Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

for the poll, i've put the first answer. i REALLY doubt that he guessed who they truly are after looking at them for 20 seconds. he couldn't do that that early, even if he saw Grissom looking at Sara once. i think he figured them out later, but i guess there'll be another poll on that.

Well, I was watching it last night, and after he says it to Sara, his eyes drift to Grissom who was watching them with a slight tinge of jealousy and then very roughly says, "I get it."

So it's possible that it was a litmus test. And, depending on how you see it, he either passed or failed. lol.

Either way - I hadn't noticed it the first time, but he is kind of hitting on Sara, or at least suggesting something about her sexual tendencies, and Grissom shuts him down.

As for Sara not being pretty - I have to say that whenever Jorja goes to award shows and so forth she always looks gorgeous, but I too remember thinking in that episode that it wasn't her best look, so... *shrugs*.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ok ok, the outfit Sara wears in TOYD is kinda ugly, and I agree that they dress Sara somehwere between hippy/homely. Jorja looks best in pinks and whites, and they always put Sara in greens and blacks. Alas, though, nothing can take away her naturally beauty!! You only need to look at my avatar (which, btw, I just added because I finally reached my 100th post!! YEAH!)

<looks around, noting that this is the GSR thread not the Sara Jorja thread> So, to keep on topic, Viva la GSR!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

ok ok, the outfit Sara wears in TOYD is kinda ugly, and I agree that they dress Sara somehwere between hippy/homely. Jorja looks best in pinks and whites, and they always put Sara in greens and blacks. Alas, though, nothing can take away her naturally beauty!! You only need to look at my avatar (which, btw, I just added because I finally reached my 100th post!! YEAH!)

<looks around, noting that this is the GSR thread not the Sara Jorja thread> So, to keep on topic, Viva la GSR!

Something tells me they'll be dressing her more girlish this year. I think the wardrobe will have fun with the fact that she and Grissom are now in love.

Though actually last year they were doing stuff like that - like that godforsaken hat or Sara's longer hair.

Whether it was WP's choice or the wardrobe staff, either way besides the fact that they thought it would be hilarious, it is kind of a signal of Grissom getting back that quirky energy he had pre-hearing loss days.

Either way, though - I found it funny that during the now-famous Eye Sex scene, Sara has very neutral, pretty make-up and "suddenly" they seem to know how to dress, light and make her up.

Either way - I was hoping that I'd get something out of a proper re-watch of that episode and that it would correlate with the idea of them already being together and luckily it does.

That scene, you realize, from Grissom, isn't nervousness that Caprice is detecting his feelings, but rather annoyance and jealousy. On Sara's side there's some nervousness, but I think for the both of them, that final scene is them looking like "Are we that easy to read?"
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:

Something tells me they'll be dressing her more girlish this year. I think the wardrobe will have fun with the fact that she and Grissom are now in love.

Whether it was WP's choice or the wardrobe staff, either way besides the fact that they thought it would be hilarious, it is kind of a signal of Grissom getting back that quirky energy he had pre-hearing loss days.

That scene, you realize, from Grissom, isn't nervousness that Caprice is detecting his feelings, but rather annoyance and jealousy. On Sara's side there's some nervousness, but I think for the both of them, that final scene is them looking like "Are we that easy to read?"

i like your vision about the clothing ;)
and the last paragraph i think the same . :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the TOYD poll, I picked the 1st one too.. for the reasons everyone has mentioned ^_^
Might I add how much I loved this episode, just cause of the GSR interaction! It was so awesome and so sweet, them looks at the end *yay* I was saying to my sis, how it's so obvious they are together from the looks, and she was like, yeah I know, it makes me laugh with the obviousness (she aint a ship fan of any sort) but noticed :D

Ohh and I happen to really like the clothes she wore in that episode, made her look weally perdy :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I like the clothes that Sara wears. Sure they are dark but... *looks down at the black shirt and black pants that I'm wearing* ... well, maybe I just.. like dark clothing.

lol. Well, I don't want Sara to come to her job, as a SCIENTIST, and wearing a pink mini-skirt and a BRIGHT pink tube top. Duude... She's a SCIENTIST!

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I agree. I also like the way she dresses. But I tend to dress in a similar manner so I guess I'm biased. :lol: And for the poll I chose option 1. I don't think he necessarily saw anything.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:

Something tells me they'll be dressing her more girlish this year. I think the wardrobe will have fun with the fact that she and Grissom are now in love.
I agree - what you wear can sometimes have an inpact on how you feel and vice versa. I think that we are gonna see Sara looking differently. Maybe not "girlish," but softer somehow. (You know, like she' gettin' some.) Aww, I brought it there . . . .
Though actually last year they were doing stuff like that - like that godforsaken hat or Sara's longer hair.

The hat needs to be stolen from CSI wardrobe and destroyed. It reminds me of my grandpa sittin on the porch and sipping ice tea. But . . .
Whether it was WP's choice or the wardrobe staff, either way besides the fact that they thought it would be hilarious, it is kind of a signal of Grissom getting back that quirky energy he had pre-hearing loss days.

