Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Sorry- I didn't realize I did double post???- where-?-and I will be glad not to discuss Sofia- thank's for the heads-up- I'm still getting used to your site- so if I boo-boo- excuse me OK- ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Actually, the more I think about it, I think deep down I like the fact that he's 'emotionally unavailable'. I mean really, it's what keeps us on the edge of our seat. If Grissom was a great lovey-dovey teddy bear that just swept Sara romantically up in his arms and rode off into the sunset, it really wouldn't make for much of a story, not to mention the relationship really couldn't progress past season one. The fact that Grissom can't deal with a relationship gives the GSR-ness a deeper, more complicated (and sadly more interesting and realistic) feel to the relationship. *hops off soap box* Sorry if I only repeated what's already been said, but I needed to drop in my two cents.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I had three thought today on my bus ride home. One I will not post because it deals with the idiots who ride my bus. Anyways:

1) Nigra is a good 'ship song. There are just two lines that makes me link it to this: "And the simple beauty of your face" and "I can't worry my heart with what if/maybe I should just give in". Don't we all somewhat wish Grissom would just do the second part of the second line?

2) I thought about Catherine being the supervisor. I don't remember exactly what my opinion was, but I remeber talking to Diane about it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Flanna, I agree with you completely. I wouldn't want Grissom any other way. Even though we get aggrivated at the angst sometimes it really is what we live for in GSR. I wouldn't want Sara to be any different either. She plays just as hard to get and she is an emotional mess too. She and Grissom both are socially inept. They have so much in common actually sometimes I wonder if they really see that.

I was watching a clip from XX the other day and found the scene where she is spouting off info about bugs to Nick and Hodges and they ask her when she became and expert on bugs. She then states Grissom got her an entimology book for Christmas and I love how Nick and Hodges are like well we didn't get a Christmas gift and Sara looks at them strange. I wonder if Grissom told her that everyone got a gift from him to cover his tracks.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Wow I haven't been here in a while, hi guys - I just popped in to see how you all where - I haven't been up to date with current GSR, it's slowly slipping away from me - we are told things will happen - then thye don't, we wait till something does happen - but they don't... don't get me wrong I am still abord the SS. Geeklove it's just... WOW! when is something going to happen - just a conversation between them would make me happy
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

If Grissom was a great lovey-dovey teddy bear that just swept Sara romantically up in his arms and rode off into the sunset, it really wouldn't make for much of a story, not to mention the relationship really couldn't progress past season one.

I couldn't agree with this more. I know in an ideal world we want everyone to be happy and cheerful, but a) we don't live in an ideal world and b) happiness does not make for compelling drama. It just doesn't. I mean, CSI is about death, murder, depravity... If all the characters started wearing pink and going on about fluffy bunnys and how great love was we'd run away screaming.

People who do this work are damaged - they've seen the darkest side of life and their lives are a little greyer for it. Can they have normal lives? Of course they can. But they know that life is not a bloody box of bloody chocolates (sorry, I hate Forrest Gump) and therefore they're not skipping merrily around all the time.

Where am I going with this? Well... we might all want to see Sara happy and her life going well, but if it was would we still watch the show? Would we still be remotely interested in her character if she came into the programme totally well adjusted and married to a studly yet sensitive guy with 2.4 children, a dog a cat three goldfish and a pet swan in the backyard? No we bloody well wouldn't. No more than Friends would have been interesting if Ross and Rachel had gotten together at the end of Season One "The One Where Rachel finds out" and stayed together over the years. Yawn. We would have been *bored* stupid. Cuz successful relationships, while an ideal in our own lives, are not compelling to watch on screen for 10 years. They're not even compelling to watch for one year - which is why a lot of people stopped watching Frasier after Niles and Daphney got married.

Okay, yes CSI is about forensics and the science and all that. Absolutely, yes it is. But its also about the characters - otherwise, like WP said, we'd be watching the Discovery Channel. So we want to see the ups and downs in the characters lives, the things that put them under pressure and challenge them and make them struggle. Cuz that makes for damn good tv. Why did so many people tune in to watch Grave Danger (apart from a QT fixation...) It wasn't to watch some random, nameless victim in a box - it was to watch NICK in a box, a character who's ups and downs we've experience. We love watching our favorite characters suffer.

The same principle holds true with GSR. People complain that its been drawn out for too long, that it should be over and done with already, that if something was going to happen it would have by now... First off, how long did it take Niles and Daphney to get together? Mulder and Scully? Ross and Rachel? Secondly, would it have been interesting anymore if they'd gotten together in say the 1st or 2nd season? And thirdly, would it be remotely compelling if it was all plain sailing and everyone was in happy fluffy bunny land?

(the answers by the way are 1)8 years, 7 years, 10 years; 2)No and 3)No)

Okay, that was a bit ranty. I think i need to lie down... :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I also like the fact that Grissom is emotionally closed-off, awkward and sometimes just plain stupid :p

As someone whose first tendency is normally to frown upon older man-younger woman or man in superior work position/woman subordinate relationships, the reason why I ship GSR so obsessively is (1) that the male is not sleazily chasing the young woman because he is in mid-life crisis and wants to feel young (2) the female is not trying to get the male's attention for some material benefit such as power or money, and is a confident, smart person herself. In other words, this relationship is far from sterotypical, and does not involve the beauty-power, beauty-money,or beauty-brains trade that sometimes characterizes older man-younger woman relationships. They are equals in many aspects, both smart, etc.

