i think if anything would've happened in IE, it would cross out all the "we are profs and we don't let our emotions rule our bodies when we examine evidence" behavior, which characterized Gris and Sara all the time before. i think we would see them being sorry about what happened and feeling awkward afterwards. mostly b/c they didn't talk about it before anything happened. it would be very unprofessional and besides anyone could've cought them, the door were open. and i wouldn't be so sure that someone didn't see them there. remember the whole chalk - The Accused Is Entitled thing? someone saw the chalk scene and interpreted it. how on earth did that attorney find out about it??who've seen it??? and it was somewhere on the back of the house, not in the room the middle of the lab with open door and glass walls. it's possible that someone from the team or a police officer saw chalk scene, overtalked about it and it became a rumour (the "history" thing in 11 Angry Jurors i think). it wouldn't be hard to figure it out when you're an attorney wandering around the lab, listening to eveything and looking for anything unproffesional. i don't see any other way she could've figured it out. so, if something would've happened in IE (another similar case to TAIE, don't you think? high - profile, uncertainity, special conditions, court testimonies), it would be really ..uhh.. just not like Grissom and Sara. i really wouldn't like it to happen this way, even though i know how much i'd love a single scene like that, ending with a kiss. but it would be just too OCC, and the later results wouldn't be worth that one moment. besides, everyone would know they're together, there is NO way no one wouldn't see them. that's why i also think someone saw them there in real IE. and i think there might be rumours we don't know of going on for a long time.