Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

OT hey i'm doing "of mice and men" too! thanks for the heads up on lennie, i'm only on the 2nd chapter...

back to the important stuff...
kinda spoiler (just in case)

i only heard the skidmarks comment, that made me laugh. but i watched it again, didnt see the nose thing. maybe i'm not looking carefuly enough? its hard to tell, my little sister is too noisy. remind me to lock her in the closet.

and more spoilerish

i was lurking around on some of the other websites, and i read that something definatly shippy happens between "the triangle." it said basicly that "sofia blames herself for the officer's death, and gil is there for her..." nothing we dont already know but there was a bit of hinting that something more happens between them. as in something-that-has-all-us-GSR-on-the-floor-gagging. i wont elaborate. you catch the drift. but now i'm started to get a bit worried, not worried, concerned. i've gone over the whole thing in my head and i cant see how on good minds TPTB would do something like that with the two of them! there's been much more GSR over the seasons than there has been gofia-stuff.

any views?
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I agree Aggie and it just makes me giddy thinking about Grissom calling Sara by a pet name. I can't fathom what he might chose to call her. Or even what name she would chose for him. I can't imagine Grissom being called by a pet name like we tease around calling him "bugman". Tee Hee.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Aggie: Agreed on the Grissom/Gil issue. I love the fact that she calls him Grissom. I think it's sexy in a way. There was a fic I read, the Passing of Seasons by Camilla Sandman, and there Sara says (to their baby :)):

"But you can call him daddy. Only mommy calls him Grissom", and he says "Only mommy can make the name sound beautiful."

Aww... :)

LadySara: Nope, couldn't find the clip. But, I have this for you: I don't know if you guys have seen this--Jorja giving Billy a TVGuide award. should have the clip, and here are two pictures:

1. The look of love

2. Jorja hugging Billy

Beautifulview: I was guessing something would happen, otherwise it wouldn't be a triangle, but I am still very hopeful. I think whatever happens, will spur Grissom into "action". Otherwise I don't see why Mystery at YTDAW would stay completely silent about it. I am not worried, and I am not extremely concerned either I guess :). If we think about it, everything points to there being a GSR scene in this episode.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Grisslybear I found the clip from those pictures. Go to here and then click on interviews and its the Access Hollywood dated 11/4/02.

I have seen Jorja presenting Billy with the TV Guide Award. That is one of my favorite clips of them cause she gives him a hug.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

How about....."Butterfly"?
For Sara's nickname.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I think that Grissom would choose to call Sara so many cute nemas, like, say... "Honey" of course, "Star", "Sugar Plum" :D

As for the names for him, hmmm... I can imagne her calling him "Bunny" or "Pooh Bear" (I can't help it, I have a thing for little Pooh! :lol:)

I can also see a scene, which I have read in one of the MSR fanfics (can't remember the author at the minute), where Scully wakes up and Mulder is looking at her. (she basically fell asleep in his apartment) She asks him what he's doing, to which he replies "Oh, nothing, just wondering when Sleeping Beauty is gonna wake up" (awww...) Scully replies "Sleeping Beauty usually requires a kiss to do that"... :devil:

I can so see that scene for Grissom and Sara! And I'd love for him to call her Sleeping Beauty, even if it's something innocent, like when she falls asleep in the breakroom or something! It could be perfectly innocent, like the Beuaty quote, but so ADORABLE!!! Awwww.... :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Grisslybear I found the clip from those pictures. Go to here and then click on interviews and its the Access Hollywood dated 11/4/02.

I have seen Jorja presenting Billy with the TV Guide Award. That is one of my favorite clips of them cause she gives him a hug.

Thank you, LadySara, as always, you rock! :D Love the way she looks at him. :)

By the way, I couldn't help but post this:

Grissom: It is that big, I'm telling you...
Sara: Oh God, what did I get myself into :D :devil:


Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Heeeey, we're back where we belong, in The Gutter! :D

Sorry, what was Grissom talking about...? :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Hey when it comes to GSR I will search my brains out to find something or it drives me crazy. I loved how she looked at him too.

