Grissom/Greg--Someone Who Doesn't Judge Me

Re: Grissom/Greg

One of my FAVORITE moments is in WSS when Greg passes and Grissom stays behind to congratulate him. So cute!


Re: Grissom/Greg

That's a good moment between them. Grissom doesn't give praise often, but he was positively gushing there. :D

I've often heard people say that they think Greg is a younger (but more extroverted) version of Grissom. What does everyone think about that? Is that way Grissom is drawn to him? Does he sense a kindred soul?
Re: Grissom/Greg

hey, that's my opinion of them. i really do see a lot of greg in gil and gil in greg. they are both extremely intelligent, love music (ok, so their tastes are somewhat different, but wouldn't greg have loved pink floyd if he were around then?), inquisitive...

greg's just more open than gil. maybe gil was more open in his past.
Re: Grissom/Greg

Yeah I agree, they do have simular personality traits although Greg is more a people person than Grissom. They respect each other too and are aware of each other's abilities. They'd be good for each other that's for is one of my fave pics from assume nothing...look how intensly Greg is staring at Gris...

Re: Grissom/Greg

Down the drain is on tonight:
I found the following quote from this episode fits this thread very well:

Grissom:"That took a long time. You may need a prostate exam."

Greg: "My prostate is just fine. I'm not a soda fountain."

Wouldn't be fun if Gris gave him the exam?
Re: Grissom/Greg

Down the drain is on tonight:
I found the following quote from this episode fits this thread very well:

Grissom:"That took a long time. You may need a prostate exam."

Greg: "My prostate is just fine. I'm not a soda fountain."

Wouldn't be fun if Gris gave him the exam?

That's either kinky or gross - not sure which :lol: There are other, less clinical, more sexy exams Gris could perform... :devil: I'd give details, but this is a PG13 thread, and I'm supposed to set an example so... *forensicsgirl saunters off, grinning and whistling* :D

Just watched Ch-Ch-Changes last night and I LOVE the scene when Greg tells Grissom:

"For the record, I really like having a penis."

What would have made the scene complete would have been if Gris had replied:
"Yeah, I like your penis too..."
:devil: :lol:
Re: Grissom/Greg

Your wish is my command (although bear in mind I'm still without photoshop :( so these offerings are just paint efforts...)


Re: Grissom/Greg

Think I might try my hand at this too. but I do have photoshop.
Give me some time and I will see what I can come up with.
Re: Grissom/Greg

Hey Wojo - the wallpaper's awesome.

So, where are we with the top Gris/Greg moments? So far, we've got
>the 'You make me nervous' scene,
>Who Shot Sherlock,
>Play With Fire,
>the prostate exam comment in Down the Drain,
>the 'I like having a penis' moment in Ch-Ch-Changes
>and (I have to add this one, cuz I just watched the ep last night) Gris giving Greg a fungal foot infection in 'Let the Seller Beware'

Some great moments :D :lol: :D

Come on people, lets have some more to add to the list so we can have a poll.