Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Forensicsgirl, just had a chance to watch your video. Great job! That song really fits--looking at the lyrics, I guess it would be from the pov of another woman, right? (one of the many that are trying to get Grissom's attention ;))
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Thanks for the recommendations, guys.

On Topic? I have nothing. GSR... woo...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I am wondering about this two parter...

And I am wondering just how big the "sparks" are that the Ask Ausselio guy was talking about... I mean, I'm not expecting a kiss or anything, but what is Grissom verbally crosses a line he can never go back behind? I would really like to see that... see the two of them arguing or talking, and because he's stressed and worn out, he lets something slip. Of course, the case immediately rears its head with Greg or someone popping in to grab them, but I'd love to just SEE Grissom's face when he realizes he can't go back.... Happy dreaming!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Well, Alyssa, I think it is very very likely (almost for sure) that Grissom and Sara will talk after the "triangle" scene. So, there is no way this can be bad for GSR, except if Sara immediately shuts him down saying that he doesn't need to make an explanation and that she doesn't care.

I am thinking just the mere fact that Grissom feels the need to go and make an explanation to Sara is an admission of feeling, but I would want a bit more, of course.

I think a very elegant way for him to convey his feelings would be to say something like:
-"It's not like that, Sara"
-"It's not like what?"
-"With her...It's not like you and me"...

I actually saw a variant of this dialogue in my dream a couple of nights ago, can you believe (and I realized I am really bordering on complete obsession with GSR :eek:):
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I've been throwing the idea around in my head about the sparks.. what if they don't come from the two females in the situation? What if all the flyin fire comes from Grissom.. like he gets really really upset at Sofia for putting him in a position to upset Sara. Not that he couldn't see it coming, he just didn't expect it to.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Hey forensicsgirl nice video and song ;)

As for the "sparks" it could be anything and if the line is verbally crossed by grissom ('cause sara already crossed sort of) , how will they play it out for another 1 and a half of a season and I don't think they are already together. :eek: well it could be possible 'cause some people have changed after GD :cool: but they just like to let us wait. So I think if something 'physical' happens (like a kiss :D) they aren’t gonna talk about it in the next episodes and just leave it open :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I found a little time today to finish another one of the music vids which has been sitting on my hard drive for a while... I should have been writing, but oh well... :)

Credit goes to midnightsun on this one - she recommended the song (5 Years by Bjork) on the Best GSR song thread (waaaaay back in September) and I thought it was fantastic and so very angsty GSR and totally kick-ass Sara.

5 Years
that version's on Putfile. If it doesn't work for you, then here's the Megaupload Version

Enjoy... ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Well I was thinking that if Grissom did go back to being an ordinary CSI, then Catherine could get her superviser job back can't she. Then Griss & Sara could get together, (as 1 of the main reasons stopping him do anything is gone - along with his hearing problem, almost) & then everyone's happy :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Well I was thinking that if Grissom did go back to being an ordinary CSI, then Catherine could get her superviser job back can't she. Then Griss & Sara could get together, (as 1 of the main reasons stopping him do anything is gone - along with his hearing problem, almost) & then everyone's happy :D
I hear a lot of speculation as to exactly why Grissom would think the relationship wouldn't work.. I'm anxious to hear the real reasons (if they'd ever say them). Do we 100% know for sure that supervisor/subordinate relationships are illegal... or are they just looked down upon? I know what the State of Nevada's are (relationships like that are inappropriate and considered sexual harassment), but since this is all TV-land, it could be different.

Also, a little OT: but in SaF, Catherine complained about sharing a desk with Day Shift... does that mean she's still a supervisor, of some sorts? Or that she just got to keep a desk? I hate how they didn't explain that post-Grave Danger. :/
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I've always had the idea that Grissom's reluctance to start a relationship with Sara is not purely work-related. I think him being her supervisor is a very convenient excuse for Grissom, and I am sure he tells this half-lie (IMO) to himself as well as to others.

The way I see it is that Grissom is scared of Sara and what she might do to his life (i.e. turn it upside down). This includes work, but work is only one aspect of it I think. I think he is more scared because of the age difference, a fear that once he gets into a relationship, it will be impossible for him to go back, and he would be badly hurt if she leaves him for another man or gets bored. In that sense, Grissom is the more insecure one. So, he may not throw himself at Sara immediately if he loses his supervisory position. But of course, the work issue being resolved would help the two to at least work on their relationship without a major problem. But probably it won't be all fun and games once the work issue is resolved...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

In terms of whether or not its against the rules for a supervisor/subordinate to be in a relationship - they've never spelled it out one way or another on the show so the simple answer is - We don't know. However, its fair to assume that it would be at the very least frowned upon by the higher ups. Sexual harrassment law and everything surrounding it would make for a lot of complications...

Possible Spoilers
Which is why we're thinking that all the anvils being dropped regarding Grissom not being happy in the job and Grissom possibly not being Supervisor by the end of the season might be a good thing for GSR. If he's no longer Sara's boss, then thats one big obstacle out of the way for them.

The other obstacle - Grissom's apparent fear of being known and inability to know what to do about 'this' is hopefully something he will be willing to work on...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

In terms of whether or not its against the rules for a supervisor/subordinate to be in a relationship - they've never spelled it out one way or another on the show so the simple answer is - We don't know. However, its fair to assume that it would be at the very least frowned upon by the higher ups. Sexual harrassment law and everything surrounding it would make for a lot of complications...

Possible Spoilers
Which is why we're thinking that all the anvils being dropped regarding Grissom not being happy in the job and Grissom possibly not being Supervisor by the end of the season might be a good thing for GSR. If he's no longer Sara's boss, then thats one big obstacle out of the way for them.

The other obstacle - Grissom's apparent fear of being known and inability to know what to do about 'this' is hopefully something he will be willing to work on...
You're right, the whole boss/employee thing is a big, yet overcomable hurdle, especially if all the speculation turns into actualization.

One thing that has bothered me for awhile is "this" and Grissom's inability to deal with it. I think he full-on knows what to do about it, but something bigger than his heart keeps telling him to back off. He's not a stupid man, he knows about feelings and emotions. He just has to listen to that little shipper on his shoulder.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

Ehh he is strange guy :) But I like him too much :p He can be emotional unavailable, he even couldn't know what to do about this, but whenever Sara has some kind of troubles, he is so protective :) I just love that scene in ND "She's a great criminalist and I need her". Peachy :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I think Grissoms obliviousness to love and how to deal with it is adorable.:p. I love watching him struggle with it.
I mean.. who would want a over confident, cocky guy when you got Grissom. :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #10-Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape

I definitevely prefer Grissom :) I prefer Mac once, but that was when I din't even know what LV was. I watched one episode....and I don't anything else :p
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