geek Love is finally getting not just a little attention, but a lot. There are a few new pictures in there, and I'm so stoked they used two of my questions! EEE! EEE! Forgive me while I EEE!
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