I agree with this and like that it shows Grissom is getting back to his quirkiness, but I wish TPTB could find a different way to show this. Imagine if her wore the hat and the WTG shirt at the same time!!! <must refer back to the title of this thread>
Either way, though - I found it funny that during the now-famous Eye Sex scene, Sara has very neutral, pretty make-up and "suddenly" they seem to know how to dress, light and make her up.
Yeah, sometimes Sara isn't done up to her potential (i.e. red lipstick, black top eyeliner, and the haircut from season 5), but lately its like they are making her look much softer and natural, which is really bringing out her natural beauty. The eye sexage at the end of TOYD and the end of WTG are both scenes where she looks amazing. And, obviously in love!

When I watched TOYD again last night, it was SO OBVIOUS that something was going on. I mean, normally we would get this one look or one liners, but it was just full on "I want you" vibes in every scene they had together. Did anyone else notice that it was kinda crammed in at the end though? The last 20 mins was like "ok, wrap up the ep, but get on with the GSR!!"

Oh, and I know this has been pointed out a million times, but I wanted to say that I love the part where Nick is showing the team the jewelry, and we catch Grissom looking at Sara. What was he thinking?? Fanfic material.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the poll i picked the third option..."He saw Grissom staring at the girls for a moment, caught his looks...". Although there was a moment were Caprice looks directly at Sara when he say "in control" i dont think no one is really in control in their relationship.

As for Sara's wardrobe im not really a fan of it . I mean is not bad or ugly in any way is just that IMO she has a pretty body and i just think that she needs to show it off more once in a while. Maybe Catherine can help her in that situation. I think that TPTB should dress her more like Catherine. But i think that the only reason they dress both of the only girls in CSI so differently is becasue of their past. Catherine was a dancer so thats why i guess they dress her more sexy, as for Sara she was a geek and graduated from Havard so they dress her more geeky and conservative. (i can go on an on about the way that they dress but it will be off topic so ....) :cool:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I like the clothes that Sara wears. Sure they are dark but... *looks down at the black shirt and black pants that I'm wearing* ... well, maybe I just.. like dark clothing.

lol. Well, I don't want Sara to come to her job, as a SCIENTIST, and wearing a pink mini-skirt and a BRIGHT pink tube top. Duude... She's a SCIENTIST!


It's not the colors or the type of clothing. In Compulsion she had on this black turtleneck and she looked really beautiful. I just kind of feel like they pick clothes that don't always fit her figure that well.

But also, Jorja looks really pretty in brights. I know that isn't Sara's look, but still...

I agree - what you wear can sometimes have an inpact on how you feel and vice versa. I think that we are gonna see Sara looking differently. Maybe not "girlish," but softer somehow. (You know, like she' gettin' some.) Aww, I brought it there . . . .

lol. Yeah, and just because they may have had something all year, now that it's out in the open I think they'll make it much more obvious. And little things like that are something they can have fun with.

Oh, and I know this has been pointed out a million times, but I wanted to say that I love the part where Nick is showing the team the jewelry, and we catch Grissom looking at Sara. What was he thinking?? Fanfic material.

I believe it was Alyssa who said that his general POV was, "Necklace boring. I'd rather look at her".

However, I think Lavrisneau (I totally butchered that) wrote a fic basically doing just that called Carte Blanche. It's en peu risque, so you'll have to search for it in

But it's very good.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i have to admit that i liked how sara looked in the last eps of S6. i'm not the biggest fan of her wardrobe either, but i think it's getting better every season. i really didn't like her gaudy or sleeveless shirts. IMO she looks way better in suits, dressed more formally, like a businesswoman in a way.

ETA: yeeppee, i'm CSI Level ONE now :D :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:

Oh, and I know this has been pointed out a million times, but I wanted to say that I love the part where Nick is showing the team the jewelry, and we catch Grissom looking at Sara. What was he thinking?? Fanfic material.

I believe it was Alyssa who said that his general POV was, "Necklace boring. I'd rather look at her".

I think that Grissom was thinking, "I should have bought that for her..."

lol. Wow. I never thought that Sara's clothes would be something that we'd all talk about this much :p :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I just made my 1000th post. *uber proug* Now I'm a pathologist! w00t!

Anyway. I really don't want Sara to start dressing like a frigging GIRL. I think that would suck. Sara looks fantastic in her tomboy gear. That's one of the thinks I really loved about her character; the huge tomboy thing she has going on. I much prefer it to Catherine's "sexy" tight pants and lowcut shirts. I hope they don't start having Sara wear like... pink ruffled blouses and hoop skirts. With bows in her hair. That might just make me VOMIT.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Well, I didn't mean that all of the sudden Sara needed to be walking around in Juicy jeans with crop-tops and her red T-bar showing.

Simply that they needed to stop outfitting her exclusively from the Gap's shapeless collection.

She's one of the few people on the planet who can pull off, like, bright orange.

Besides - they did purposefully put her in a really girly little kimono robe for the last scene, which kind of suggests that they think Sara does have a girly side to her.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Juicy jeans with crop-tops and her red T-bar showing.
Say WHAT? Juicy? T-bar? Girl, you make no sense.

*I* can pull off bright orange. All with my Clockwork Orange tshirt.

I think that you're right about the no-shapeless collection stuff. You know what I'd like? I'd like to see her in KINKY LINGERIE in front of Grissom. Doing a table dance. I would enjoy that. I guess that would have to happen on CSI's twin show; CSI:HBO.

Yeah, that girly kimono sucked. I have a really nice kimono that is not girly at all. She needs to take warddrobe hints from me. Obviously.
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