Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Hi shippers hope you are all well.

Forensicsgirl I love the new video and on a completely unrelated note grisslybear and ladysarabutterfly I also remember that show (which may be suprising as I am 19) wasn't it called moonlighting?
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Yeah it was called Moonlighting, Grissoms_Beard :)

Forensicsgirl apparently I missed your last vid. I just went ahead and watched it when Grissoms_Beard mentioned it. Love it. Just my type of music, Portishead!!!
And loved your editing in the last part when the scenes flash. Great job!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Woaah what a cool musicvideo you made!! i really love it + the song!! Wanna see more!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Oops... I saw i music video but that was on a few pages back haha... didn't notice that... I still like it any way..:p
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

That show is not that old! :D I'm younger than both of you, 24, and I absolutely adored Moonlighting! :)

I remember an eppy, which I've actually seen not so long ago, where David has some troubles with the law, and he was going toi go into hiding. Anyway, long story short, Maddie tried to stop him.

So they're in a garage, arguing, as usual, when all of a sudden they kiss! Afterwards they're both so shocked, that they start arguing who started it and of course they can't agree on that either! :lol:

So finally, they conclude, and together amazingly, that "Since neither of us started it... IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!" :lol: I love that scene! They kissed, but got out of it very cleverly.

Now, I know that nothing like this is probably gonna happen with Grissom and Sara, but I like grissly's scenario, that the kiss should happen in the heat of the moment! It'll be more passionate... :devil:

But, just to speculate a bit, if they did kiss in the heat of the moment, how would they go about it later? How would they behave? And I don't want to hear any angsty scenarios, we've had enough of those! ;) So...? :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Hi shippers hope you are all well.

Forensicsgirl I love the new video and on a completely unrelated note grisslybear and ladysarabutterfly I also remember that show (which may be suprising as I am 19) wasn't it called moonlighting?
I remember the show too (23 here). I hope TPTB wouldn't go into that kind of angst after some resolution :( I'd kind of see it as a slap in the face.. like "neener neener GSR shippers, you got your intimacy, but we're going to ignore it from now on. *stick tongue out*"

Love the scenarios where Grissom gets so bent out of shape that he finally acts -- it seems very logical that getting angry would be the straw that broke the camel's back as far as getting him to DO SOMETHING. He has to be out of his element and he can't be able to think it through. He probably has, many times, each time giving himself a validation on why acting out wouldn't work... but if he's given a situation where he can't analyze it and he has to perform a gut reaction... *sighs and holds her heart* It'd just be soooooo nice. That kind of emotion.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Well I don't want to get anyone's hopes high or anything, especially my own, but I was thinking Sara seeing him and Sofia might be something that can spur him into action. He probably would hate to be misunderstood, and would hate to think that Sara thinks there's something going on between him and Sofia, so he might go to her and apologize, and if there's a heated argument of any sort, or if Sara dismisses him, he might say something, or do something...Just hoping :D

And it is right that Grissom should probably be in a state of mind where he can't come up with rationalizations, for him to make a move. But then again, the question is, if he does make a move in such a state of mind, what will he do after he calms down? Will he regret it and say it was a mistake?

I would think/hope not, because that would bring us back to the "Grissom rejecting Sara, Sara is hurt" routine which is inconsistent with Sara being happy this season.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape


And it is right that Grissom should probably be in a state of mind where he can't come up with rationalizations, for him to make a move. But then again, the question is, if he does make a move in such a state of mind, what will he do after he calms down? Will he regret it and say it was a mistake?

I would think/hope not, because that would bring us back to the "Grissom rejecting Sara, Sara is hurt" routine which is inconsistent with Sara being happy this season.
Unfortunately thats how I see it happening too :( It could be from all the fanfic I've read lately (angsty regretful stuff) but :/ Maybe the action-sans-thinking would spur something not so angstful. Maybe a "well, I did it, gotta live with the after-effects now" instead of "well, I did it, oh **** I'm screwed *regret regret regret*"

Happily ever after wouldn't work for this show, but please give us something that doesn't sting so much.

OT: post 100 *goes and searches for a suitable icon* :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

OT: me too brandie :p

I see the same :( Poor Sara.... I think it's Grissom' time to do some chasing.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

hmm... Grissom 'loosing it' and making a move in the heat of the moment...? perhaps.

Remember when Lady Heather said Grissom's greatest fear was 'to be known'? and you can't say that he didn't admit she was right, because we all saw him do it with his face. *i love how Grissom's emotions are an open book sometimes.*

perhaps, perhaps... we might see: sara's little happy stint this season is threatened by something. everyone, of course, sees it. there is a classic GSR moment, most likely in private, as always. Suddenly, sara's happy again. and catherine especially notices Grissom's a little merrier than usual. = conflict without (much) angst.

or we could have sara get upset to the point she doesn't care, and confronts grissom in front of people, say, in the break room. grissom gets flustered and kisses her, or some other GSR-type-revealing thing. in front of people. ... and his greatest fear is 'to be known'...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Well I don't want to get anyone's hopes high or anything, especially my own, but I was thinking Sara seeing him and Sofia might be something that can spur him into action. He probably would hate to be misunderstood, and would hate to think that Sara thinks there's something going on between him and Sofia, so he might go to her and apologize, and if there's a heated argument of any sort, or if Sara dismisses him, he might say something, or do something...Just hoping :D

And it is right that Grissom should probably be in a state of mind where he can't come up with rationalizations, for him to make a move. But then again, the question is, if he does make a move in such a state of mind, what will he do after he calms down? Will he regret it and say it was a mistake?

I would think/hope not, because that would bring us back to the "Grissom rejecting Sara, Sara is hurt" routine which is inconsistent with Sara being happy this season.

I think quite a few of us can see this sort of scenario playing out especially as I can't see the whole GSR thing being completely resolved until series 7 but lets just hope I am wrong on that one.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I was thinking (and I might have said this before, sorry if I did) that a plausible way for the writers to write the "triangle" scene might be for Grissom to just go to her and say:

G: "Sara, with Sofia, it's not..."
S: "Not what?"
G: "Not like you and me".

And that's it. Commercial break, nothing ever mentioned again. Something like this would be (1)an admission of feeling from Grissom (2) Still leaves out in the open what kind of relationship they have (3) would be the cutest GSR moment....
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

grisslybear: you are amazing. i would so love it if that happened. except for it never being mentioned agian... but still amazingly awsome. *thumbs up*
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

hey gang. thanks for the props regarding the music vids, and thank you for taking the time to watch them. you guys rock!

Grissly, as ever, i love your scenario. I would LOVE to see some sort of admission from Grissom, and if they're going to do this soapy triangle thing, then i hope its for the purpose of getting Grissom to open his dumb, stupid, adorable, kissable, gorgeous mouth... *drools* ... sorry, where was I??? :lol:

I have a raging headache this evening (two guesses why...) so to try and cheer myself up, i threw together another little strip...







Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Flanna and Forensicsgirl, glad you liked the scenario. Of course I would like to see it mentioned again and not left at that, but this is CSI and I doubt it would be, at least not in the same episode?...:(

Forensicsgirl, nice and very plausible strip, but I really fear this will be the way it's gonna play out. I hope they didn't put in the triangle thing just to show us and Grissom that Sara has moved on... :(

BTW, that scene is one of my fave GSR scenes ever. It's so subtle, but so beautiful. He starts gazing at her before she finishes talking, then she realizes, says "what?" (adorable :D) and he says "I haven't seen you in a while, have I?" and when she says "you see me everyday", he is sort of surprised with himself, and his gesture is like "she has a point there" :D Great scene...
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