Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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lol. I remember that scene. I also remember thinking it was a thinly veiled way of talking about GSR (and this was before I jumped aboard the ship).

I think, and this is a favorite topic amongst fanfic writers as well, that part of what that quote also means is that Grissom is not just afraid of being in love and losing control, but that he'll fall in love and find out that Sara just had some kind of a "crush" and it's over in a few months.

Also, Catherine said something in the "plant for a girl" episode... she made a comment about how he "Must have been burned bad". Is she talking about Terri or are we supposed to assume that at one point Grissom was in a relationship and it fell apart?

Either way, yes the little stuff is what makes GSR worthwhile, but I agree - after five seasons they need to (and so far they seem to) turn it up a notch. I'm not asking for a relationship, but something would be nice.

I noticed MSN's list of Top 10 biggest Turkeys and I realized that besides simply being hard to write, there's a reason the writers are holding off on any definite relationships:

Bad couplings
This is a broader category, but one that deserves attention because writers never seem to learn. We like sexual tension, people. "Rhoda" and Joe; Sam and Diane on "Cheers"; David and Maddie on "Moonlighting" -- as long as they're together, (but not Together), we keep coming back for more. Once that line's been crossed, few shows have been able to make us still care. "Friends" really had to go off the air when it did; it was about to the point where Rachel was going to have to do it with Phoebe and Ross with Gunther. Please, please do not let this happen with Stabler and Benson on "Law & Order: SVU." Sometime ask us about the nearly as dreadful trend, Death by Baby Syndrome.

Part of the problem is that a relationship, no matter how much the audience wanted it, once it happens it could be a shark-jump. Because now there's no tension, etc. This is why, I think, they brought in [the woman who must not be named]. Because it was getting to the point where we were like "And... WHY is he saying no?"

So they thought, "We know, we'll create tension!" So even if they do have a relationship now, there are lots of obstacles.

It's a very thin rope and unfortunately very few shows know how to walk it.
The thing about both Grissom and Sara is that, while Sara is forward and Grissom well tries to be...When it comes to sex, Sara and Grissom aren't like Catherine, Warrick and Nicky, they aren't as physical.

I dont know what im trying to say, but thats what makes them such a potentially good couple, they both are in thier heads...its just makes it different, to lets say, cahterine and any one of her conquests (dont get me wrong I like Catherine a lot) ;)
The whole sexual tension, unrequited love issue really fascinates me - to the point that the film student within me would really love to write a book about it one day. It’s a staple of the drama series and the sitcom, and works well on both if portrayed correctly.

We've had Mulder & Scully, who simply crackled beneath the surface for many, many years, never addressing it - we saw over and over again how much they cared and how dependant they'd become on one another, but until William was conceived, nothing was ever verbalized...

Then we have the Buffy/Angel relationship -a tentative buildup at first with problems such as 'oops, he's a vampire' and 'oops Buffy died and came back and was traumatized' to delay the relationship - but when they did consummate the relationship half-way through the second season things could have really gotten stale were it not for the fact that he turned into Angelus and started killing people. When he was re-ensouled and came back from hell, they had the 'oh, they can't get too close now because he might go evil again'. Even with that, it was only a matter of time before it needed to end and Angel needed to leave, because it really had no where else to go - as much as people loved that relationship, if he had stayed past season 3, we would have gotten fed up...

The Angel/Cordy relationship was a real exercise in the 'Close but no cigar relationship' - he almost asks her out in "Waiting in the Wings", but her ex-boyfriend shows up. Then they almost get together in the season 3 finale, but he's sunk to the bottom of the ocean by his son and she ascends to be a higher being. Then she comes back, but she's actually evil. Then she wakes up from her coma and they might have a chance to be together but, nope - she's dead...

The Ross Rachel thing had to end in season 3 when it did and be dragged out to the end of the series because otherwise, what would they have done for 7 years? Had them living happily together??? Same thing with Daphne & Niles – they had the ridiculously cute crush/infatuation/love obsession that Niles had for Daphne and ran with it for what? 7 or so years before they let them get together. And when they did, they had to keep throwing complications in for them to keep it interesting – hence Daphne’s mother coming to live with them…

With Grissom & Sara they’ve done the initial flirting. They’ve done the awkward – “okay she has feelings for me, what do I do?” They’ve done the ‘Oh, now she has a boyfriend and I’m jealous’ thing. The ‘she asks him out, but he says “no” due to complicated circumstances and bad timing’. They’ve done the ‘he confesses his feelings, but not to her, but she overhears and thinks it’s all over’ thing. They’ve done the awkward as hell avoiding each other and not getting on thing. They’ve had her bear her soul to him and them getting closer again. Now we seem to have come full circle and they’re back to the more comfortable flirty banter of season one.

