Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

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Yep x3nity, you are correct. It was from Organ Grinder. An angsty episode.

I also agree with you. I believe Grissom and Sara were definitely together in Season 6, and there is proof of this when Sara told Ecklie that she and Grissom had been together for 2 years in A la Cart. Plus the scene in Gum Drops that was cut, where Grissom was supposed to go to Sara's hotel room; if that had been shown it would have proved that GSR was cannon.

And to your other question, yes I am still into fanfic. I haven't had time to update my stories yet but I will try to update as soon as possible.


And the quote you gave is from One Hit Wonder. That was a sad episode for Sara. She found out her DA friend Melissa (I think her name was) had lied to her.


Grissom: "You have empathy for her Sara. You want someone to pay for what was done to her, that's normal."
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NO clue, MissMurder and I thought I knew every line they spoke to each other or about each other, this does not ring a bell:confused:sorry, but here's another one that's probably a little easier Grissom to Sara "Honey, this doesn't look good" This is gonna be a long hot summer, for sure, Guess we're all hoping they'll be in the season premier S/10:thumbsup:

Hmmm, well I thought this one was going to be a little easier than the last quote I gave :eek:. Oh well never mind, ;) it was from Sex, Lies and Larvae. Just before Sara asked Grissom to "sleep with her" :devil:

Desert your quote is from Play with Fire, another sweet yet angsty episode for our couple. A cute little slip up by Grissom and he never even noticed.

Ok, I'll try an easier one then. How about:

Sara: "You missed one, 63 down: Misanthrope."
AHH, one I know, "HAPPENSTANCE" good episode, and the real first time we knew they were living together, "I won't wait up":eek:another good episode. So next one from Sara "Grey hair can be very attractive"

GRISSOM READING and Sara chatting to him about the "missing word"

I have a question and I thought this would be the best place to ask it: Does anyone know what happened to the gsr website your tax dollars at work, I try going to it a couple of times and the url keep sending me to a stupid website. So I was wondering if the owner of the site closed it down without giving notice to people.
Welcome Truth7
glad your here, and on your question, I have no idea about that "site" but stay with us, we're cool and fun
so post away, and give us your opinions and theories about GSR~Do you think the writers will feature them in S/10?


Credit to the CSI Magazine:thumbsup:
Welcome Truth7, Your Taxes Dollars is fine, I just went over there. I haven't been over there much anyway, I just don't like the people over there, because they are not nice and they don't give you the answered if you ask them a question about the show. I don't know about you. Like I said, Taxes Dollars is fine.

I have a question and I thought this would be the best place to ask it: Does anyone know what happened to the gsr website your tax dollars at work, I try going to it a couple of times and the url keep sending me to a stupid website. So I was wondering if the owner of the site closed it down without giving notice to people.

It's working fine for me, I'm not sure why it's not working for you? But it is still there.

And the last quote is from "Time of Your Death," season 6. :)

I have one:

"I don't need one. I have you."

Whoops - I made a mistake on that one! See below!
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Hi Snowkitty!

That's from 'Blood Lust'. Loved how they worked together in that epi.

The 'Gray hair' quote is from 'Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye', I think.

Here's another one: Sara to Grissom, 'I guess some people just shouldn't be together'.
It was from KISS KISS BYE BYE jtd when Gil and Sara come upon Hodges touching up his grey hair, there are so many lines it boggles ones mind, and that's from Daddy's Little Girl....... OK, here's another one from Grissom to Sara Come one I'll drive you home" easy one huh?


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Thank you everyone for the help, it is working for me now and thank you for the welcome.

The answer to the last quote is: Bloodlines.

"Crazy people do make me feel crazy" This is an easy quote but it is one of my favorites.
That would be "COMMITTED' poor Sara, the guy who took a knife to her throat, and Grissom watching outside freaking out, creepy episode with all the 'crazies' for sure. Amazing acting job from Jorja/Sara, and Billy/Grissom too:thumbsup:



Here's one, "She's a great criminalist Conrad, and I need her"
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Hey. A big welcome to Truth7 and Snowkitty :bolian: I hope you enjoy the thread.

Desert the quote is from Nesting Dolls. Such a sad episode for Sara, her suspension and then she tells us about her past :( Grissom helps her through it though :)

Hmm, how about:

Grissom: "The sentiment? Oh, oh on the card? Erm....."
Hi MissMurder that would be "Burden Of Proof" S/2. when Cath got in his face, after the case he goes "Sara's very emotional" and she said "Are you in denial":confused: and then smiled, and was looking like the cat that swallowed the mouse, when he called and ordered the plant for Sara

Next from Sara "Yeah, I'm pretty good at mouth to mouth"

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