Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I only hear about it on here, so... Except the interview- the ad-thingy for that was on during "Secrets and Flies," so yeah. It's funny to hear them word it that way. I call it 'the room scene.' I know others call it that too.

I just heard the song 'Whiskey Lullabye' on the raio. For those who haven't heard it, it's about two people who drink themselves to death because they blame the other and can't forget them. For some reason (sniff), I see it as a possible ending for them. Not that they would actually do that, but it's possible. Same thing with Pearl Jam's 'Last Kiss.'

ETA: Sex on CSI? Wow.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

If they play GSR right, it could be a great character development for Sara and Grissom. But if they play it badly it'll just be a low-rent sitcom/soap opera routine.

And this all depends on if it happens and whether they're going to "hide" it. If they just play it like "We're not telling anyone because it's no one's business and we're professional at work", then fine. But if they do the whole thing of "We're going to kiss in the office and almost get caught or purposely hide it from everyone"... it'll tank before the end of the show and sacrifice, as Billy always says, the iscolated episodic nature of the show. Okay, he doesn't say it like that, but you get the point.

Can you clarify what you mean by "better", Sarahvma?

I... I don't quite know what you're getting at...

But in all seriousness, the hotel room scene could be far more suggestive later in the season than if they played it a couple of weeks ago when it would have been pretty obvious nothing happened but that it was simply a step in that direction. And it's clear that that scene didn't have huge bearing on the Year of Grissom because CM seems to think it can be slipped in anywhere it'll still fit.

Well, remember when we had that minor argument/discussion about twisting ship scenes to say what we wanted? I went into the Gofia thread, and they're convinced that the scene between Sofia and Grissom last night proves that something is "going on" because he's uncomfortable looking at her during work, and that Catherine notices this and is therefore jealous.

I'm not making fun of the Gofias here, but it does prove my point that any shippy or lack therof can be spun. Which also helps the comment people had that others were saying Butterflied didn't prove anything about GSR.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

True, Sarahvma. Probably nothing would have happened between them in Gum Drops, but although I am not a supporter of that theory normally, I can't help but think whether there is already something going on between the two. This lack of GSR in this season is somewhat weird to me, and I wonder if they are already in a relationship, which would be a surprise to the viewers, hinted at by the "hotel scene" which seems to come exactly out of nowhere.

I still think this is not the case, but I'm just speculating...That said, SPOILERS
the hotel scene will probably not be in until 6X11 for sure, since I know the spoilers up to then, and there is nothing yet said about that. I would like to think that there will be some GSR development by then though. I am very optimistic about the second eppy of the two-parter. The spoiler queens at YTDAW have been very silent about this second part, although spoilers for the two episodes after that have come out. Makes you wonder what happens after Sara walks in on Grissom and Sofia. I see it very likely that Grissom initiates a conversation about it, which might lead to anything...

EDIT: Just saw your edit. Of course every shipper tweaks scenes to their liking, but some things are more apparent than others. Some tweaks I really just laugh at, and I'm afraid what Gofias say about that scene would be one of those. I really objectively think Butterflied is unambiguous in terms of what it implies for Grissom's feelings, although it is ambiguous in what it implies for the relationship. That said, we probably twist the chalk scene a little bit. I understand if someone says Grissom was only confused and didn't feel anything about it. Same with "pin me down", I can understand people saying that Grissom didn't feel anything unprofessional. But Butterflied? No. :)

EDIT2: Have you been to the "worst couples" thread? (I suggest not to, in a sense, because it was an ugly, ugly war between ships). But it is a great example of what lengths people will go to to justify their own ships and more importantly, explain away others' shippy moments. Given the denial that was going on there, I think GSR is the ship that really has/needs the least amount of wishful thinking/rationalization :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

True, they can't deny that in Butterflied he's admitting his feelings, but what most people imply is "He admitted that he no longer wants her, so the relationship is 100% over". I agree about the Gofia thing, but they're just speculating the same thing others are speculating about the bedroom convo in Bite Me... except that ours actually had sexual talk, but... you gotta throw 'em a bone ;). lol.

