Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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I won't subconsciously call President Bush "George", so I think when Sara subconsciouly call him Gil, which mean in her deep heart, she wanna call this name....Freud said dream is our restrained desire. ;)
Freud said a lot of things ;)...but wouldn't it be weird for sara to cal him gil, I think she will continue calling him grissom or griss, maybe by a slip of the tong she says: sweetheart, honey or something just like with Hank...but then we will like it :p
For me, "Griss" is her pet name for him. Until ABRTI, she'd only called him it once on the show - then she said it twice within a very short space of time in ABRTI2 - a lot of people have said this may have been a slip on her part, she was concentrating on the work they were doing and "Griss" slipped out. That may or may not be the case, but I do see her calling him "Griss" in private if they are together. I can also imagine her saying it in the throws of passion with a elongated "S" sound - ie: "Oh Grisssssssssss!"

ahem :devil:
Yeah, I don't know how wild I'd be about her calling her Gil. There's a reason they refer to him by his last name.

"Gris" is good enough. It implies a certain level of comfort, at least. I don't, however, remember her saying it in ABRTI. Was it the first half or the second? I only saw the second.
i dunno. i just never liked the name "gilbert" so much. he seems more like a grissom to me. or a griss. i think the only one who can get away with calling him gil would either ecklie or catherine, just because they're basicly the same level.
Why is it that they all call him grissom?...I mean cath sometimes calls him gil!Why don´t they call him gil, or gilbert?
I mean i they did now i would find it strange!But i don´t get the last name thing.
It's just because he's the "boss", I think. And he's not exactly the friendliest of people, so people prefer to use his last name, which implies a certain level of distance. And these habits remain even though you get closer with that person. Cath and Brass have known him for a long time and are closer to him in terms of age and professional status, so they call him Gil.

I myself wouldn't want Sara to call Grissom "Gil". Nick and Warrick do it sometimes, and Sara could definitely call him Gil if she wanted to (they are close enough for that), but I think it's just a habit now, and he's always been "Grissom" to her, not "Gil", if that makes sense. I don't think that would change immediately once they start dating. If it did, it would mean that Sara was not close enough to him to call him "Gil" before, which I don't think is the case. I think Griss is a great way to call him, and I actually find it sexy and playful that she would only use his last name and never his first name although they are an item. :)

ETA:Sarahvma, it was in ABRTI 2, twice in the reenactment of the crime scene (once during the day, once during the night).
forensicgirl: ooh. I like that even more. Just "Gris." Because that means she already uses it, based on ABRTI2! YAY :) Ok, you put a smile on my face!
What is that I hear about Christmas and GSR Christmas trees? Anybody wants to explain that idea? What exactly do we do?

It's just that it's my first Xmas with GSR! I'm so excited! :D
I think it was originally LSB that suggested we decorate a Christmas tree using duct tape, chalk, and other good stuff you find in our gutter - a real GSR Christmas Tree. And I had the idea of everyone who wants to do one to create their own GSR-style Christmas Tree image, post them here and then, closer to Christmas, we do a poll and pick our favorite. I don't know what everyone else thinks about that idea though...

I blame watching too much "Friends" for this next one. Anyone who followed the secret relationship of Chandler and Monica will get this...

good idea forensicgirl!!!!! :D

i shipped chandler and monica you know and i completely understand yours pics :rolleyes: :devil: (love friends ;))
I think it was originally LSB that suggested we decorate a Christmas tree using duct tape, chalk, and other good stuff you find in our gutter - a real GSR Christmas Tree. And I had the idea of everyone who wants to do one to create their own GSR-style Christmas Tree image, post them here and then, closer to Christmas, we do a poll and pick our favorite. I don't know what everyone else thinks about that idea though...

Yes, tee hee, it was me that said that about decorating a Christmas tree. I think your idea is great forensicgirl. I just have paint program but probaby can do something. I think it would be fun to decorate the thread for Christmas. I am all for it. Here are some cookies to help everyone along.

Tee hee, well speaking of a Christmas tree in the gutter we know what to decorate the tree with...duct tape rolls, mini rocking chairs, cookies, bugs. It will be our special GSR tree

I found my post about the tree.
We are officially the weirdest ship-fans ever. And I love it :p.

While I whole-heartedly shipped Monica and Chandler, it's been a while (I rarely watch the re-runs now... no time). Please to explain? It rings a bell, but... I think some wires in the clock tower may have crossed.

At any rate, yes, Rambo is a God - but I'm going to try not to hold out any GSR-y hopes for this episode. That it's Rambo alone (because I like his style) is good enough for me, and GSR is icing on the cake. But since he knows this is the last episode till Christmas, there might be a chance for a little present of GSR just for us.

With the exception of Butterflied, what I like about Rambo's GSR style is that it's subtle yet completely obvious. Like the scene where the woman makes a crack about Grissom having a crush on some girl at the office and the next scene he's sitting with Sara.

I think he likes messing around with Grissom's feelings, which is more fun, because Sara's been put through the ringer by a lot of writers when it comes to everyone's favorite stoic entomologist.
Ooh, love the idea of Christmas trees! :D We should definitely do it!

And now I have an image of Grissom and Sara laying under the tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G... :devil:
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