Grissom/Greg--Someone Who Doesn't Judge Me

Re: Grissom/Greg

I'm always up for learning something new about out favorite CSIs, Wojo, and I hope we're treated to something new and cute from these guys in this ep. The things I'm already imagining are just too funny, so i hope it lives up to expectation. And then, there are some things I'm imagining that are not so much funny as... well, not PG-13, so I can't talk about them here... :devil: :lol:

So between Gris and Greg, who do we think would make the first move? And what would they say/how would the do it? (by it, I mean make the first move - get your minds outta the gutter, people :p
Re: Grissom/Greg

It's hard to say, Grissom's lack of people skills could mean that Greg would have to make the first move but would he be so bold or would he be too shy/nervous? It's hard to predict this one. however that being said I'd point out this-

One of my fave things Greg said to Grissom- From Ch Ch Changes:
"For the record, I really like having a penis" a cute but daring thing to say to his boss!!
Re: Grissom/Greg

Woops, double post, but this thread has been a little inactive recently and needs bumped up.

It has been suggested on the 'Shippers Names' thread that 'Teacher's Pet' might be a good name for Grissom and Greg - what does everyone else think?
Re: Grissom/Greg

Yeah, I like that one. I hope we see alot of Gris & Greg moments this season they have such chemistry.
Wanna add this pic for all to enjoy: the look says it all!!


Grissom: "Shall we process the bedroom Greg?"
Greg: "thought you'd never ask"
Re: Grissom/Greg

Hate to double post but where are all the Gris & Greg lovers gone? We can't let this thread die now can we?
Re: Grissom/Greg

Hate to double post but where are all the Gris & Greg lovers gone? We can't let this thread die now can we?

They didn't interact much in BiM, but the group meeting with Sara, Sofia, and Greg and Gris raise some questions. Do you think Darryl Blakeny (the killer who killed the goo kids) will be showing up later in the season? Could this mean a story for Greg?


"Gum Drops" seems like the most promising episode for this couple thus far. If the spoilers are true, and Gil does fall asleep in Sara's room, how will Greg react? Will he be jealous? How will he interact with Grissom if he thinks something happened between Gil and Sara?
Re: Grissom/Greg


I think it's possible that Greg will notice that Grissom is gone in the morning, and one of two possibilities will cross his mind. a) He'll think that Grissom spent the night working the case or b) He'll suspect that Grissom went to Sara's room. And when/if he notices that Grissom is fairly well rested, he may very well assume the latter of the two to be true.

If this is the case, he may very well become jealous and I could imagine him being somewhat awkward around both Grissom and Sara - making dumb jokes to easy the tension, stumbling over what he's saying... It could become awkward...
Re: Grissom/Greg

I think you may be right, Greg sees Grissom leaving Sara's room and gets the wrong idea. I would love to see Grissom and Sara just plain end this game they are playing so they both can move on...Like Grissom realizing Greg is one HOT CSI and he wants more evidence to prove it! :lol:
Re: Grissom/Greg

hey guys what do you think about my new siggy?? IvoryRaven made thi for me...and they look so adorable together :D
Re: Grissom/Greg

I like it, it's very cute! Just like they are together!! Can't wait for more Greg & Gris moments!
Re: Grissom/Greg

This week they are all working together again, maybe we will get some decent Gris/Greg moments.
Re: Grissom/Greg

Gosh it's been quiet in here...


After watching the clip of Greg and Grissom in ABRTI1, me thinks Grissom enjoyed picking on Greg a little too much by sending him to process 20 blocks on his own :devil: Makes me wonder what he's making Greg, ahem, earn ;) :lol:
Re: Grissom/Greg

Yeah and I think Grissom purposely said Skid Marks in ABRTI1 just because he knew Greg would get tickled and run with the joke.

Yeah, I thought it was funny Grissom made Greg do all the leg work but notice he went and checked up on him to make sure he was okay. Oh and in Dog Eat Dog love how Grissom starts explaining the whole Hot Dog history to Greg. That was so classic.
Re: Grissom/Greg

He always seems to be teasing Greg - it's just too cute. Grissom totally has a sense of fun about him when he's with Greg :D