Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Forensicsgirl always love your videos and scenario's.

Grisslybear and Flanna loved your scenario's as well.

That scene in Getting Off that Grissly mentioned is one of my favorites as well. It is pretty sad if you work with someone everyday and don't really see them. At that point Sara was really going downhill and I thought looked sickly. Of course the DUI comes shortly after this. It's sad it took that case for Grissom to open his eyes though. Of course we see him in Bloodlines trying to get her to take vacation too cause he is concerned about her.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

hey gang. thanks for the props regarding the music vids, and thank you for taking the time to watch them. you guys rock!

Grissly, as ever, i love your scenario. I would LOVE to see some sort of admission from Grissom, and if they're going to do this soapy triangle thing, then i hope its for the purpose of getting Grissom to open his dumb, stupid, adorable, kissable, gorgeous mouth... *drools* ... sorry, where was I??? :lol:

I have a raging headache this evening (two guesses why...) so to try and cheer myself up, i threw together another little strip...







Angst! I love it!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

yes it when she turned the question around he just says ok and turns away. I interpreted that as a sign of just giving up too soon.. and I hope that won't happen with GSR that they get into hot waters and call it quits, if they even get together that is (fingers crossed) :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

awsome comic forensicsgirl! :)

...though i hope it doesn't end up like that... *tear*
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

awesome is right! i really like it forenscisgirl!

i hope if it does go down like that, that the sara has a convo with griss, or thinks to herself "does it matter? i think it does..."

it would be cool if TPTB let us in on what sara's really thinking
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

that would be cool, beautifulview. ooooooooooooooooo.... i just thought of something awful TPTB could do to us......... have a lovely GSR moment- Gris professing his feelings or kissing sara....... then gris drops reports down on the desk, flashing out and having sara daydreaming in the break room, startled back to reality.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

OH MY if that happened i would march over to california and slap all of them in turn. shudder.

but it would be ok in a way, because then we would know that TPTB might have something in store for us if griss is thinking/dreaming about it. maybe he makes a move?
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

hi everyone !!! im a newbie here !!i became a GSR shipper after sex, lies and larves aired! so i just want to say that i have already read all of your post and your works are really amazing!!! about the triangle thing, i just hope that grissom will say something to sara about that "heart

to heart" with spork before she decides to move on and
give her attention to somebody else (please no!!!!)

ps: fantastic work forensicgirl :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Hi Sissi, welcome to our thread, great to see new GSR fans here! (Just one little note before forensicsgirl (our mod) tells you herself: we try not to use Sofia's nickname here, because people who like her get offended ;))

Forensicsgirl, the new strip was great. I loved the first two pics (am I too late? It's 9 am...Hilarious :lol:)

You gotta wrap this up in a nice, fluffy way, you know that right? If not, remember it is not only you who has access to a water pistol around here :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape


You gotta wrap this up in a nice, fluffy way, you know that right? If not, remember it is not only you who has access to a water pistol around here :lol:
Yeah.. I envision your sig pic being used in some way... or a really really great photo manip :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

hey sissi59100 warm welcome to our GSR troops.. ahh I remember when I was a newbie was so long ago :lol:Forensicsgirl great strip I liked it ;)
and grissom baby you could never be too late just don't wait another couple of years
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

You gotta wrap this up in a nice, fluffy way, you know that right? If not, remember it is not only you who has access to a water pistol around here

I agree with Grissly forensicsgirl end it with fluff. :D

Sissi, a warm welcome to the GSR thread. We have fun here in and out of the gutter.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Sissi - glad you decided to join us in the gutter ;)

Just one little note before forensicsgirl (our mod) tells you herself: we try not to use Sofia's nickname here, because people who like her get offended
Exactly what grissly said. I don't need to say it now ;)

You gotta wrap this up in a nice, fluffy way, you know that right? If not, remember it is not only you who has access to a water pistol around here
Ooooh, threatening me now, are you? Thems fighting words...
Bring it on! :p :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I would like to see something like a scene of "Remains of the day" That one, in which Miss Kenton (Emma Thompson) is trying to see what Mr. Stevens (Anthony Hopkins) was reading. That was an intense scene!
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