1..Sara & Grissom have broken up?
2..Something has happened to Grissom & Sara needs' the CSI's help
3..Sara is pregnant & comes home to tie up loose ends
4..Another CSI leaves the team & she's temporarily filling in
5..She's engaged and wants to plan a quickie Vegas wedding
6..NO idea, will let the CSI team solve this one
1. I rule it out, since the goal is to get more ratings, so it would be counterproductive. Besides, what would her business in Vegas be if they had broken up?
4. I rule it out too, she has left it very clear that
she does not want to be a CSI again. Unless, of course, they want to make her all OOC, which I don't put past them.
5. I don't rule it out completely, but one would think Grissom would have married her as soon as they got together again no matter what, in order to "secure" her (it sounds kinda ugly, I know) after all what happened before. And I think they're romantic and traditional in a way, so they wouldn't have a "quickie" wedding in Vegas. Or at least, not in "Vegas style".
6. No way, I like to speculate.
So mi first option is #3, although if by "tying loose ends" they mean "selling their condo", it would be terribly stupid given the economic climate, unless they really need to have some money or really need to get rid of the condo for some reason. And #2 is my second option.
Something I'd like to see is Dr. Lurie seeing Sara and his reaction to it. And him getting caught for what he did to Debbie. That would be cool. Also, seeing Grissom again (with Sara, of course) would be reaaaaally cool.