Another thought: if this theory about them already dating by Bite Me is true, has Grissom interacted with Sofia since then? And perhaps his coldness towards her also goes to this idea, as does Sara's icy look as she asked her where Grissom was. I don't think it is happening, but it's more proof that it might be... normally he's (again, I hold back the gag reflex) happy to see Sofia, but here it was like she didn't even exist.

EDIT2: Have you been to the "worst couples" thread? (I suggest not to, in a sense, because it was an ugly, ugly war between ships). But it is a great example of what lengths people will go to to justify their own ships and more importantly, explain away others' shippy moments. Given the denial that was going on there, I think GSR is the ship that really has/needs the least amount of wishful thinking/rationalization

Yeah, but that's why they bash GSR so hard. They have to target the ship that actually looks like it's possible. I mean, why would a Cath/Gil shipper attack the Cath/Nick people when there's no chance? Why not attack GSR to keep their ship asail?

I went into it in the beginning, but that thread is just poison and frankly somewhat stupid. The biggest problem I had was when they started making up quotes from Billy saying he hated the idea of him and Jorja in a relationship on the show.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I don't know, really...I personally didn't get any feeling from Grissom to Sofia this whole new season. I don't think he was particularly "happy" to see her back. Now, I'll admit he looked intrigued by her and maybe even found her beautiful in Season 5, which made me worried. But this season, I didn't get this sense at all, and this last scene really confirmed it for me. Also, Sara seemed more confident, dismissing her with the "go detect" line. Which makes me wonder, if something happened between seasons that changed the GSR dynamic...

I think after this last scene, it's going to be clear that Grissom doesn't have feelins for Sofia, in the execution of the "triangle" scene. I really wonder what kind of dynamic will ensue after Sara sees them.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I think maybe after learning that Sofia was going to leave, Grissom realized he just didn't care that much, so now that she's back he's reassesed his feelings, decided that she doesn't mean enough to continue the flirty pseudo-relationship they were starting and he's simply going to be cordial to her.

As opposed to when Sara was in trouble, he looked out for her. He invited Sofia to dinner, but there was no follow-up... I think he was pleasantly surprised to see her at the beginning of the season, but like I said, reassesed his feelings...

Either way, there was plenty of proof in Season 5 that they might go somewhere, I just think that her little showing up "messenger" scene could have been played differently to show some affection still between them, and it wasn't.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Yeah, but that's why they bash GSR so hard. They have to target the ship that actually looks like it's possible. I mean, why would a Cath/Gil shipper attack the Cath/Nick people when there's no chance? Why not attack GSR to keep their ship asail?


Exactly! I said in that thread a couple of times that this was the reason we are being viciously attacked. Which I can relate to--I normally have a big problem imagining Grissom with anyone else than Sara. But I have less of a problem with Grissom/Lady Heather, for instance, because I know it likely won't happen :D

EDIT: And I am not truly worried about Sofia, because she really screams "plot device" to me. I really can't see her as Grissom's real love interest, when they've been building up GSR for 5 years. I just didn't like to see Sara sad, and hopefully we won't see that anymore.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Yeah, the chance of that actress leaving the OC to persue a relationship that's a couple years in the dirt? Not likely. Besides, I always got the feeling that the Lady Heather thing, while there was an attraction, was simply opening up his eyes to life he was leaving behind.

And on the same token, we're pretty hard on Sofia and her Gofias because in Season 5 it definitely looked like it was heading there. lol - I would have hated to have to post on this board after Formalities or when he asks her to dinner...

I wouldn't have as big a problem with Sofia if, like you said, she was anything more than a plot device. But until they give Sofia some kind of backstory or real personality or storyline or something, I just can't be bothered to care...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I think I'm among the minority that would actually like for CSI to end with 7 seasons. I think it's a solid number for a series, and I'd rather CSI go out with a bang than peter out like X-Files.. Also, I don't know if I could take a ten season wait for Grissom and Sara to get together. I know it's televisison and I understand all the problems you run into with getting character together too early (Roswell, Alias, even Dawson's Creek to a degree), but it also sucks to wait until the last minute (X-Files, Pretender who NEVER did it because they were holding out for another MFTVM)... so I think it makes sense to have a happy medium.

