Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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i have to get around to writing a fanfic... eh.

this week is a rerun.. nothing to look foward to? does this one have any GSR?

Greenfields, i agree alot alot. i always always go to sleep thinging of what it would be like to have one of them professing their love to eachother. you know for smart people they're not so smarty.
Sticking with the cell phone idea:
Crime scene, Catherine needs Sara on her day off. She calls Sara's cell phone and Grissom answers. Since their phones are similar, there was a mix-up on the night stand ;)

Okay, okay. To be honest, yes, I would actually prefer it to be sweet rather than raunchy. I'd much rather have that cell phone mix-up happen at, say, dinner rather than in the middle of... well... "dessert".

The problem is that after all of this build up, the writers feel they have to top it off (as we saw in the GD spoiler) with (please forgive me) a bang. I'd rather see cute courting, first kisses, etc. Now if they want to imply that they're already together, I do want some flashbacks or at least backstory. Something that lets us know exactly when all of this started.
I like the idea of switched cell phones! :) I've thought of that, too! It's just a bit of humor, but I think it should be Greg who gets all confused about who he's calling.. it'd make it humorous AND GSR loaded :)
I do want some flashbacks or at least backstory. Something that lets us know exactly when all of this started.
Yes that's the way I picture it too-flahbacks.
Maybe when someone(Brass or Cathrine) asks him where he has been at some point and he remembers...then he flashes and stutters..wouldn't that look cute on him? :D
I dont like the dinner idea anymore, after he refused her and asked other women.I want something more intense for them,maybe after a conversation related to a case or their families..maybe after a scene like in Snakes but this time Grissom would finish the sentence
-let's... go to.. bed? :lol: yeah I wish...
Hey guys, I've been so busy and in lurk mode the past couple of days (well I still am, it's 4:30 am here and I am working...).

Anyway, I definitely agree, elenerm. I think "let's have dinner" would be somewhat of a disappointment for me. As you say, it's very generic at this point.

My shipper mind always used to imagine their first kiss after a heated argument or a conversation or something like that, but I doubt we'll see that anymore.

I'm all for flashbacks though--maybe we'll just get a scene with Grissom showing up at Sara's door with a bottle of wine. For me that's better than them sitting at a restaurant. I still doubt whether they'll show an actual kiss on-screen at this point...Flashback or not.
yes i agree with you there grisslybear they..have to show us something more intimate then a dinner..and if they will show us a kiss on screen it will be small..'cause they don't wanto to risk being all soapy..the're gonna be subtle and jus see how it's gonna play out and most of all just keeping us geussing: are they or aren't they together. like we are doing now ;)
'cause we know warrick is married and we didn't really see him kiss his wife :p
Which may be why they're (possibly) going with the already in a relationship concept - they know that any start to the relationship would have to be surprising, and perhaps since they couldn't come up with anything non-soapy or bland, they just decided the surprise would be that they were already dating.
I have to agree with what a few of you have already said, if they are in a relationship then flashbacks are a must and just him asking here to dinner would be far to cliched for my liking.
Yeah i wouldn´t like it if he asked her for dinner(well i wouldn´t mind but after sophia and "Play with fire" i think it wouldn´t be good!)
Don't throw anything, but honestly I kind of hate the ideas of flashbacks. *ducks from the rotten vegetables* It sort of screams 'soap opera' - I mean, they work for the crime reconstructions because it the CSIs figuring out how the crimes happened, but having flashbacks for their personal lives feels like Days of Our Lives to me... *ducks from the rotten fruit*

I would be totally blissed out if we had a few more hints thrown in here and there and then we have Grissom showing up at Sara's apartments as if its the most natural thing in the world. Then we go back to subtle and then, at the end of the season, we have a kiss or we see them curled up together - all we need is ONE unambiguous moment that no one can turn around and dismiss as meaning something other than "they're together and Grissom is into her".
The main thing that I want to know at the moment, is what they did together when they first met. I mean were they just friends or did something else happen? :devil: Obviously we would prefer the latter, but how did it end? So many questions, mos tof them will probably go unanswered by TPTB :mad:
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