Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

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Go for it SA_Kate we need sane fans on here, la-la-la-la-la:rommie: and we have about 75 more posts before a new title will appear, so keep um' comin' I heard that Jorja is tooling around D.C. and traveling about, and Billy is on vacation, meaning maybe they'll, the characters will return as our couple for the 200th epsiode married:bolian:


I agree! Marriage! And please don't desert this thread people, we got so much to wait for, I'm not completely sure what it is but you never know, maybe something brilliant and GSR worthy will pop up!

I'm currently reading through lots of fanfic and I think I'm having issues trying to accet the fact that they're not on the show any more...

But we still love them... I personally think that they are still out in the jungle... I'm not sure what they're doing but they're happy there...:)

Who's going to collect all our suggestions into a list?

I'll do it if no one else wants to... :p

Keep up the GSR Love...
Thank's SA_Kate I will never desert this ship, and let us know when you've got your fan-fiction ready... we will be waiting their return:bolian: did you all see how Grissom called Nick last night? I was hoping that Sara would say Happy Birthday as well, Nick was so pleased:)so Grissom is still hovering about how cool, nice touch writers:bolian: and good luck to you on your studies MissMurder hurry back. Did we already pick names for their baby if they have one? wouldn't it be so cute if they visit, and bring they're baby with them AHHH, too cute. And wouldn't they have a gorgeous baby? they've both got such sexy sensual lips, so it's a go on the baby having a pretty mouth:p

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I was sent here by...*Oh hi desertwind! ;)* to contribute of a thread title but unfortunately I still cannot think one. However, i could answer my own question a few post back...
It's now GSR thread #34, can anyone give a list of the past GSR thread names list? Any gsr historian still out there? I'm just curious to know.
On the subject of finding older thread titles, I think it would just be the case of having to hunt through all the past threads in order to find them. Maybe a mod could help us? I know thread # 33 was called Time to Re-combine as to the others I'm not so sure.

Hah! I i dug deep and i found this post almost 2 yrs ago, re: on the gsr thread names history.
*Lemme do the copy paste*
forensicsgirl said:
chocolate_bunnys said:
Ok I give in, I have a thing for keeping lists:
Grissom & Sara # 23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love
Grissom & Sara #22 - Tongues Cost More
Grissom & Sara #21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler
Grissom & Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt’s Coming Off Anyway
Grissom & Sara #19 - We Found GSR in the Bedroom
Grissom & Sara #18 - You. Me. This table. Now.
Grissom & Sara #17 – Good at Mouth-to-Mouth
Grissom & Sara #16 - GSR: They've Come A Long Way BABY
Grissom & Sara #15 - GSR: It'll Be Fun
Grissom & Sara #14 - Gray Hair is the New Thermite
Grissom & Sara #13 - GSR: So Hot it will Burn through Steel
Grissom & Sara #12 – Grissom gave IT to me last Christmas…
Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"
Grissom & Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!
Grissom & Sara #9 - The Sacred Duct Tape
Grissom & Sara #8 - Cite Your Source
Grissom & Sara #7 - I've got a gal named Sara...
Grissom & Sara #6 - Chalk... From Plaster

Unfortunately...I dont have the first 5 names.*looks at everbody with BIG eyes*
PLLEEAASE If you know the names of the first 5 treads. Inform me.
Way back in the beginning of Shippers Central (around two years ago, if memory serves) we actually had three threads:
Winner Angstiest Couple - Grissom/Sara
- GSR Forever!
- Predictions for Grissom and Sara?
Back then, we didn't have a thread cap of 1000 posts either, so they were quite long. Then we had:
Sara and Grissom #2 - Like a Moth to a Flame
- Sara and Grissom #3 - Pin Me Down
- Sara and Grissom #4--Since I Met You
- (# 5) Sara + Grissom = Crazy or not, here we come.


*x3nity hurries back to reading FF*
* Hi back* x3nity and WOW, thank's for those back titles Ms. research hound, that's great,
and I think I was around for most of those, but a different set of fans are on here now, I've always wondered where the oldies are..:confused: how about this, favorite line from either one of them that left you awe-struck:eek:

I like "the only one I've ever loved" and the whole teams expressions were priceless:alienblush: and "You make me happy" for starters

ENDING HAPPY "sex without love makes one sad":(
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Okay, I'm back and it seems I'm going to make the list of thread names...

And I don't have a line but I still can't get the look on Sara's face out of my head when Grissom showed up!

I think that I would love any where they show up, married or not, with baby or not... It matters not!
Thread Names:
Finally Together..Forever
We're Happy...Together
Together ...At Last
Loving You Forever...
Love and Life After CSI
Forever with You...Heart and Soul
Geeklove in Paradise
Geeklove in the Rainforest
We're Married Now
Meant to Be
Together At Last
We're Happy Together
Passion in the Jungle
Jungle Passion
The Not So Secret Reunion
Eternally Yours
Happy ending, new beginning!
....and they lived happily ever after.