In my dream world, we see definite signs of GSR moving forward towards the end of Season 6... at the beginning of Season 7, only the audience can tell something more is happening, but by mid-Season 7, Greg or Cath has caught on... and then we end Season 7 with a bang, a great episode (preferably a serial... I love serial killers... yeah, I know I'm strange), and the lab knows Sara and Gris are a couple. I don't need a cheesy proposal or "Oh, I'm pregnant!" Just everyone knowing and Grissom and Sara happy with it...

See, season 6's usually lose me... or nearly lose me... so I'm holding on tight to CSI this season... because if they lose me in Season 6, I'm very unlikely to come back Season 7, unless it's a series finale... I'll shut up now. I type too much.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I actually agree, Alyssa. The 'ship can't possibly go on like this for 10 seasons. If they plan on having them get together at the end of the series, they have to eventually put in soapy stuff like triangles, new boyfriends for Sara etc., which I wouldn't care for much.

And I have to admit I am clearly obsessed with GSR, more than my fascination with the series, and rather than watching the relationship thin out and start to become something I don't really care about either way anymore, I may like for the series to end at Season 7...

EDIT: Of course if they go the more noble way of getting them together at a reasonable time and not making a big fuss about it, I would love for the show to go on :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

This show can go on for many, many years because of the iscolated episodic nature of it. Like Law and Order or ER they can just sub out characters. But for these characters, let's assume that WP has had enough after 7 seasons, then yes - it would be totally practical to expect something to happen soon. Especially since WP was saying at the beginning he only wanted to do 4 or 5 seasons.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

hi again!!! i wudlnt like 4 them to get together tp soon either if it was goin to stay 4 10 seasons cuz it cud b the downfall of the show kinda like monica n chandler in friends kinda.

uh i am quite proud of myself this week as i got the GRAVE DANGER dvd and csi boardgame for under 40 EURO not bad eh???
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Hey gang!

First off (and you stopped about 2 hours ago, but I'll remind you guys anyway) can we not talk about other ships in here, please? You'll do my mental health the world of good. Let's just keep the talk strictly GSR, and let's try to ignore what the rest of the world thinks of us. We love our ship and WP and JF love our ship and no one can take that away from us, so let's bathe in the love and ignore the rest. Many thanks ;)

For those of you interested, the play that Jorja is Producing, which is going to London in the spring is called "Dear Bernard" and the website is for anyone that's interested. It's a musical and it looks pretty cool judging from the website.

On the subject of Grissom and his career, judging from the conversation he had with the Sherrif at the end of SaF, Grissom has no interest in being promoted and isn't really interested in the position he currently holds. He *hates* paperwork, he hates admin - he just wants to be out in the field working crime scenes, not sitting behind a mound of evalation forms.

Space due to possible spoilers in my speculation

I suspect they're dropping those anvils and letting Cath take more and more of a lead CSI role because Grissom will not be supervisor by the end of this season - whether it be through his own choice or due to this 'Professional Burial' which CM talked about.

And of course, if Grissom is no longer supervisor, it does open up the possibilities for him and Sara to finally move forward in their relationship. I don't think a relationship would or could be frowned upon if they were both CSIs of the same level and no longer in a supervisor/subordinate position...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Oh, all the nitpickyness of me is coming out!

I made a butterfly, 50 x 50 pixels:

It took me a while to finish it, but luckily, it's symmetrical
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring


I think it would be very possible for Grissom to not be in a supervisor position by the end of the season. I really don't believe he cares for being in that position cause he does want to be out and work the field more. That is what he loves to do. He does hate paperwork as we saw in Secret and Flies cause he did not have the evaluations done again. Note to that when he did Cath's evaluation he put in there that if she was doing them she would not be late. I think its just a matter of time before we see her take over. I think she wants to be boss and likes to be boss. I do think Grissom knows it would give him the free reign to pursue Sara then too.
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