Grissom/Greg--Someone Who Doesn't Judge Me

Re: Grissom/Greg

sexycsi said:
That's a funny as H*ll pic! GSR BABY! oh yeah this is my fave of the shippers. GSR FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GSR ROX MY BOX...Floats My Boat.....uhhh...ran out of intelligent things to say.

I'll be back....with smarts!

First of all, this is the Grissom/Greg thread. The slash pairing of Grissom & Greg should be discussed here, not GSR. In future, please post something which contributes to the discussion in the thread - if a post does not contribute to the discussion it is considered Spam.

edited 20/5/06 to add: - Darn, I was the last one to post in here so I'll just add this in - Selma popped by the Ship Names? thread to suggest the following names for this tasty ship:


Personally, I love GorGeous because its SO TRUE :)
Re: Grissom/Greg

I thought of something similar- GirG. I also thought of Mad Scientists, since people call them both Einstein.
BTW? Grissom and Greg would be SUCH a cute couple. ^.^ Actually, I wrote a bad smut piece on them not too long ago...
Re: Grissom/Greg

I'm a big fan of Mad Scientists - I think it suits this pair down to the ground :)

So, we have:
Mad Scientists

Any other suggestions? Should I put up a poll to decide on a name? Opinions? Suggestions? Feedback? :)
Re: Grissom/Greg

Innocent_guilty said:
Are we saying grissom and greg are gay

Nope. We're saying that Grissom & Greg have chemistry that is undeniable. And they're both hot. :) And hot + hot = hotter. :devil:
Re: Grissom/Greg

Welcome to the Grissom/Greg thread Innocent_guilty.

This is Shipper Central. It's a place to ship your favorite characters. It doesn't matter what sexual orientation the characters are in the shipper threads. Slash ships are quite popular and I prefer them.

Here's a link to the Shipper Central Rules . Please read them and become familiar with them.
Re: Grissom/Greg

hot + hot = hotter, lol. That does work sometimes, really.

Some slash ships are hot, though.. I don't completely ship this one or anything, its fun though.
Re: Grissom/Greg

I loved it on Fannysmackin when Grissom visits Greg, it shows that he really cares. Maybe he wanted to check on his young lover.