Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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I´m sure Grissom would probably go all silent and wouldn´t say anything, while sarah would say too much!(as usuall!)
Naaahhh he´d probably change the subject really fast, or just leave...
You mean this one? ;)

You mean this one? ;)


lol :Dforensicgirl yeah this one is good but i was thinking about another one, before sara was speaking with grissom , when she standed up and let brass with adam's mother......but thanks anyway forensicgirl :lol:
ah, I know what you mean now...


Isn't symmetry a wonderful thing? :D

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh exactly that one ;) thanks forensicgirl :cool: always have a symmetry between them (clothes, position etc :rolleyes:)
Did someone say symmetry?


I love that cap. I never noticed in the episode until I saw the picture. *long fangirl sigh* :p

Also, a cap from "A Bullet Runs Through It, PT. 2"

Nice View, Sara
Wow, I love this picture! It's beautiful, because they're so close and talk about personal space violation! :D

It almost summarises their relationship, in a way. Close, but never allowed to cross the invisible boundary between them.


As for the other pic... :devil: That's all I'm gonna say. I'll bet Griss asked her on purpose, so she could get a good look... :D
Tee Hee, Aggie, I am actually surprised he didn't put her on the ladder so he could get a good look. Well maybe if she had a skirt on he may have done that..but Sara isn't really the skirt kinda gal. Doesn't really fit the job. :devil: :devil:
And what kinda of job would you be talking about LS :devil: I'm totally talking about forensics, I swear ;)

Wow, I was just wondering if we wrote CSI our way, how messed up it would be. Hmm, lets see.

1. It would be required of the CSI's to wear nothing but a smile.

2. For Grissom and Sara to get their weekly session in the closet, complete with duct tape and whatever else we decided to throw in there.

3. Every morning before filming, everyone would be required to bring a plate of cookies for all members of the gutter

Hmm..can't think of anything else. What do you guys think? If we could play god for a while, what rules would you make? :devil:
lol. hmmm... somehow I think one of my requests wouldn't go over so well with the moderators, so...

I dunno. Even if GSR happens (which, of course, it will, so I should way "when") I think they'll keep it pretty fluff-lite, which actually is good for our wicked gutter-minds because we get to fill in everything off-camera.

Also, I think it would be completely against canon for them to go from being highly professional with some PSV's and mild flirting to kissing and pillow talking and cuddling on-screen. Not that I don't want to see this, but for the format of the show and what they aim for... I just don't think it would work. But again - more fun for us!

Are there any GSR-type spoilers for this Thursday?
Gosh you guys have been busy in the past few days. I had a lot of reading to catch up on.

I cant imagine (well actually I can, and I do a lot) CSI with too much lovey-dovey stuff. I wish they would give us a bit more for the whole GSR thing, because you know us they give us and inch and we go a mile. I feel like I'm not getting my moneys worth since "Bite Me." after 5 full seasons my patience is running a bit thin.
Well, now we all know why Grissom took Sara into that alley - so he could show her the effects his new 'Buns of Steel' video was having...


And I think she was definitely enjoying the view :D

Reebs, I like your plan - "If we were in charge of CSI"... hmm, well obviously Grissom and Sara would become my personal sex-slaves. Oh, that's a bit greedy isn't it... :devil:

If we were in charge, the entire team's new mission would be to get Grissom and Sara together and lock Ecklie away in a very small room -or maybe in a suitcase :devil: - so that he couldn't do anything about it. Crime scenes would merely become a plot device in the pursue of gutter activities :D

Hehehehehe... and you all know I'm kidding. As much as we like to joke, we all know that what we love about GSR is the small, subtle moments, the glances, the smiles, the PSVs - so we'd have all that, only A LOT more often and with A LOT more forward momentum for our geeks in terms of their relationship. I'd eventually like to hear the patter of baby geeks feet before I'm too old to enjoy them ;) :lol:
I was watching Caged from season 2 again and the last dialogue between Grissom and the autistic guy intrigued me:

GRISSOM: (quietly) I like order.
AARON PRATT: Me, too. That's why I was scared.
GRISSOM: Scared?
AARON PRATT: Of Veronica. Of being in love . I was stupid. I thought she
loved me.
AARON PRATT: "Then must you speak of one that loved not wisely ...
GRISSOM: ... but too well."

Scared of being in love and lose control-it fits Grissom's character too well :devil:

Another favorite quote from this epi hehe:

GRISSOM: Aaron Pratt is a high-
functioning autistic man with superior right-brain ability.

NICK: Kind of sounds like you. :p :p
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