They’ve covered the ‘complications of other people’ thing with Hank, Greg (to an extent), Lady Heather and Sofia. If they throw any more people into the mix it’ll just become so very contrived. They’ve had Grissom’s hearing loss as a complication and Sara’s emotional problems and (temporary) self-destructive pattern. They’ve had work as a complication – although if the anvils regarding Grissom’s attitude to work aren’t misleading, him being her boss won’t be a problem for much longer.

There have been so many road blocks thrown up and eventually resolved between Grissom & Sara and I’d hate to think that the Powers would like to continue with this path because it’ll eventually get old too. However, if they allow Grissom & Sara to become a couple OnScreen, they will, if they choose to follow convention, have to keep throwing up problems and obstacles to the relationship in order to keep it interesting…

UNLESS they decide to break with convention and have an off-screen, subtle relationship develop – as many of us have speculated. Say we have a season or so of hints, with their on screen relationship being cordial and professional and much improved (just as we have been seeing of late) Then, perhaps when we do find out, they can allow it to continue – not heavily featured in the show, as many have feared – but predominantly off-screen, with the occasional line or reminder or glance to let us know that it’s still going strong. Not only will this avoid the dangerous soap opera territory of ‘Complication of the week’, but it will also allow for what many people have remarked that they’d like to see – CSI’s actually being able to have a life outside the lab and a successful personal relationship…

And that was a very long ramble, so I’ll shut up now…
I agree Grissom and Sara are not just about a one night stand. I think when and if they ever "DO IT" that it will be only when they both are at the point that they are sure they are truly in love. I see them as the type of couple that take sex very seriously. They will never just be about a roll in the hay. Well not until they are married.

I agree Forensicsgirl I would love to hear the pitter patter of tiny baby geeks too someday in the future. That sounds so sweet.

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am all in this cooking mode today getting things ready for tomorrow here is a topic. How do you think Grissom and Sara would celebrate Thanksgiving together?
They say you have to watch out for the quiet ones :p
I think they go well together 'cause they are so the same and yet so different, they are like ying and yang…it’s balance.
And the attraction is there big time they can't go on the whole show ignoring it that wouldn’t be right (they are not blind), but I agree they have obstacles to overcome. but I have faith in the writers and actors that they will play it out ok.
It is not a issue of 'if' it happens, but when and I don't mind to wait and I kinda dig the tension of every ep where I go: 'will they or not' show us bits of GSR ;)
,and if they are gonna kiss on the show I think it will be small and awkward.. just when they are staring at each other and bump noses or something… and the phone rings :p
feed me some gsr bones and I fetch

I agree, I think Grissom´s mobile would probably ring in an important momet(like maybe a first kiss!)
Well ... I´m not really reading everything thorouly!(should be doing homework-have to look out for my parents)
oh the thanksgiving. my perfect scinero is that they work late one day when everyone else is having dinner with their family. i dont know where nick and greg are, but they can be with their respective families. they make plans to order chinese food, and when it gets there, they have a mini dinner in the break room. maybe there is a heary to heart conversation... ah i'll let someone else continue or share their views.
I like that break room dinner idea(gets lots of gutterly and devious thoughts!)
No..seriously i think it is a possibility!..Hopefully!
we'll I guess we will find out how they do it thanksgiving style. NEW EPISODE TOMORROW!!!!! I am so excited I could burst. Grissom and Sara not really having families to go home to should defenetly share the night.
I hope they do!!!*Looks around excited* I just hope they don´t just totally ignore thanksgiving and do a normal ep....Well i guess I wouldn´t really mind if there was GSR in the ep!

You know I don't remember a CSI episode really involving a holiday before but in the promo you definately hear Thanksgiving said. I think its split up Brass/Cath/Grissom and Nick/Sara. I do hope though maybe at the end of the shift maybe Grissom will eat with her or something. That would be so nice. Not getting my hopes up about that one though. One can dream. :D
oh well there is always break room(and a break that they take at the same time...!)
Well when it aires..we´ll know..correction you´ll know and tell the unfortunate ones later! I´ll only know on Friday!
i know sara and grissom are workacholics so they work on hollidays and well every day ;) but i wonder doesn't grissom have a mother and doesn't sara have a brother, what happened with them, can't they fisit for thanksgiving :devil:
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