Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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I totally agree with you. Its high time to show another side from grissom, I want to learn more about his private life, his family background, what does he hope for, what are his dreams, where does he see himself in acouple of years, what does he fear, love etc....Nearly six years of mysterious, thoughtfully, sometimes rude and *living in his own little world which noone can really share or isnt aloud to enter* grissom is enough, in my opinion. I think its high time for the ice to melt.
H.E.C.K. N.O.

Adzix, are you really going to argue with Ziggy? Who might be sick? Is that the kind of person you've chosen to be, Adzix? For shame.

Remember when mystery asked us if we would be okay with the idea that Grissom and Sara were already together? As if she were doing a poll, or testing the waters? Gibby just asked if we would be okay with Sara and Grissom having been together for longer than a year at YTDAW in much the same way. Again, I repeat: she seems very positive about what TPTB are doing with GSR, and they did make a point of really ripping the Doctor's speech to shreads (though no word on what's still there, however, again, I'm hopeful)... but she also says that she doesn't believe "being together" and "sex" are the same thing when it comes to what she's talking about. Again, and I really hope they don't challenge this, I can't accept anything before Nesting Dolls. At the most I can accept that Grissom made a move, realized that it was definitely the wrong time, backed off and kind of used his dinner invitation as a cover for Ecklie thinking Sara was sleeping her way back into her job. But Nesting Dolls, if you want to say "When did they rebuild their friendship and/or when did something first happen?" is the earliest. Because Snakes wasn't that much earlier, and it was essentially being declared that nothing had happened yet.
I agree, i dont think that much has happened at all so far. ND is the earliest for me too. grissom was there for her but they didnt look like lovers, they looked like they were both sorry for not being together but noone could say that out loud. Because Sara would have needed more than just grissom holding her hands. She would have needed a warm embrace and cuddling. They both knew that. So i believe ND was one of the first steps in the right direction but not more than that. Grissom just opended up a little bit but its a long way from there to being a lover.
Its high time to show another side from grissom, I want to learn more about his private life, his family background, what does he hope for, what are his dreams, where does he see himself in acouple of years, what does he fear, love etc....Nearly six years of mysterious, thoughtfully, sometimes rude and *living in his own little world which noone can really share or isnt aloud to enter* grissom is enough, in my opinion. I think its high time for the ice to melt.
i only partly agree with y'all on this let's-get-to-know-grissom thing though. don't get me wrong, you won't find another person more willing to better know him than me, but IMO he can't reveal all of that so instantly. it will kill some of his "mysterious glow" around him, and the character won't be that intriguing as we find him now. i am more for a still very slow unleashment (is that a word?) of his personality, keeping the present pace.

i am not saying that the real Gil Grissom wouldn't be intriguing but this character is in fact very much based on what we DON'T know about him + his quirks. as i said, i'd LOVE to know more about him, but not too much and not too fast.
Adzix, are you really going to argue with Ziggy? Who might be sick? Is that the kind of person you've chosen to be, Adzix? For shame.
*puts tail between legs* but, but *whines* she started it, yo!
In truth, the Emmy's were really, really dull. Stephen Colbert, John Stuart, Conan O'Brian and a guy who had a list of all the people he did not want to thank were the only highlights.
HEY. Aren't you forgetting someone? *coughs and points to icon* *glares at Sarah*

But okay, with all these spoilers coming out that are kicking the shit out of everything I believed and thought was plausible? Yeah, I'm getting past the point where I'm annoyed at it and am simply arriving at the stage where I just have to succumb to whatever they say is canon and without-argument accept it as canon.

Sar, did you mean to make a pun with the whole happy/sappy anniversary thing? 'Cause I worry for you, whether it was intentional or not. As for the anniversary and timelines etc themselves - I'm really really glad the writers are being incredibly careful with GSR and not squandering it etc., as you say. I'm so glad they have great respect for this storyline - because it's almost seemed that for the past 6 years, the only ones who did were RamGold and Billy and Jorja. I'm glad the rest have fallen in line :) (ps: I love that even the non-spoiled can see that smiley and are probably wondering what I've just said because of it)
I don't know. You don't log on for a few days and you post so much I can't keep up!

