Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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Arhhhh.......*drools*, Ilove Jorja in white gown :D...Nice pics, forensicsgirl :D

P.S.thanks for your explaination about Grissom's reaction to his father's death....I watched that clip too..... :)
Thanks ancient, but

*squirts ancient with the watercanon* Please lets not mention the "C" word in here - it should be considered at very very bad word, just like the "D" word. In all seriousness, we CANNOT discuss said clip due to the "intellectual property" rule, therefore, please no one mention it again.

greenfieldcsi, Still Life is on tomorrow night in the states and canada - approx 24 hour from now. And you're right, it's not on topic *squirts greenfield with the water canon*

Ahem, okay, back on topic...
Thanks ancient, but

*squirts ancient with the watercanon* Please lets not mention the "C" word in here - it should be considered at very very bad word, just like the "D" word. In all seriousness, we CANNOT discuss said clip due to the "intellectual property" rule, therefore, please no one mention it again.

*standing in the coldness with wet clothes....trembling*......O...Ok...I..I' :lol:
Forensicsgirl: Just :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D

Loved the comic. Especially the hat joke. Priceless. "You think this hat is bad"? Still laughing :lol:

wow great work ;)...ok i'm totally lost here i gotta keep do you guys know grissom's dad died? :rolleyes:
lol - ancient. I think you're about to get the fire hose.

Anyway - let's just say there were "spoilers". Besides which, despite the fact that the circumstances around it has changed, Grissom's bio has always said that at some point his father "left" their family. Which makes sense, because he's only ever talked about his mother.
And, as someone else pointed out (I think) the change in story from Grissom's dad simply leaving and Grissom's dad dying might have been made so it better paralleled Sara's. Otherwise... why change it?
*whistles loudly to get everyone's attention*

PLEASE use spoiler spaces when talking about tonights episode as it hasn't aired yet. And ancient, stop saying the "C" word!!!!!!

*squirts everyone with the fire hose*


I totally agree with you sarahvma - the Powers have changed Grissom's past to more closely mirror Sara's - without the murder, obviously - but that would just be taking it TOO far... I mean, Grissom could have said "After Dad left, Mom bought him a gift every Christmas" - but instead, the writers killed him off, and not only killed him off, but did it in front of the little bug guy.

So many words are coming to mind - butterflies, dragonflies, symmetry... :)
yes... finally a time I can come on! I've been too busy to post, what with the shot mess at the doctor's office on Monday (I got a TB test instead of the shot I was supposed to) and helping my mom get ready for Saturday.

forensicsgirl, nice comic! Very cool and very Christmassy.
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