Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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I think what might happen is they go on a case together, which has them working mega overtime...maybe the whole team is on it but gris and sra are working together...Sara does her typical obession with the case and grissom tells her to get some rest...but she is emotionally exhausted and he just comforts her, and then wake up in bed together the next day...we dont have to see anything but just gris holding sara
Sarahvma, just wanted to say I love your story. It's brilliant and hilarious, really (I had been reading the first 4 chapters and just finished the 5th). :D

Here are two of my favorite lines, if you don't mind me posting them here:

"Grissom, Catherine and Sara walk down the CSI headquarters hallway. Somewhere nearby Ecklie watches and twirls his non-existent moustache. This is because he is evil."
Grissom sits before the female Hotel Concierge of the Bellaggio.

“Mr. Grissom, I feel I need to flirt in a creepy and sexually suggestive way with you even though I’m a 25-year-old attractive then blonde woman who could probably have anyone.”

“I love being a producer. Anyway, I’ll pretend not to notice you’re flirting openly with me. This establishes me as a professional… and unintentionally a little gay.”

lol. All mine, naturally. (Actually, they were, so... :)) anyhow, thanks for the feedback. This baby was born in our writing class, much to the chagrine of our teacher.

Back on a topic that isn't all about me (I know, I know... but I must, my adoring fans) while I love that scenario, I don't know that we would ever see an after-glow GSR scene. While WP may be more inclined to the romantic side (for those of you who saw his ET interview, and how starkly it differed from his 2002 interview of the same nature) I still think any romance will be kept somewhat more on the verbal rather than physical side as to what they show us on screen.

But you never know... a towel is awfully suggestive.

In fact, almost too much so considering they sound like they were trying the "what really happened?" idea. Sara being comfortable enough around Grissom to walk around in nothing but a thin layer of terricloth and Grissom not really reacting? Not that I'm complaining, I just think if it were to have made it to air they might have toned it down (as they have done with several shippy scenes in the past, such as "that's Sara's boyfriend" or George Eads refusing to wear nothing but a pair of slacks in a scene where he's in his apartment)
I think the "heavy breathing" could have been cut...But then again, the towel is extremely suggestive too...I am thinking maybe they weren't trying to create an "are they together" vibe after all...Of course in that case they would be wasting an opportunity to make viewers go crazy for weeks, and it's sort of scary because if they are comfortable with showing them clearly together, having sex and all, then something bad would have to happen down the line/it probably wouldn't last...I don't know...

By the way, a small gift for you guys, that Mystery from YTDAW posted...Look who can't help but almost hold hands at crime scenes ;)

Holding hands
Oh Man! Grissly thanks for posting that picture. They do look like they are just about holding hands. A little PSV is always a good thing. You know he just wanted her to come over there and throw the guns for him so he could be close to her. :D

I must say that I expected the hotel room scene to be much less suggestive. I agree that if they were playing it that plain that something disruptive down the line would have happened.

Who knows? I kind of like the relationship limbo they're in right now - a full-on dating thing, in my opinion, without any interferances or any mystery as to where they are, would be boring from a shippy POV. I want my angst, damnit!

That said, I want angst coupled with an actual relationship. Nothing too heavy, but nothing too light.
Yes, LadySara, it was quite pointless for him to drag her to the alley, when you think about it :D And again we see symmetry in their outfits :D

Sarahvma, actually I want some angst too, not artificial angst though, like planting pointless 3rd parties just to create jealousy. I think there should be ways to gracefully portray angst, and at the same time acknowledge that they have feelings for each other/are in some sort of a relationship. I really hope they don't screw GSR up by putting them together for a while and then blowing it apart and ending it for good.
Grissly that picture you posted from Mystery I just had to have a friend Jayne lighten it up for us a little bit since it was kinda dark and it sure was close to some hand holding. No doubt. Also notice how her body is turned into him. That shows she is at ease being close to him.

all about body language ;)

possible spoilers....

BTW did anyone read the spoilers at ytdaw about 6x12 Daddy's Little Girl i'm a tid confused about i mean..the GG floating part and al :eek:
Ooh, I have not read that yet, martini, but I'll get right on it. Great pics you guys! I'll go look for some funny ones that we can cap, it's been awhile.
Thanks for lightening up the picture LadySara (and Jayne too, of course :D). They have matching outfits again. I wonder if they shop together now :D

As for the Grissom floating thing, I think she just meant that he is not the center of the episode but has some scenes here and there. I don't think it's anything to worry about.

And Future_CSI, haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back ;)
yeah, I read 'em. Can't wait to see where all of this is heading.

Did I mention my concert is the same nigh as David Rambo's episode? Not cool.


Mystery said Oh, and when I said Grissom was "floating" I just meant that he's indirectly tied to the case.

SARA: *thinks to self* Hey, Grissom's got back


GRISSOM: Enjoying the view, Sara?


SARA: You have no idea.

BTW, you are too sweet, grisslybear
hahaha future csi greats pictures, very suggestive ;) :p

grisslybear, this pic is just amazing, i need to take a look at this scene again :p
BTW, you are too sweet, grisslybear

Thank you, thank you!*blushes*

And Grissom got back? Hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol:

Reminded me of the song "baby got back"...Now I won't be able to get it out of my head :eek: :D
"I like big butts and I cannot lie...." :D :lol:
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