Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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I totally agree with you gyus, i mean it would be pretty dissapointing if they didn´t end up together(or at least give it a try and "see what happens")

P.S. Thanks for telling us(who aren´t fortunate and have to wait to watch these eps)what happened....too bad about the gsr!
Oh yeah welcome to the gutter GSRnewby

yeah the ep was wow...grissom talking about his bad it was to catherine, but she is just always around when he is revealling something..and doesn't it bring a closer bond with grissom and sara both lived most of there childhood without a father..

With the deleted Gum Drops scene behind us, I can't really see the writers saying, "Gee, well... we didn't get that scene in there... so we'll just drop all of our GSR plans this year." Because Lady Heather very much means Grissom and his relationship to her, I don't think she's anything to worry about if the writers are dead-set on having something happen between G and S this season. And like some of us have been predicting, it might even be a good thing - a catalyst. If it happens at all, of course. But again - they were definitely planning something this season and I just don't think they're going to drop it.
Hello World. This is all very new to me. I started watching CSI only this past summer. Soon after I found myself lost in the world of GSR. Also, I've never posted anything before so this is just hit and miss with me right now. I've been checking this forum out for awhile, and I must say, you all know how to bring a smile to someone's face.


Loved last night's episode even with the lack of GSR. However, this is just a random thought I decided to bring up. At the end of Primum Non Nocere, Grissom orders a plant for Sara. In Still Life we learn Griss' dad was a botanist, someone who studies plants. Like I said completely random, but I thought I'd mention it.
Hi all. I thought I would delurk for a moment to see if any of you all might be able to help me out with a little project. Yes, it is related.

After reading the latest TV Guide article, I decided to come up with an A to Z of GSR. Unfortunately, I am stuck and was wondering if you all might take a moment to help me out.

Here are the letters that I need...

E - something other than Entomologist
O - Something other than otosclerosis
U - I have UST
Z - Something other than Zamboni

Thanks alot. I really appreciate the help.
Welcome to Vitality and GSRnewby! welcome welcomewelcome.

spoil oh no

regarding still life, i was so mad. well, not so mad, but mad enough to fing david rambo and give him what for. i loved the ep. Classic iead and the like... and i loved learning a bit more about grissom. and i think the relationship between his ordering a plant and his father being a botanist. but i think it was mor because "she likes vegetation" than an allusion to his father.
ladysara, you're right, we still have 14 more eps, and i'm holding out for interaction. afterall, there still is the season end (can't spell finalie?) and you never know what will happen... i dont mind waiting as long as it happenes.
Welcome to the wonderful world of GSR Vitality. Glad you decided to start posting with us. We love new people joining the big GSR family.

I was thinking about your comment myself last night after the episode Still Life aired. It was Burden of Proof that Grissom ordered the plant for Sara. Maybe Sara has a love for plants because Grissom maybe has taught her about them at some point we are unaware of...and maybe she knew his dad was a botanist. That is what is so hard about CSI, we don't know what people know and don't know about each other. If they are alread in a "relationship" then maybe that is why we saw him tell Cath about his dad. He wouldn't need to tell Sara because she would already know all of this. Just a thought on that issue as well.

i like the idea of sara already knowing. shows hes comfertable with her. BUT, i do wish we could see what sara knows about him, what he knoews about sara... like be mind readers. that would be so convinent. i do wonder if sara know about him and terri (flarbflarb). i cant remember.

as for lady heather, i reallyreally hope they (sara and gil) work together in that ep. lady heather is so intuiative, i always liked her.

I don't know if we will ever see Sara on a case that involves Lady Heather, just for the fact, I think Grissom might avoid putting her in that environment. It's not abuse, but the domination and whipping etc. might would bother Sara considering her past history of seeing her mother abused. I don't know. I do think it would be interesting to see how Lady Heather perceived Sara though. I think she would read right through her feelings for Grissom. So who know, if she comes back in Feb sweeps, would be a cool thing to have Lady Heather and GSR.

Oh yeah - but at the same time, I would *love* it if Grissom tried to keep Sara off the LH case and through random twists of fate she ends up on it anyway without his knowledge. And I would like her to discover that Grissom was involved with LH, and have it make her step back a bit so that Grissom has to start doing the chasing.

*sigh* But that's wishful thinking, ain't it? The world might explode if Sara got distant and Grissom got interested!

i can see grissom trying to protect sara, but even if she doesnt go there persay, they might have to bring lady heather in for "questioning" i dont know the circumstances. i would love to have them meet. but everything we want so badly to happen has not happened. i'm wishfuly thinking.
Ok welcome vitality...


Well i honestly think it would be good if sara would work on the LH case(i would love to see some scenes between those two!!)I mean it couldn´t harm gsr..
AMEN .....welcome vitality to the gutter of love, keep it clean,your arms and legs in and enjoy the ride :D
LadySaraButterfly love your
avvie ;)
give us some geeklove :devil:
LadySaraButterfly love your avvie ;)
give us some geeklove :devil:

And I love yours :D...Sorry I know I said this before but gotta say it again. I'm not the biggest Grissom/WP fan, but wow... :eek:

A big welcome to all the newcomers! It's great to have new people here. We did need new blood to stir things up here. That said, I am hoping I'll be able to post more than I have been too these days. A GSR video is in the works ;)
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