Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape


martini, yes, there have been no mention of any GSR moments lately in the next few episodes. As Forensicsgirl has pointed out before...she thinks maybe Mystery over at YTDAW may not be able to say anything and that may be why we aren't getting spoilers. I am hoping all this hush, hush, means maybe we are getting a GSR scene they can't reveal hints about. Let's hope.

Grisslybear, I think Grissom will still be awkward with Sara because I think a part of him will always be afraid, even if they are together, that he will do something to make her unhappy. Maybe after they are together for awhile that may change. I personally find the awkwardness he has about himself sexy.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I think it might be a bit awkward at the start when they finally come together after all these years and they'd probably laugh about it, which would relieve the tension a bit (I don't mean UST, there are other ways for that and with that I fall back into the gutter :D)

Other than that, for some reason, I've always seen Grissom as a guy who can be pretty romantic if he wants to be. This is the guy who said "Since I met you" to the woman he's trying to restrain his feelings about, so I wonder what he'd say if they are in a relationship. I think he could recite poetry, arrange a surprise romantic dinner, do stuff like that...Not that we'd see it on-screen but still.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

There is not doubt that Grissom has the complete ability to be a romantic. I mean the dinner he arranged with Terri Miller from what I could tell looked very romantic. We know he has the ability to sit down and have a very nice tea with Lady I can just imagine the lengths he would go to with a woman he loves. The episode Shooting Stars when he was looking at the sky got me to thinking of this scenario.

Grissom would ask Sara if she would like to go star gazing with him. Not as a date of course but just because they are both into science. He would pack some blankets, his telescope, some coffee, maybe some fruit for a snack. They would drive out to a very secluded spot in the desert and things would be normal friendship banter for awhile. Then while he is helping her look through the telescope I could see him saying something like...
Grissom: I love the smell of your shampoo.
Sara: When I was in your apartment going over the case and I looked in your bathroom, I rememebered it was a scent you had in there and I bought it to remind myself of you.
I think he would be very sentimental about every little detail of Sara just as she would want to relish in every detail of him.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

i don't know about the whole shampoo thing... that is a bit stalkerish
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

That's a nice scenario, LadySara! The slight problem with it is that if she went to his apartment to look over the casefile, I think the UST would've been resolved by the time they go stargazing ;) :D :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Well I know she has been to his townhouse at least once and that was in Strip Strangler. So, I figured that would have been her one opportunity to use his bathroom and being a CSI I could just see her inspecting everything in there to find out what he likes in cologne etc. Yes, it would be nice if the UST would be resolved before the stargazing. :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

i really like this whole romantic Gris idea. I mean, he is A romantic, if not about romance. (make sense?) like grisslybear said, reciting poetry, etc. etc. I can see the Bugman trying really hard to do something surprising and romantic, but because he's so nervous he overlooks some key points and it falls apart. like having a book on tape instead of music.... or he's nervous and shaking and knocks over candles, lighting the tablecloth on fire. or makes reservations for one, not two. that kind of thing- but i think he'll try to do something extra-special for Sara.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

eeeep! thats a lovely scnerio ladysara. that would be great, because its not so cheesy that its not believable, but still gives us something to oogle over.

what has been playing in my head is a scnerio where sara gets emotional about something, maybe her mother or a domestic violance case? and gil comferts her. their first hug maybe? i dont remember him hugging her anytime.
griss: sadness doesnt suit you (i know i stole this line from SaraxGrissom's icon. but i think it fits)
while we shippers are all glued to our tv screens, they lean in to kiss... and cut to a commercial.

i could so totally see TPTB doing that. they so love to torture us
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Thanks beautifulview and grisslybear for the nice comments on my little attempt at a scenario. :lol:

No, we have never seen Grissom hug Sara. The most contact we have had of course has been little touchs in Scuba Dubie Doo and Altar Boys and Anatomy of a Lie. I was hoping for that hug scene in Committed but TPTB didn't think it was the right time there either. But I do believe there may have been an offscreen hug there. I think the TPTB like us to fill in the blanks between commercials.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

griss: sadness doesnt suit you (i know i stole this line from SaraxGrissom's icon. but i think it fits)
while we shippers are all glued to our tv screens, they lean in to kiss... and cut to a commercial.

i could so totally see TPTB doing that. they so love to torture us

arg!! as long as they cut back to the lovebirds after the commertial, but we all know they'd go to Nick and Greg and Catherine over some corpse. *sigh*.

wouldnt it be nice if:
sara is all upset about something, ie domestic violence case, and she's crying. gris and she are alone, and he leans over to her, and he gently tucks her hair behind her ear... says something romantic, or nothing at all, and cupps her face in his hands and uses his thumbs to wipe the tears away.... *sigh*
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Awww Flanna that is so sweet...Grissom wiping Sara's tears away. Now that is truly a romantic gesture. I don't think there is anything sexier than a man comforting a woman. Oh well can't forget he did try and comfort her in Nesting Dolls. I mean you could tell by the way he took her hand in Nesting Dolls how he wanted to comfort her. I think he was just afraid if he comforted her more than a hand touch he would lose control himself and he is the type he is not going to take advantage of Sara in an emotional situation. That makes him even more sweet.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

My dream scenario is a bit different in tone than you guys' great scenarios. The way I see it happening is: Sara and Grissom argue, and Sara again accuses him of "not feeling", or says something to the effect of him never having cared about her, and says she's over him and that she despises herself for having loved him. Grissom gets furious that she can even think that he had no feelings for her. He stands there baffled. And then we cut to Sara's apartment, loud knock on her door, Grissom storms inside and walks to Sara, holds her arms forcefully. Before she can say "what the hell are..." he pulls her to him and kisses her senseless.

Or, a variant is he grabs her before she can leave his office.

:D :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I might be dating my age here a bit but I used to watch a show called Moonlighting which revolved around two detectives Maddie and David. It was kinda an opposite role with them but they kinda remind me of Grissom and Sara. The sexual tension was always there and they danced around it for years. They finally after four years bring them together for one huge passionate scene but then within a few episodes start the angst right up again. I often wonder if TPTB let them have a few episodes of happiness if they won't start putting doubts in their head as if they should have crossed the line.

Edit: Grisslybear I can see a scene like that happening between Gris and Sara which is what made me think of the Moonlighting. The scene where they were brought together come about because Maddie slapped David and when she came to do it a second time he stopped her and then that passionate kiss happened and well the rest is history. I could see Grissom and Sara being passionate and heated like that.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

LadySaraI do remember that show--Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis.. (I will be 27 in two months :D).

TPTB might well choose to have them share one kiss and go back to angst. If they want to prolong this for many more seasons, then it has to happen this way. They can't go on with showing no physical contact at all, and if they show just one kiss, which they maybe regret later, or which doesn't lead to much, (1) GSR shippers will have got what they want and will be quieted for a while :D (2) They can leave the ultimate resolution to the end of the series.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

OT: Well I am a little older than you Grissly, I am 32, but glad to know someone else remembers that show.

I agree TPTB I think need to do something to resolve something in GSR this season. I think a hug would even satisfy most of us. Just something to let us know that GSR is going to move forward. They can't just leave it hanging in mid air forever. I hope we get little moments rather than one big moment at the end. :D
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