I think a bit of snogging went on in San Fran, nothing more. But if the first few episodes of Series 1 are anything to go by, Grissom was a bit of a slapper, or so it seemed to me... the kissing the lab tech up against the wall thing. That's what she wanted and he seemed humoured by the prospect! Therefore, if he was young free and single in San Fran, he might have chanced his arm with a young and ambitious Sara Sidle. Perhaps...

However, I do hope not. A little light flirting at most, please, TPTB!

I wonder if they'll do a reconstruction in flashback like when they put the cases together at the end?! THE MOMENT! This forum will explode if they do! Might be fun!
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Kay, so I totally agree with the "new side of Grissom" thing y'all have goin on. It's about damn time the man show uh-lot more emotion that he normally does. :p

Oh, and is anyone else excited about the FULL SEASON 6 RE-RUN ON LABOR DAY STARTING BRIGHT AND EARLY AT 9 AM??????
Cuz I sure as sugar am! :p
*stares blankly at screen*
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

I am glad that they're editing the speech! It was too long and like i said before they've been there and done that already, first with Lady Heather and then with Caprice! Anyways, was with the one year anniversary everyone is talking about over at ytdaw?? Are they going to mentioned in one of the episodes? And if they do mentioned some sort of timeline i'll be happy for it, even if they do decide to bring up what happend in San Francisco..although im more interested in when and how they started going out.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

I agree with you Jas mine I am to more intrested in when and how they started going out I am new to this tred but I am a GSR fan all the way but dont get me wrong I am kinda cururios on how they are got togetther!
Cant wait to see what happens!
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

I've heard that there will, at some point, be a romance scene between Grissom and Sara in Season 7. Did anyone else hear this or are people messing with me to get me all excited?? Lol.

Kay so, in the second episode on Spike TV this evening, I'd like to point out the way that Sara smiled at like...everything Grissom said while at the scene. She's such a flirt, it's not even funny. :p
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

I haven't heard if there will be "a lot more" romance, but I have heard that it seems as though the writers are REALLY trying to give us some answers about timeline and backstory right off the bat. Which does, of course, mean that we should get a good bit of geek interaction for this to happen, hopfully
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Wow. I haven't posted here in a a loong while. (but I have been lurking here and have read every single thing posted in the last two threads. ) So anyway...
I'm thinking that a timeline will be sort of revealed in the first several episodes because they have been together for about a year (from where I stand). In the new promo, it shows a quick clip of Sara wearing a necklace, that could have been given to her by Grissom...maybe for an anniversary gift? I mean when else does she wear jewelry to work?
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Wow a year!! :eek: I'll agree with you too. Well, i dont know about the necklace but Sara looks so much prettier (i think is the hair) not that she didnt look prettier before but she look good in the promo. Oh and so does Grissom... gah they make a hot couple :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Well, I asked and apparently Mystery has a theory that Sara helping Catherine and Sara being there for Greg after his assault will probably come into play when it comes time for people to have Sara's back. She essentially phrased it like she had a feeling that all of these favors she's doing will probably get repaid when necessary... and the other hint was that it would probably be circa GSR. Whether it be because Ecklie finds out and they lie for her, or that they find out and promise to keep it secret? I don't know. But Gibby and Mystery were VERY negative last year about the turn of GSR, even with the written Gum Drops scene, and now they don't seem that concerned. But yes, I asked and mystery said that it's "informed speculation". She's taking something she's heard and built on it. Apparently more will come from Gibby in the coming weeks. Either way - while I don't necessarily like the sound of GSR being outed this early, if they're positive (Mystery even flat-out refused to watch Pirates because she was really starting to hate the turn the writers were giving GSR) I think I have less and less to worry about.
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