Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

After watching Secrets and Flies, I had more faith that the supposed "heart-to-heart" scene (the supposed "triangle") will just be a misunderstanding on Sara's part. When Sofia brought the message to Grissom, as you guys say, he didn't pay any attention to her and even looked somewhat irritated. Didn't even turn around to face her. I find it really hard to think that Grissom will respond to her advances in any romantic way...But I am sure she will use her position in next week's episode (cop gets shot, she might be to blame) to get Grissom's attention and maybe get a hug from him or something.

What I'm really interested in is (1) what will Sara's reaction be (2) Even more than that, what will Grissom's reaction to Sara walking in on them be?
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

possible spoilers
i think sara's reaction will only be a look, a line and walks away :cool::
grissom ( is 'hugging'sophia) sara steps in
grissom (noticed sara he *looks shocked* :eek: and releases Sophia immediately )
sara (*glares* :confused:) and says: am i interupting something and
Then sophia/grissom says: yes. no (*simultaneous* :rolleyes:)
sara just says ok i talk to you later and (walks away or something i don't think that there will be a confrontation) so what is your theories of what will happen? :D
And isn’t it cool that the hotel seen might show up after all,..mayby in the London ep :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I really believe that this triangle thing will be there to show one of two possible things:
1. To show us, and especially to Grissom that Sara has moved on.
2. To hint at something going on between them, if Grissom needs to make an explanation/to give a reason for Grissom to be more honest with Sara about his feelings.

I think it's probably a mix of the two, so I think it might go like this:

Sara: (walks in not looking) Grissom, I got the results from...(sees that Sofia has put her head on Grissom's shoulder). She is distracted for a second, but gets herself together and says: umm...nevermind...I'll talk to you later, and leaves. Grissom is shocked to see Sara and immediately lets go of Sofia but he knows it's too late and she got the wrong idea. He goes to Sara, saying "it's not what she thinks". Sara acts like she's cool about it and says:
"Grissom, you don't need to make an explanation to me". Grissom: "I do."
Sara: "Why?"
Grissom:"Because I want to."

You guys come up with the rest :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

awwwww! thats so sad martini! i dont know if i want it to happen like that or not. i dont like it when griss and sara are sad....
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

well neither do i :cool: but that's what i think will happen mayby the good stuff will happen after wards..
but i would rather have that sara would just come in...*looks shocked* says to sophia to leave closes the door. and lashes out to grissom and asks why she isn't word the risk but a (younger) sophia :eek: is (heated words are crossed, feelings are told :D) and it will blow out in a make out session but that is sadly highly-unlikely. too bad would love to see that :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Grr! GSR is so frustrating! Not because of the angst and drama.. just that we barely EVER see it anymore. I mean besides the occasional glare.. Its already been a fourth of the season and we've gotten nothing.
lol anyways point is I WANT GSR! I hope the lack of scenes is do to them building us up for the mother load of scenes :D and not just trying to settle it down..

I can only form four words right now

*Grissom* *in* *a* *Suit*

13 words my dear:p
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

great scnerio Grissly.

my theory is that the writers (or at least david r) agree on the amount of GSR they will have in the first 5 eps, then the next 5, so on and so forth. the lack of it in the first few (in my world) show that they are, like live4 said, building up to something big. possibly the hotel scene? maybe in 6x10, or 6x11. david r is writing 6x10 so we hear right?

we can only hope
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Judging by the choppiness of GSR interaction over the years, I think it's a personal writer preference how much shippy stuff gets put in, and then the actors themselves decide how they want to play scenes together. Originally the "pin me down" scene was supposed to be very suggestive and very flirty, but Jorja thought that it was inappropriate to do that on a bloody sheet where someone was killed, and that in the end felt that the "moment" where they finally look each other in the eyes is much more significant.

Conversely, some of our favorite GSR moments were created by the actors as well (Honey, since I met you, etc...)

People were talking about the old Grissom, but I should mention a few things:

1) Old, Huggy Grissom wasn't a Supervisor just yet (or had recently been made one) perhaps he felt in his new role that since he was a boss and no longer a co-worker it was wrong to date people at the lab.
2) Holly Gribs' murder may have also changed him
3) Perhaps Sara coming back caused him to be more hermit-like as well...

Either way, I don't think that the writers did a complete 180 for nothing.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

i'm going to give them a little credit. i like the writers (they have the power) and i really hope WP or JF push for GSR. WP- "i'd like to kiss her before the series ends" and the honey bit.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

lmao. griss/WP is much sexier than Horatio (in my opinion).

i know it will happen too. i just wish they would do it already. we've waited 6 years, dont you think that enough?? we've had a good run, butterflied and whatnot, but that was years ago. I WANT MORE!!!

sorry bit much but you get my drift
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Totally get your drift, but patience my child! :)

Let's see: We had a nice moment in 6x02... we were supposed to have shared room-ness in 6x05... and with them having to rewrite 6x05, there was no need to rewrite 6x06... so let's see if 6x08 (second of the two parter) has some GSR for us... I'm hoping so...

I figured that if they are going to do the dratted triangle, it'll make the most sense in the second half of the two parter... so that'd be 6x08. :) Holdin' out for 6x08!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I heard some kind of rumor about a London trip? Was this just fanfic/fantasy?

I'm only saying that if there is a storyline like that, they might try to squeeze in the hotel scene then.

As for GSR - it's only Season 6. If a show does well, really well, and it's very popular it's pretty much assumed that you'll shoot for 10 seasons. Having GSR in Season 6 fully-fledged might be a little bit of a shark-jump. Not to totally betray my GSR here, but there's only so far they could go with the storyline before it becomes a hindrance or simply boring to the storylines.

Angst keeps it interesting.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I agree that angst keeps it interesting, definitely, but they also should give us a bit more, I think. At least, they should make it clear that Grissom has romantic feelings for Sara. Right now, a lot of people think that the relationship is totally one-sided, although there has been many moments to think otherwise. That was one reason why I so wanted to see the hotel scene: it would be totally initiated by Grissom.

Anyway, what I'm saying is, I believe it is not the intention of the TPTB to bring Griss and Sara together until toward the end of the series, and I agree that a happy relationship is not really what keeps viewers interested, but I have seen so many people here who lost interest in GSR and started shipping Sara with other people just because they became frustrated with the lack of progress in GSR. Angst can still happen with some acknowledgement of mutual feelings. They may even kiss once, during maybe a heated argument, and then things can become rocky again, I don't know. I guess all I want is some open, unambiguous GSR moment that noone can refute, and then we can continue with the angst.

I just don't want them to drag the "Sara wants to be with Grissom but he is emotionally unavailable" storyline for 3 more seasons. It would be artificial to continue the angst that way. They would need to either create artificial triangles, make Sara date someone else etc. I think it would be more believable if we had some real progress in the relationship, but not necessarily a "happily ever after" yet.

Wow, that was a long post :)

ETA: Sarahvma, there is talk of a London episode, which was supposedly meant to be in Season 5 but didn't work out. Jorja has a play that's going to London in March. So, they may shoot the London episode around that time. But although it would fit with the plotline, I think that would be sort of late for the hotel scene, if the hotel scene was there to serve a purpose in the supposed downfall of Grissom. I have a feeling that that hotel scene won't be just for "GSR purposes", so I am thinking they may put it in an earlier episode...
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