Grissom/Greg--Someone Who Doesn't Judge Me

Re: Grissom/Greg

Okay, lets get this thread going.

Favorite/Best Greg/Gris moments in the show...

There's the obvious - Greg telling Grissom he makes him nervous. And there's that great smile Grissom gives Greg when he congratulates him on passing his proficiency in 'Who Shot Sherlock'

What are the other great Gris/Greg moments?
Re: Grissom/Greg

I like the scene during "Inside the Box", Grissom notice's that Greg's hands are shaking and at the end of the scene tell's him: I'll be around if you need me"...which is pretty sensitive and caring especially for Grissom.

Another great/hilarious moment: the whole foot fungus thing.
Re: Grissom/Greg

The foot fungus thing is HILARIOUS! I love how Greg gets annoyed at Grissom over it (and how Judy brings it up a lot later in Blood Lust - 'Greg told me what you did to his foot') So cute and funny!

I agree, Grissom displayed a lot of caring concern towards Greg after the explosion. And the way he's nurtured him as a CSI has been terrific.

One of my favorite moments is when Greg is talking to Gris about wanting to be a CSI and Gris is telling him it'd mean a pay cut and all the negative sides to the job - and when Greg said he didn't care about that, Grissom walked away looking SO impressed!

I'll stop rambling now :D
Re: Grissom/Greg

I love the way Grissom supresses a laugh when Greg is playing his loud music while wearing a mask and glove on his head!! You know he wants to burst out laughing at Greg but has to hold it back. It's cute.
Re: Grissom/Greg

I think in many ways, Greg is how Grissom wishes he could be. I mean, Greg is super-smart, and choc-full of trivia (he talks about famous scientists almost as much as Grissom quotes Shakespeare :D ) but he's also outgoing and can get on well with people. It's something I think Grissom would like to learn, and I think Greg would be the ideal person to teach him.

Did you notice that several times Greg has known something literary and Grissom was impressed? It's like TPTB are bringing these two characters even closer together :D
Re: Grissom/Greg

I loooove it when Gris has Greg him a urine and a stool sample for his experiment!! So unexpected and funny!!!
Re: Grissom/Greg

They definitely complement each other; Grissom is more straight-laced than Greg, but they each have a positive influence on the other; like, Grissom's seriousness motivates Greg to get Grissom's stuff done sooner and Greg's goofiness, I'm sure, gives Grissom a laugh here and there. :)
Re: Grissom/Greg

I love the scene in "Chasing the bus" when in the hallway Grissom asks Greg if he enjoyed being in the field, Greg (looking very sad) asks if he heard about him messing up. Grissom says "No" but you can tell by the look on his face that he did know but he says he didn't to spare Greg's feelings. So sweet!
(at least thar's the way I see it)

Also in "Viva Las Vegas" Greg failed his proficency test but Grissom gave him another chance, he wants him to succeed because he cares for him deeply.

and here's a pic to keep you amused!
Re: Grissom/Greg

Also in "Viva Las Vegas" Greg failed his proficency test but Grissom gave him another chance, he wants him to succeed because he cares for him deeply.

You can tell by the way Greg reacted to the news that he'd failed, and by the way Gris said it, that you usually only get 1 shot and if you fail you fail. Clearly Grissom's pulling out all the stops to make sure Greg succeeds.

I loved in Sherlock when Greg passes and he askes Grissom why cuz he was wrong about stuff - something about the way Grissom says 'I don't expect you to be right all the time' :)
Re: Grissom/Greg

There's a discussion of favorite Gris/Nick moments over on their thread at the moment, and we sort of started that here before but it seems to have fizzled out.

So, nominate you're favorite Gris/Greg moment, talk about why you like it, and then we'll have a poll to find the best G/G moment. How does that sound? :D
Re: Grissom/Greg

I like in WSS, when Greg finds out he passed. He's suprised, because he'd messed up, and Gil tells him what a good job he did.
Re: Grissom/Greg

God, there are so many, don't know if I can pick just one. Gonna have to think about this one before I can an answer...
Re: Grissom/Greg

OK, play with fire- the way Grissom stayed by Greg's side as the gurny was rolled out to the amblulance. Showed he cared.

And inside the box, when he noticed Greg's hands were shaking, he assured him it would stop and if he needed him he'd be around. Also showed he cares about Greg's well being.