Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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I think they might be together, I mean it certainly is probable...i really hope they are together, but even if they aren´t they are getting along well, and that could lead to some drinks, and then maybe something else...(lot´s of gutterly thoughts that can´t be shared....this is PG13!!!!!)
Welcome angelika:) Hope you have fun here.

And GREAT work everyone! I love all the avys, comics, collages, pictures.. You guys have been quiet productive:).
Love, Love, LOVE IT!
Thanks for the heads up Forensicsgirl I will head over and read your next chapter. I have enjoyed following Infliction. I love your writings. They are always fantastic. Your rock.
hey angelika! hope you like it here, warm welcomes to you!

spoilers yum...

i heard that in the 6.12, i think, there will be the confrentation between nick and griss. now i know what you're thinking, probally because i'm thinking the same thing. grissom feals bad about not telling nick, and turns to sara to ask if he had a reason to do that. this of which turns into the confessions of love for eachother and kissiekissiekissie.

::falls into the gutter::

note thats not actually what the spoiler said, but thats what my head thinks, and i think it could be spicy! hehe

Beautifulview like that scenario indeed. I think Grissom is at the point to where he could turn to Sara and ask for her support and opinion. Would be nice if it would get him to confess to her his feelings. But here is my thought. If he is comfortable enough to talk to her about personal things that bother him then that is just another confirmation for us that they are so a couple and doing it. Tee Hee. :devil:
lol. Naturally trust and respect = sex.

Jeez, when did CSI turn into Days of Our Lives? This is our third big "confrontation" spoiler involving the infamous trio.

In actuality, though, I thought they balanced it well in ABRTI. Of course, if you were to believe a ship that remains unnamed, Gris was just being nice to Sara so that she doesn't clue into his secret relationship with another unnamed character.

Goes to show we can all spin things the way we like.

Saw The Hunger Artist and among many surprises (It's Rayanne from My So-Called Life! Cool!) I noticed that the line "I'm drawn to you" in the montage song played right as Grissom finds Sara at the scene. Shippy fun from the music guys at least.

This was right when the hearing issue was biggest and yet they make no effort to hide their mutual feelings here. This is also the "I've got a gal" episode... either way, it's fun watching GSR through the ages (I'm very, very new to CSI - I started after the Tarantino episode).

Although confident Grissom is good, there was something nice about a slightly vulnerable Grissom. Of course this deflated GSR, but just in terms of Mr. Petersen's acting chops (which I do take an axe to in my parody, but just for fun*) it shows off who should have been getting some nominations at least for a certain award show starting with E...

*Note about that: my friend and I joke that he is expressionless, which on the surface seems true, but Petersen knows how to work those baby blues to convey quite a bit of depth once you get past the unchanging face. It's a nice contrast to Jorja, who plays everything very front-and-center... opposites attract. ;)

maybe Grissom will turn to Sara but in this situation I can see him talking to Catherine about it more, I don't why but Grissom doesn't like talking or dealing with work stuff that isn't to do with a case...he will feel bad but I can see the scene very much being Grissom trying to explain himself but not finding the right words...Nick might actually talk to Sara though, they seem to be working together a lot this season.
I've just watched 6 ep. of CSI and:

1. 6x04: I love Brass' look when he asks Catherine, where Grissom is, or the whole scene with meteors.
Grissom is opening up a little bit, that whole talking about the pyramids :)

2. 6x05- was Sara the primary on this case? I thought Nick was, she was suppose to help him. But she was so firm, not to say sharp, when she talked to him. And Warrick called her with the lab results. Also Sara definitevely ignores Greg. And I don't mean not to flirt with him, I mean ignoring his all jokes. Very sharp women from our Sara :)
Dust print is getting to her??? No way....Although she kind of look as pregnant, I think, but I could be wrong.

3. 6x06- Dr. Grissom- resident entomologist...just wow!!!!! suit and all. I was always impressed by him and his knowledge from entomology.
Greg in field...nice also :) very handsome in this haircut.
Grissom ignores Sofia, and I don't mind, by Sara could be nicer to Greg, she practically raised him up as CSI.

6x07-08 - very nice eps. Poor Brass :(
Grissom smiling at "the other left" :) That looks between them, after Sofia left....very strange and makes thinking, what is going on between them.

I'm waiting impatiently for the rest of season ;)

oh that ep is sooo mu favoite between the music, and the butterflies. i wonder if he ever knew that sara was behind the mirror thing, i wonder what would happen between them if she ever mentioned it.
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