Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Thanks a lot for the spoilers, LadySara. The lack of GSR is good and bad, bad for the obvious reasons, and good because they cannot possibly drop the storyline, and the almost complete lack of GSR for 6-7 episodes means that they are building up to something major. I am cautiously optimistic... :)

I think I'll just record tonight's episode though--I have a lot of work to do, and I'll just watch it tomorrow when I have time. Now if you had told me that there was a nice meaty GSR scene, things would have been different of course ;)...Maybe next time...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Grisslybear, glad to provide the spoilers. I am like you I think with the lack of GSR something has to be building. We have not seen Sara's hot air balloon sail yet. So that means something surely is in the works. I have a feeling since we are hearing less GSR spoilers something must be awful hush hush and they don't want to let it slip out and be spoiled. I am staying positive too. :D

OT: For anyone who is interested Jorja Fox is going to be on the Early Show tomorrow on CBS. Not sure when during the show but it airs at 7am. Never know when GSR might be mentioned. I think its a behind the scenes type thing with her again.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Yep I am really jonesing for some GSR - TPTB better start serving some up and PDQ. :mad:

But on the plus side, I now have a cool signature courtesy of my AWESOME nephew. :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Yes, the hot air balloon thing really got me wondering. Something in me says that Sara cannot be truly happy without the thing with Grissom being resolved in some way, that's why I would like to think that the reason for the hot air balloon is not another guy...By the way, I think TV Guide has published CM's comment about the lack of the "sex scene" in Gum Drops as they call it. She says, as you know, "stay tuned to see if the storyline will resurface" or something like that. It made me optimistic, however, that the TV Guide people were referring to the scene as something clearly sexual. And overt GSR recognition is a good thing, IMO.

Also, thanks for mentioning the Early Show, LadySara!

And Keesame, that's a very cool sig, the question is, what is the answer to the question? :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Keesame, that's a very cool sig, the question is, what is the answer to the question? :D
It could be any one of a number of things grisslybear but I prefer to think of it as "are they or aren't they yet?"

Either way, pretty creative for a 15-year old boy who is (understandably) not going to be comfortable with too much "gutter" talk with his aunt..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Oh, the idea was his too? That's pretty creative, and I agree that he probably will keep the gutterish thoughts to himself :D

I have a general question that has been bugging me for a while--we know that Sara hasn't eaten meat since the dead pig experiment in SLL. But, doesn't she eat fish in Table Stakes? And if I'm not wrong, she says she wants to eat a steak in that same episode. Table Stakes is later than SLL... :confused:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I don't think she acutally eats the steak though. We see Brass reach over and take the steak off her plate and eat it. So maybe the dish she wanted had steak with it but she just picked around the meat. That must have been why Brass was eating off her plate. He knew she would not touch the meat.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

In Table Stakes Sara is called in on her day off and tells Nick she just wants "steak and a shot". But later she eats Sea Bass (which Brass steals a bite of from her plate), so I guess she is a vegetarian who eats fish.

There has been a lot of speculation that the steak reference was an error on the part of the writers, but I prefer to think that it was just Sara being dog tired and over caffinated and craving meat and booze.... :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Thanks a lot for the explanations, LadySara and Keesame...I wasn't watching CSI back in Season 1, so I never saw the speculations about this issue...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

nothing, not a hand touch a conversation,nothing i'm of watching it in a couple of hours but no GSR that sucks :(ehh they better do something in the next ep and was there any mention of the 'grave danger'story line? :cool:
and i don't think i even saw sara in the 6x07 promo..
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

does anyone ever recall him hugging anyone in the entire 6 years?

Sadly he hugged Catherine protectively when the bomb from the car trunk blowed up(dont remember epi title now)

As for the hot balloon maybe JF just meant about Sara looking happier this season in control of her feelings..
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap


Whoa! There is something definitely "off" going on. First off - yes, there was no GSR but at least G&S were in the ep. BUT - whassup with grissom - he's "playing politics" so wierd. and the comment he made about catherine's evaluation - in the comments section he wrote - "if catherine were the supervisor, the evaluations wouldnt be late" or something like that. Anyways, he uses the court case he's working on as a special favor to the sheriff to his advantage and gets more time on the evals. then the sheriff says to him - if grissom ever wants to get a promotion that he basically could make it happen. MAYBE ITS ECKLIE THAT GETS BURIED PROFESSIONALLY!!

i hope i didnt offend anyone in here with so much spoilage but - it had to come out.

*running around frantically*

Anyways - poo poo - no GSR!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Well on the plus side, even though she had five seconds of screen time, and they were pretty much all with Grissom, he was not at all receptive to Sofia. And we saw a little jealousy twang from Sara... there was no overt GSR interaction, but I'd say that was a slight moment...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I was up to see The Early Show!!! And they didn't show her at all! I was super angry, because I woke up earlier than I would have if I had known that I wouldn't have seen it! I was all "noooo!" after they finished the show. Stupid local news.

And Hamlet is Shakespeare. I think. I can't remember.

I do believe half of us are at "kiss the girl already." I know i'm 75% of the way there.
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