Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

new poll, my new choices :D
firstly, i went with answer no.3, though i think either one of those is equally possible.
secondly, i voted the answer no.2 b/c i think she wanted to clarify that they exagerated what she said, and she did it even more fiercely b/c Grissom was there, and i doubt that they talked about marriage already. they don't know what the other think so sara was careful with the "wedding-topic" near Grissom.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sorry i forget voted in the poll, well my voted for the first part is "They've discussed it off-screen, not necessarily for themselves, but just kind of trading ideas."
and the second
"She wanted to clarify because she really didn't mean to be so overly harsh, but she probably wouldn't have done so if Grissom wasn't there "
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I voted 1 on the first poll and 2 on the second poll.

Question 1: I think that they both know random facts and information, and this just happens to be another subject that they both know about. I don't think they had ever had a conversation about it, because that would be too close to a wedding discussion.

Question 2: It appeared to me that Sara was a little off/nervous when she said "I am not anti-wedding, I am anti-stupid," suggesting that she was a little uncomfortable. Maybe because she was saying it to make sure Grissom knew she wasn't anti-marriage? I just got the sense that she wouldn't have bothered to clarify if Grissom wasn't in the room.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Reeble said:
Here's Gangsta Gris with some birthday wishes.
That is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I am laughing so hard, I am crying. I am laughing so hard I'm afraid I'm going to throw up. I was LITERALLY rolling on the floor laughing. Thanks, by the way. My birthday was yesterday too... you know, why didn't I tell anybody? Well, whatever. I evidently share a birthday with MissDee. I'm so happy. <squeal>
I'm with Sidlreiana on both polls- it would not surprise me in the least if, while eating dinner at Grissom's favorite calamari restaurant, they had this conversation about marriage, and, like... oh hell!
<talking about marital customs>
Sara: Maybe. I don't know. Don't really care, I don't normally think about marriage.
Grissom: Really? Are you thinking about it now?
Sara: Well, yeah, sometimes the word just slips into my head when you draw near- I mean, yeah, because we were talking about it. And. Stuff. What about you, do you ever think about marriage?
Grissom: Yeah. I actually already bought the ring- I mean, ummmm...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any


AWWWWW at the scenario.

I think that Sara is kind of the result of people brought up in her generation. Raised by people who were teens in the 60's and 70's, (though perhaps not HER parents, but I mean teachers and other parents and foster parents and so on) there's just less and less of an ideal of marriage.

It's sort of like what you should do rather than what you must do, but at the same time when you hit a certain age, it becomes "there must be something wrong with you if you aren't married", which is probably what Sara is opposed to.

She was saying that the idea of marriage is one that people don't properly understand and in fact, a lot of it is still very outdated and sexist - she's right. You essentially are being told that you go from being your father's daughter to your husband's wife.

I attended a very Christian wedding ceremony in October, however I noted that the reverend would say things like "She is to obey her husband... but Chris is also supposed to respect and love his wife..." like it was clear he was adding these things on for equality.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hahaha awesome scenario Crysthala

I was going to say something that had actual meaning and had a purpose and was interesting... but I forgot what I was going to say. It's really bugging me too.

Does anyone else agree that the spoilers are evil? I haven't looked at them, toughest thing I've ever done in my life.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the first poll, I picked the first option. I think that while they just like being informed and absorbing information, it is nice to note that the two really have studied up on the same things and that their interests and their memories are quite parallel.

For the second poll I picked the second option (haha) because I do think that Sara wanted to clarify her point: she was tired of the traditions being misunderstood or people getting married for the sake of getting married. I imagine she probably wouldn't have brought this up with Warrick around. However, once Grissom was there, she did want to clarify it, but I thought there was something kind of blushing in the manner in which she did.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I am posting this on my sister's behalf ( I am not a GSR shipper)
She reckons this should be called "Sail"
Because... SAra gIL
take out the lower case you get Sail. :confused: don't ask, her idea, not mine. :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I am posting this on my sister's behalf ( I am not a GSR shipper)
She reckons this should be called "Sail"
Because... SAra gIL
take out the lower case you get Sail. don't ask, her idea, not mine.

lol. Well, I guess that's appropriate, considering the idea of "shipping"

I think the reason we probably never thought of it is that ships usually form on what the two sides call each other. Sara, to my knowledge, has never called him Gil and I notice that the majority of GSR shippers don't either.

Ooh, question: do we call Grissom Grissom subconsciously because Sara does?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For first poll i picked the third option. For the second one i went for the first option. Because although Grissom was in the room i dont think that she is totally againts marriage like she said she is just "anti-stupid". Which by the way makes a lot of sense.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i don't know why we call him Grissom not Gil. i would actually call him "Grissom" if i was working with him. maybe cause most of the people call him like that. most young people. as far as i recall only Brass, Cath and Doc sometimes refer to him as "Gil".

i was thinking about a situation when the shift ended and there is actually no one else left in the lab but Grissom and Sara. she is looking under the microscope and he approaches silently from the back, puts his hands on the table on both sides of her and comes close kissing her on the neck or somewhere. and then catherine comes back to the lab cause she forgot something and sees G/S through the window from the corridor and opens her mouth in disbelief! i wonder what would she do! i would really like to see that :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahvma said:

Ooh, question: do we call Grissom Grissom subconsciously because Sara does?

lol. Maybe it's because everytime someone would say 'Gilbert' we'd laugh cause it sounds like a fish. Grissom sounds so much cooler :p

I finally found out what I was going to say... lol wow. Anyway, in the first episode, Grissom hugs Holly after she goes into a room of dead bodies. (hehe, cute scene). So Gil knew Holly for about.. maybe two hours and he hugged her.

Well, it's been six years and Sara and Grissom have never hugged. They even knew each other before Grissom asked Sara to come to Vegas, and they've never hugged. Why not?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i don't know why we call him Grissom not Gil. i would actually call him "Grissom" if i was working with him. maybe cause most of the people call him like that. most young people. as far as i recall only Brass, Cath and Doc sometimes refer to him as "Gil".

I remember in the first episode that Warrick called him "Gil" but since then it seems like the "anyone who hasn't known him for at least 20 years must refer to him by his surname" rule. lol.

It could also be because Grissom sounds better than Gil.

Grissom sounds kind of cool. Gil conjures images of the bespectacled kid in the back of your class who always needed to wipe his nose or something.

I don't know. Maybe I went to weird schools.

i was thinking about a situation when the shift ended and there is actually no one else left in the lab but Grissom and Sara. she is looking under the microscope and he approaches silently from the back, puts his hands on the table on both sides of her and comes close kissing her on the neck or somewhere. and then catherine comes back to the lab cause she forgot something and sees G/S through the window from the corridor and opens her mouth in disbelief! i wonder what would she do! i would really like to see that

Yeah, I thought you were going to go somewhere further with that. lol.

Hmmm... I see a greater possibility being a scenario like this:

it's the end of shift and Grissom and Sara are in the kitchen talking or something. Making dinner, who knows?

They kind of kiss casually, and as she does, Catherine comes into his apartment without knocking to discuss something from earlier.

The only reason I suggest this one is because I would hope that they wouldn't let themselves get caught during work.

But who knows? Like you said, the idea is that the lab is pretty much dead for the night.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i think Gilbert is SO SWEET! SO. SWEET. :D :D he would blush or give the Grissom-look if anyone called him like that!especially Sara! that would be so great! :D ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, how i love to see him a little sheepish, that's just too sweet!!remember the scene from Table Stakes when Brass asks if the killers were "cought in the act" and looks at him??? his expression should be in the end of the Mastercard commercial. just O.M.G. *faints*
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