LMAO, grissly I am loving the cap you put with that picture. Gutter here we come. :lol: :devil:

Aggie I would love to see Grissom call Sara sleeping beauty...makes me think of the scene in Sex, Lies and Larvae when Sara fell asleep in the breakroom and he comes in and wakes her up. So sweet..been nice if he had called her a pet name then. Pooh is cute. I have a thing for Pooh Bear myself. I still have the one my grandfather gave me when I was five. :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Grissom: It is that big, I'm telling you...
Sara: Oh God, what did I get myself into


I swear, I'm sooooo glad I'd set down my glass and swallowed before I read this because otherwise I would have had a serious accident. Hilarious - you kill me! :lol:

On the subject of nicknames - I love it when Sara calls him "Gris" in fanfic. I think its cute, its simple, he's been called it on the show so its cannon... and I just read this terrific fanfic by CSINut214 called The Loophole and it has the sweetest line...

She’d called him Griss. This would definitely be the day.

You need to read the whole thing to get the context and its well worth it - it's terrific!!!

As for his nickname for her... got to be 'Honey', doesn't it... :) (Although I do love the idea of him calling her his 'butterfly'... :)

Finally, about these rumours/spoilers... I've got my 'voice of reason' head on tonight. I remain dubious yet speculative about the whole triangle thing. You know the tirade I launched when I heard the rumour and how much I hoped it wasn't true. I've calmed down since... I still have problems imagining anything like this happening in the show, but stranger things have happened so we're just going to have to wait and see... What I will say is don't get too over excited or aprehensive about the next ep. We don't know what's going to happen. The spoilers have been totally shut down - which is another thing that leads me to question the validity of the spoiler that came out via Ausiello - if the lid is on the spoilers and no one's allowed to talk about them, why did this rumour leak out? Its suspect to say the least... Doesn't mean it isn't true, just means that we should remain wary...

The other thing i want to warn against is assuming that there will be GSR in 6.08. We don't know. Mystery has said there will be G/S interaction - she didn't say GSR. Now, we can all speculate, and it does seem very suspicious that nothing is being discussed and that might point to it being a big scene that we will all squeeeeee over for months to come. But we don't know. And the worse thing that could happen is if they get some interaction and its nice, but its not as huge as we imagined so we're left disappointed... So, just excerise caution is all I'm saying...

Not that i'm trying to quash the speculation - far from it. You all know how much i *love* to speculate. Just don't get your hopes up *too* high. *blows kisses*
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Yes, the spoilers. :rolleyes:
I'm trying VERY HARD not to get excited, or not to anything, really. After the whole "Gum Drops" episode, I am very wary, and not only in regards to the GSR spoilers, but in regards to all of them, actually.

I think I am gonna be a good girl and patienty wait for each new eppy...

Yeah... not sure how long that's gonna last... :p FRUSTRATING!!! Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape


Well as we know G/S interaction can be anything. All I know is in the promo we do see Grissom and Sara working together. For now that is all I plan on taking it as...that they at least work in the same room together...which is more screen time than we have had in sometime. So I can live with that. :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Aggie: Grissom is of course referring to the new boa snake he bought as a pet. What did you think he was referring to? :D

Forensicsgirl: The Loophole is great. Actually, anything by CSINut214 is great. She is one of my favorite authors. Open Road, By the Dashboard Light--wonderful stories :)

EDIT: I had to quote this part from the Loophole. So funny and sweet:

“I need to know ahead of time where we’re going, because I hate standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear. It’s the worst part of being a woman.”


She was quiet again, and he took a sip of water, wondering what else was bothering her. “Griss, just so you know…”


“I have really good legs.”

It was a struggle not to spit the water out. “Really.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Am I supposed to take your word on that?”

“You’ll have to, because I don’t wear skirts.”

“Ah.” He was silent for a moment, and she smiled, waiting for the question. “I am going to see your legs someday, right?”

“Not in a skirt.”

“Out of a skirt?”

“See you at seven, Grissom.”
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

The snake, of course! <slaps forehead> :D

Ahem, since we're kinds on that topic, has anyone read this fic? It's short and um...interesting! :devil:

Grissom's Thing

It's not what you think it is...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

LMAO, Grissly, uh huh..his boa snake...nice cover there girl.

We haven't been in the gutter much lately so it's nice to see all of us are heading back in that direction.
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