Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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that moment is before everything sarah, right? geee, i don't know. well, the most obvious thing is that he was protective but it's kinda without sense, greg's a friend. so maybe he showed his dissaproval to Greg's immature behavior, and his look says "I would never do THAT with a pillow".

or he thinks that after ND, after HE found out about sara's past and greg doesn't know, he is supposed to defend her from jokes like that, from people who doesn't know although don't mean to say something wrong. maybe he was just making sure greg won't go too far with that.
Yeah - that moment comes in about a quarter of the way through the episode - maybe a half. But definitely before anything really happens to her.

However, I think Grissom IS aware that the assylum is nervewracking for Sara, even if he doesn't understand why just yet.

And so that, combined with the Nesting Dolls backstory, and the fact that he recently heard that they showered together, I can see how he would essentially be mixing jealousy with a general sense of posession and protection...

However, how much of each is the part that's really hard to crack.
I've never really understood what his emotion is for that part in Committed. I own the episode on DVD, and I think on the commentary it says that he's a bit jealous.

I think it's more of being protective than being jealous.
I don't remember that section of commentary - did anyone happen to make a transcript or something of any of the commentaries? I know that omaetoy usually puts snippets on her site.
okay, is it so weird i voted for invisible evidence? :confused: i voted for that, cause they both didn't really knew what they were doing.. that would have been sooo spontaneous, if they'd started kissing and making out... ;)
I think that Invisible Evidence was probably, before Time of Your Death or Way to Go, the closest we came to a "Oh my god, they're going to do it right there" moment.

It was well-charged, and I do wish they'd held that final moment a little longer, but apparently JF said that she really disliked the idea of Sara flirting where someone had been killed.
i was really sorry for Sara when he turned her down in season three, with the 'going out' thing.. she WANTED him, and he just couldn't see it..
she didn't "want" him, greggoooo_fan she needed him.
this has been my 100th post!!! yay! *throws csi-themed confetti*
Angeldreams nice job- fantastic- and on this poll- don't get mad- but I dunno-could be all of the above-didn't pick this time- :( and on the living arrangements- we have to wait and see what the writers have in store - and besides the great CSI stories, I'd like to see of course more romance wth our "happy couple" and maybe see someone esle have something else going on- possibly Warrick and Cath--and they can double date or have dinner together at who's ever's place ;)

HAPPY-HAPPY cute foursome :p
i think if anything would've happened in IE, it would cross out all the "we are profs and we don't let our emotions rule our bodies when we examine evidence" behavior, which characterized Gris and Sara all the time before. i think we would see them being sorry about what happened and feeling awkward afterwards. mostly b/c they didn't talk about it before anything happened. it would be very unprofessional and besides anyone could've cought them, the door were open. and i wouldn't be so sure that someone didn't see them there. remember the whole chalk - The Accused Is Entitled thing? someone saw the chalk scene and interpreted it. how on earth did that attorney find out about it??who've seen it??? and it was somewhere on the back of the house, not in the room the middle of the lab with open door and glass walls. it's possible that someone from the team or a police officer saw chalk scene, overtalked about it and it became a rumour (the "history" thing in 11 Angry Jurors i think). it wouldn't be hard to figure it out when you're an attorney wandering around the lab, listening to eveything and looking for anything unproffesional. i don't see any other way she could've figured it out. so, if something would've happened in IE (another similar case to TAIE, don't you think? high - profile, uncertainity, special conditions, court testimonies), it would be really ..uhh.. just not like Grissom and Sara. i really wouldn't like it to happen this way, even though i know how much i'd love a single scene like that, ending with a kiss. but it would be just too OCC, and the later results wouldn't be worth that one moment. besides, everyone would know they're together, there is NO way no one wouldn't see them. that's why i also think someone saw them there in real IE. and i think there might be rumours we don't know of going on for a long time.
Ok, for the poll it took me awhile to make a decision. Im pretty much happy with the way everything turned out, but there are a few things that i think could have happened differently.

The peverted side of me wanted to chose "TOYD, Desk sex" but you know, there were people around and that is just a whole HBO special.

I thought about chosing Nesting Dolls, but then I realized, if Grissom would have made a move, it would have only been because she was hurting, not because it was spontaneous. His reaction in ND was good enough for me.

So finally I picked Committed. I remember waiting for this episode the minute i saw the preview because I thought there was going to be a very BIG GSR scene where Gris would hug, kiss, or do something with Sara because of her being threatened and him staring at her (in the preview). I was kind of disappointed that he sort of was just acting like a boss, I mean, he his her boss, but the man loves her deep down. I could have gone for a hug or something more compationate. I was, however, satisfied by their eye contact when he saw her threatened.

So enough of my rambling. Anyone know if Billy really is shaven? I know they are filming in Vegas and I was wondering if anyone knows or went down down there to see. Thanks!
Oh, desertwind, I was really rooting for you, there!

It's the middle of the night over here now, but I got up, because once, just once, I want to be bantering with live people about this rather than posting and having to wait til morning!

I voted for WTG, because that is the one and only time the relationship became canon and so it couldn't have happened at any other time. One, gentle, little kissette. The opportunity was there but they keep us hanging on to consumate it!

I would have loved desk sex in ToYD (yeah, I'm a perv as well!) but it was out of context. We only had suggestion there too. They weren't together officially. Our dirty minds read into it. :lol: ! I think Grissom was definitely impaled on the table, there, though :devil: !!
I agree, Adzix - Invisible Evidence was probably the worst time things could've gotten started. We had the beginnings of Sara's detachment, Grissom was still be so interoverted he couldn't even see what his feelings were for Sara (I feel that that's what Butterflied had been for him - a fullscale examination of how he felt) and they were both overworked and snapping at each other earlier. AND Sara had a promotion on the table.

But a lot of these are "Screw the circumstances - it would've been fun"
Since I obviously can't do it in a poll, I thought I'd gather some thoughts here - how many people think that Grissom's upcoming leave of absence will be beacuse his relationship with sara is found out, and how many think it will just be a self-decided breather?
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