And I liked Sara chasing the emotionally-challenged geeky bugman. But the bugman needs to get his act together soon. This ship is making me learn new things about myself everyday, and although I would like to think of myself as not liking "cheesy" romantic stuff, I realized I desperately need to see a classic, romantic move from Grissom! :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I also like the fact that Grissom is emotionally closed-off, awkward and sometimes just plain stupid

I totally agree with everything you just said, grissly and in the midst of my rant I forgot that Grissom's simple stupidity and awkwardness is something that I also adore about the show. Grissom is shown to be perfect in many ways. I mean, the man's a genius. He's almost always right, and when he isn't, he's a big enough man to admit that he was wrong. If it weren't for his little quirks, like his social/emotional awkwardness, his stupidity about certain things *cough*Sara*cough* and, of course, is political tone-deafness, he would be too damn perfect, and utterly uncompeling as a character. Again - faults, pain, suffering, trials & tribulations - all make great tv :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

People who do this work are damaged - they've seen the darkest side of life and their lives are a little greyer for it. Can they have normal lives? Of course they can.

I couldn't have put it better myself, forensicsgirl. I don't believe that they can have truely normal lives: yes, they can have friends, lovers, and have time for a trip to the bar. but they can't belong to the rosey world that the rest of the world lives in, even if to us it isn't so rosy. and yes, there is that morbid bit of us that likes to see our beloved characters in strife, like one of those "yeah, i'm in a bad spot, but at least my mother didnt kill my father and i got sent to a foster home" situations. Though (to continue with the friends metaphor) we need to remember that 'living through' the ross and rachael relationship, everyone was thinking "Get on already! get it overwith! she loves him, he loves her, end of story!" even though now it's nice to remember the topsy-turvy relationship. TPTB needs to realize that keeping the GSR shippers intrigued and keeping us happy are two totally different ballgames. I love the crazy relationship that seems to go in circles, but c'mon, we need SOMETHING to keep us going!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Though (to continue with the friends metaphor) we need to remember that 'living through' the ross and rachael relationship, everyone was thinking "Get on already! get it overwith! she loves him, he loves her, end of story!" even though now it's nice to remember the topsy-turvy relationship.

Absolutely. But half the fun was yelling at your TV, and at the characters, urging them on, groaning when they did something stupid... What would we have been doing if they had gotten together and everything had gone well???

Same with GSR. What would we have to talk about if they had gotten together way early on? Yes, TPTB need to keep feeding us little moments to keep us going, but if they make things too easy and they get together and are all happy and perfect, we'd be bored. We need a certain amount of angst, uncertainty and, yes, stupidity, in order to keep us interested. Thats TV drama for you... :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I mean, the man's a genius. He's almost always right, and when he isn't, he's a big enough man to admit that he was wrong. If it weren't for his little quirks, like his social/emotional awkwardness, his stupidity about certain things *cough*Sara*cough* and, of course, is political tone-deafness, he would be too damn perfect, and utterly uncompeling as a character.

ah, but we love the ol' grizzley bear anyway :D don't forget his lovely romanticism! (not lovey stuff, but the poetry, idealistic world... i think that's why i like the buugman so much...)

Yes, TPTB need to keep feeding us little moments to keep us going, but if they make things too easy and they get together and are all happy and perfect, we'd be bored. We need a certain amount of angst, uncertainty and, yes, stupidity, in order to keep us interested.

too true, too true. yet i think half the reason we stand up and yell at our TVs about their 'stupidity' is because we deep down reccognize the same stupidity in ourselves, and because maybe we didn't take the chanse in our own lives, when we reccognize it in GSR it makes us want to have Gris and Sara take the chanse we think we've missed. ... I don't know where i was going with that... sorry. someone needs to take away my soapbox :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I just picked up the new and improved TV Guide- it's in magazine form now- and on pg. 8-it talks about (pic included) about the ''Gum Drops' eppy and Carol Mendohsohn says maybe the G/S scene that was cut because of Billy going out of town for the death in his family ''will be picked up in a later eppy'' the writer says ''you big tease Carol''so maybe this will still happen-
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Yeah, I read that too. I really hope we get to see it. And I am optimistic because it's a nice storyline, and even before hearing about the TVGuide article, when I saw that they cut the whole hotel stuff (everything, not only the GSR moment), I thought they may be planning to use those in another eppy. Let's hope... :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I have high hopes that the hotel scene will reappear as well.
I mean we know the only reason why it was taken out was because of the fact that WP could not film the episode. So that right there in itself tells us the TPTB were trying to give us some GSR moment we all want. That is a very good intention.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Oh here's hoping CM isn't just teasing us and that something like the planned hotel scene will appear later in the season. Doesn't have to be a hotel - Gris can just as easily spend the night at Sara's apartment - same result :)

Anyway, before i collapse into bed, I thought i'd share another video i managed to get finished today. Yet again, half of it was sitting on my hard drive since September... hope you enjoy...

Give Me a Reason(putfile version)

Give Me a Reason (megaupload version)
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