Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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yes and it wasn't even in the script..thanks to billy we had that scene :D gotta love the man for being pro gsr ;)
Well i would love him anyway...that just adds one thing to my list of reasons to love him(very big list and that is a very big reason!)
Don't throw anything, but honestly I kind of hate the ideas of flashbacks. It sort of screams 'soap opera' - I mean, they work for the crime reconstructions because it the CSIs figuring out how the crimes happened, but having flashbacks for their personal lives feels like Days of Our Lives to me...

I don't mean like "moment of passion" 5-second flashback. But for instance if all of the sudden we find ourselves watching what appears to simply be an extended scene of Grave Danger or something, and it turns into how they got into a relationship that would be interesting. Not the way they usually do it - flashes and grainy color, etc. More like an extended scene.
Well...i don´t guys keep changing my mind..every time somebody argues something i seem to change my mind about it!The way you put it, i like the idea of a flashback!but hey, as long as "this"happens it´s fine by me!
Actually I really don't care if Grissom and Sara get together in the end-----as long as they love each other, it doesn't matter how far away they are.

And in Chinese culture, if a woman loves a man, but can't get together with him, she'll reincarnate herself to be his daughter in the next life :rolleyes:
Agreed - as long as "This" happens, bliss will reign :D

BTW gang, the promo for "Still Life" is up at Grissom&Sara Romance

I'm starting to get into the Christmassy mood - maybe it's time to start thinking about getting our GSR Christmas Tree ready... And I was thinking, maybe everyone could do one and we could run a poll to pick our favorite - a little competition to get things hopping in here again. Let me know what you all think...

Meanwhile, a little poetry...

i agree awesome job forensicsgirl. that promo scares me a bit. i cant understand it. eh well.

do G&S work together in that ep?


please say it is!!
Yep, it's the David Rambo ep! No idea if they work together, but I almost don't care. It's David Rambo. The ep will rock regardless! I mean, I HOPE we get a little baby anvil thrown our way, but it's all guesswork until Thursday!
omg! its the ledgendary alyssa. good to see you!

OMG DAVID RAMBO. ::faints:: i wonder what he has cooked up for us. i love that man. not in that way. but some GSR thrown our way would get him alot closer.
Grissom and kids must be touching....Sara and kids must be touching too :)......but personally I don't like kids----they're monsters :mad:
LOL! Legendary? Hardly! :) But thanks! Yeah, real life really sucks at the moment... two 2,200 word essays due on Monday. I've been working on them for weeks, but it's still a struggle... fighting to keep my 3.97 GPA! (I'm a senior.. I don't want to screw up with one semester to go!)

In other GSR news: Over at PureJorja they have a few of the scenes from Season 4 with commentary, including the Pin Me Down scene from Invisible Evidence, and the end scene from Butterflied (speaking of the amazingly talented David Rambo), and it was so neat to just hear TPTB recognizing that GSR is there... It's real, and not a figment of anyone's imagination!

And, once again, RAMBO ON THURSDAY! It's Rambo Thursday! Seriously, we need to send the man a gift basket of some kind! ;) Maybe we should load it up with Duct Tape for the misses (if he's married), a lot of cookies... what else you guys? There are a lot of things we could send him from the gutter! :)
And, once again, RAMBO ON THURSDAY! It's Rambo Thursday! Seriously, we need to send the man a gift basket of some kind! ;) Maybe we should load it up with Duct Tape for the misses (if he's married), a lot of cookies... what else you guys? There are a lot of things we could send him from the gutter! :)

Yeah, Rambo just rocks, I'll never forget his :" I think Grissom's yearning for Sara is real.", I've waitted GSR for tooo long :D
Sorry, been lurking and thought that I mention that the whole letting a pet name slip thing it could be as simple as Sara accidentally calling him Gil and not Grissom.
Welcome AR_WLPfan! And BOY would that be glorious. I've be on cloud nine for days. I mean, with Mulder and Scully it made sense to keep it to Mulder and Scully... but Sara is Sara. Grissom should be Gil to her by now! :)
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