Grissom/Greg--Someone Who Doesn't Judge Me

Re: Grissom/Greg

Thanks! Glad you liked it.
How bout when Gris tells Greg he is the master of the DNA lab.
From "Blood lust" season 3.
It's so cute, Greg is flustered and backed up and Grissom tells him exactly what he needs to hear. (mostly to get his stuff done first but also to perk Greg up & make him feel better) :D
Re: Grissom/Greg

Hey long time lurker here, finally decided to come out :D

I wanted to throw my two cents in here about favorite Greg/Gris moment. During the season 4 finale, "Bloodlines", Greg's little ultimatum about being in the field. Gris ends the conversation with a wink as he walks away. Love it!
Re: Grissom/Greg

Welcome out of lurking eurydice ;) I love both the moments that you and Wojo mentioned.

The more I think about this relationship, the more I love it. The way it's developed is really something - at first Grissom was confused at how zany Greg is, maybe a little put off by it occasionally. But then he discovered Greg's reasons behind that, and the real devotion and committment to his job that Greg possesses, as well as what a good heart he has, and this wonderful mixture of pride and a willingness to teach has sprung up in Grissom since then.

That combination could make for a seriously intense ship...
Re: Grissom/Greg

*Spolier Alert season 6*

In an upcoming episode called Gum Drops.
The team work the case that takes place out of town they all have to stay at a hotel & share rooms: Sara & Cath in one, Nick & Warrick in another, Greg & Grissom in the third!

So Greg & Gris share room!! This has potential!!
Re: Grissom/Greg

*Spolier Alert season 6*

In an upcoming episode called Gum Drops.
The team work the case that takes place out of town they all have to stay at a hotel & share rooms: Sara & Cath in one, Nick & Warrick in another, Greg & Grissom in the third!

So Greg & Gris sharon room!! This has potential!!

Wow, that episode seems to have potential for any shipper...

I could almost hear all the fic writers typing madly as we speak! :)
Re: Grissom/Greg

gris and greg sharing a room under any circumstance, ship or no ship, would be a lot of fun.
Re: Grissom/Greg

gris and greg sharing a room under any circumstance, ship or no ship, would be a lot of fun.

Agreed. Their interaction with each other is always great. The banter and facial expressions between them is always interesting.
Re: Grissom/Greg

Horatio59 - one word posts that contribute nothing to the thread discussion is Spamming and is against The Rules . Please read these, as well as the Information from Your Mods (link posted above) and bear this information in mind for future posts. Many thanks.
Re: Grissom/Greg

Horatio59 - one word posts that contribute nothing to the thread discussion is Spamming and is against The Rules . Please read these, as well as the Information from Your Mods (link posted above) and bear this information in mind for future posts. Many thanks.

:devil:Ok, sorry, want happen again! :devil:
Re: Grissom/Greg

So, back on topic - what do we think Gris and Greg will get up to...

Spoiler Warning...

while sharing this motel room...? :devil:
Re: Grissom/Greg


Up to? Tee hee.

I think it'll be a learning experience for Grissom, who is used to not having to share his space. If he already has feelings for Greg, he might really question whether he can deal with his eccentricities or not.
Re: Grissom/Greg

it'll be a learning experience for Grissom

Hey lament - are you saying Greg could teach Grissom a few things? ;) :devil:

From what I've read regarding their sleeping arangements, Grissom will definitely be faced with some of Greg's eccentricities - aparently Greg will give him a spiel about how his DNA background makes his very wary of sharing towels, etc...

I was going to make a joke about swaping body fluids here, but it wouldn't be appropriate in a PG-13 thread :devil: ;)
Re: Grissom/Greg

I personally cannot wait to see this episode. I know it's going to be both funny and entertaining!! We might just learn something new about our Greggo!