Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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thanks grissly :D and can't wait for your new music video..i'm trying to make one..but it's failing i just stick with icons ;)

love is love

Oh wow!!!!That is a GREAT icon, Martini!!! :eek: LOVE it!!! You're really good. I didn't know that you made the icons yourself! Now, I could definitely see myself snagging that shower one if you let me :D :D

I have no idea about how to make icons, so I just stick with the videos. I am sure your video would be good, you should try! :D
Just wanted to put this out there. I posted a fic at called Searching under the pen name Lodi. It's just a short 5 min read with GSR, so I hoping for some feedback. Sorry, I'm not sure how to post links. Hope this works. Told ya I'm new at this. Searching
grissly you may snag anyone you like :D i'm sticking with the hot stuff icon for now though i'm thinking about putting sara in it or an older grissom... ;)
grissly i know what if you help me with the vd's i will help you with your icons ;)...but be patient i only recently discovered photoshop :p but had great sites and people to help me :D
hail geekolve and vitality of to give you feedback..i'm at fanfic for 2,5 years and now still waiting to be inspired to write one :)
Thanks a lot Martini! I don't have photoshop to start with, so that's why the icon-making business is a lost cause for me. If you have questions about video-making, let me know though. Not that I know too much. I just put clips one after the other, and put in some fades and stuff in between. I think it is mostly about fitting the clips to the song. :)
Wow! A whole bunch of newbies in just one day! That totally ROCKS!!!

A Huge GSR Gutter Welcom to GSRnewby, rgrissom , Vitality and Big18Blue
Here's a quick word from our sponsors...


and of course, the most important thing to remember...


A huge thank you to everyone state-side who reported on last night's ep for us poor souls stuck in other countries and deprived of new CSI - roll on January!!!

martini - your avis totally Rocked My Socks! I snagged them - hope you don't mind ;) *blows kisses*

Big18Blue wrote:
After reading the latest TV Guide article, I decided to come up with an A to Z of GSR. Unfortunately, I am stuck and was wondering if you all might take a moment to help me out.

Here are the letters that I need...

E - something other than Entomologist
O - Something other than otosclerosis
U - I have UST
Z - Something other than Zamboni

How about these...

E - I'm stuck on this one, I'm afraid...

F - Fanfiction - The sheer volume of GSR fanfiction on the net is overwhelming. Or Flirting - Early GSR consisted of a lot of flirting between Grissom and Sara - then he realised how they felt about each other and Freaked Out.

K - Kiss - what all GSR fans are clamoring to see happen between this sexy pair.

O - Orchid - Fanon claims that the plant Grissom sent to Sara was an Orchid, and although its unlikely and unproven, its been embraced by many GSR fans.

R - Romance - with Grissom's love of quoting Shakespeare, and the hints he's given to his secret romantic nature (Since I met you, for instance...), there would be no shortage of Romance between Grissom and Sara when they become a couple officially.

U - UST or Unresolved Sexual tension - this pair have UST by the bucket load! :D

Z - Um... Zoo? Nope, totally stuck on this one as well... I'll give it some more thought ;)
forensicsgirl I don't mind at all I’m flattered :D
and I will come from time to time with more gsr icons ;) if they only gave us a hot gsr scene to work with :devil: ha ha ha sorry ..(Trying to remove myself from the gutter but this threat keeps on sucking me back in :devil:) and btw grissly you don't need Photoshop. I used a couple of other that are as efficient as that you could D (evil word)...and you are making it sound so easy with movie maker..I’m gonna pm's you about that 'cause it will not work etc and I already have some songs in mind ;)
Hey guys, without further due, here is my new GSR video. It's been a while since I've made one because I've been extremely busy with work, but since I've heard this song I've been making sure to spend 15 mins on the video everyday, and here it is. There is a particular scene which made me emotional while making it, and I'm curious what you guys think.

The song is "Goodbye my Lover" by James Blunt.

Comments appreciated as always. Enjoy! :)

PS:Martini, you can PM if you have a specific question about WMM. :)
:: Hurridly swallows cookie and reluctantly stops stalking the husband with a roll of duct tape ::

Thank you for your suggestions, forensicsgirl. I cannot believe that I overlooked flirting! :: smacks self on the forehead ::

I did think of an "E" but I don't particularly like it. It is "Emotionally Unavailable." If anyone can come up with something better, I would appreciate any and all help.

martini, I do love your avatar.

grisslybear, your video was awesome. I don't know what else to say about it. Maybe I will watch it again and be able to formulate something half-way intelligent to say. Right now I am just awed.
Big18Blue, thanks a lot for your comments! Glad you liked it. My favorite scene in that video is the part with the
baby. That's something we probably won't see on the show, but still it's great to imagine. :)

BTW, I think Emotionally Unavailable is great for E. After all, it's part of their relationship.
Grisslybear, I just finished watching your new video and I have to say that is my favorite you have made thus far. The song was just beautiful and fit the clips so well. You have talent girl and should be so proud of the work you did on this one.

SPOILER (video)

SQUEEEEE, I love that you put the baby scene in there. I would love to see them, even if it is at the end of the series bring a little one into this world together. Oh, something nice to dream about tonight.
grissly- I checked out your new video and I have to say, it's pretty fantastic. Awesome job. I'm curious, where's that...

Spoiler for grissly's video :lol:

baby video from? It looks like Jorja, is it her?

**End of spoilers**

Since we're kinda getting into the Holiday spirit, I figured I would give a little gift to put under our tree. Well, I found this on my computer and I kinda re-vamped it.

'Tis the Season

And another comic...The return of the X-Ray glasses!


ETA- I almost forgot! Welcome to all newbies. Nice of you guys joining us here down in the gutter.
Tee Hee, Reeble I love your X-Ray comics. They rock. Nice Christmas gift for the GSR gutter. Love it.

SPOILER (video)

Reeble, that is Jorja Fox in her movie Food For the Heart (aka Hungry Bachelor's Club).
THANK YOU ladysarabutterfly-on Grissom- ;)I felt the same- he all of sudden just started rambling- and he feels comfortable with his friend/co-worker Cath- to share personal stuff- and probably wouldn't have shared that with Sara- knowing she's dealing with her own problems-right now- if was kinda off the wall- :eek: he never does that- making him a very intricate-intriguing chaaracter- :eek:
Aww, LadySara, Reeble, thank you so much for the nice words, you are spoiling me :)...I am so glad you guys liked it *blushes*. And I agree that it would be so nice to see them have a little bugboy or girl....Well, if they are already together this season, we kinda have time for a kid :p

And Reeble, love the X-ray series and Sara's look in the last picture. She really looks like she'd like that :D
I have some theory:

What if they actually are together and TPTB decided to play that way, then taht could explain "no visible GSR" this season. They could play that for whole season, from time to time throwing us some bone like in ABRTI 2, and everyone would be confused, then when the season ends we would have some "big bone", some big scene. I hope I'm wrong...I want some visible GSR, some hug (not datre dreaming bout kiss :) )

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