And my too....

No Words Needed
Their Love Needs No Words

And something about how she only needed to look at him to know that he was there for her and that he still loved her... But I can't simplify it... Grr...

Anyways, here they are, and they are ce manufique!

We need more people here, come back!

Anyone got any ideas that work with the episode titles from around that time... Or maybe those ones are already there... Ahem... Possible:

None To Go..

Anyways, keep the GSR Faith
Thank's bunches SA_Kate this is appreciated, it takes time to do these
I think they're all fantastic, but in narrowing it down, I'll pick my 5 favorites and everyone else do the same, and then we can choose our favs.. I watched "One To Go" again, and shed tears of joy, seeing them mesh, bond and so over the moon to end up this way.. together, how Grissom told no one, and how surprised and overjoyed that he left his job, and wanted to be with her, no one else

My picks~


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Hi, All!

Still here but not alot of new things to say since our characters are off the show. But will add my top 5:

Ever Ever After (from the Carrie Underwood song title)
Meant To Be
Happy Ending, New Beginning
...and they lived happily ever after
Together Forever
No Words Needed
Meant to Be
Jungle Passion
...And They Livved happily ever after
Love and Life after CSI

These are my picks...

And desert, you didn't chose five, you chose six... Sneaky, sneaky..

I think we'll have to start a poll soon... :p

No Words Needed
Meant to Be
Jungle Passion
...And They Livved happily ever after
Love and Life after CSI

These are my picks...

And desert, you didn't chose five, you chose six... Sneaky, sneaky..

I think we'll have to start a poll soon... :p


I like SA Kate Jungle Passion and Desert We`re Married Now it a very hard choice for me to choose between two. I love anything for GSR.:thumbsup:

Ps: Just watch 9x09 in the UK but i cant believe that Grissom be gone after next week:(. My mum workout where Grissom going to;). It go be a killer to watch i cried buckets when Sara left. It a girl night for me, mum that night go have tissues, tea and cakes. :(
Please remember that in addition to discussing Thread names you must also have three lines of additional ontopic discussion. Thank you.
No Words Needed
Meant to Be
Jungle Passion
...And They Livved happily ever after
Love and Life after CSI

These are my picks...

And desert, you didn't chose five, you chose six... Sneaky, sneaky..

I think we'll have to start a poll soon... :p


:lol: Actually it was five, the last one I put in two lines, it was soo long, and on the "Jungle Passion" they won't be in that area forever, so for me it's awesome for now, but down the line, something relating to them forever..
and I thought I'd post some caps when their smiling, and so happy with each other:)it's been stated, they they were always 'dark and gloomy' which is so not the case, That's the fallacy of some, but they smiled, and laughed at each other all the time:thumbsup:

"Way To Go"
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'dark and gloomy'


this sceane is very dark and gloomy :rolleyes: sorry i don´t find caps, this is the life dark & light ... i need more time about to think if the forest sceane is gloomy too :cool:

dark& light people... light&dark

Desert i like your banner ^^

I like the "Jungle Passion" for the new thread.
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But Sidlreiana [and it's nice to see you again] Sara was grinning thoughout tha video scene and he was too:confused: and to put "ALWAYS" I think not. And the last scene was bright light and sunshinny, and green lush plants all around, oh, and no offense but I think your supposed to post the videos in the video thread:confused:

Oophs sorry i forgot about 3 lines thread things doesnt help been dyslexic.
Anyway WP last episode on Tuesday night here in the UK and sort looking forward to. Yet a bit tad of sadness :(to as no GSR/WP/JF on screen after Tuesday until come back as guest stars.:thumbsup:

I going for Jungle Passion:drool: now as sound good and might some conquences for both them later on:censored::adore:. I think how long is G/S go staying in Costa Rican is a 6 months or long? As i know someone did the same them and stay 6 months.

Does anyone know what episode a famous scene with GS being geeks yet both very cute with it? It the one in CSI garage and take part /build a car then Cath come along sort out with the car keys. So funny :guffaw:where G/S yes were getting to that but real there had no clue to it:lol:. It driving me mad try find it any help would be great.:thumbsup:
Hey everyone!

Thanks X3nity for finding all of those past thread names, that was a big help :bolian:

On thread names, I like the choices Jungle Passion and No words Needed. I'm glad everyone is liking the Jungle Passion suggestion I gave, I thought it would be appropriate :)

Plus Desert, even though Grissom and Sara will not remain in the jungle forever, they are there for the moment and all other thread names follow scenes or lines from the show. I think it would be good to stick with the tradition for now and then come up with some really interesting ideas for when WP and JF return to guest star.

Also, the pics you posted a few posts back, the one from Bloodlust? That wasn't in the episode, that pic was from the CSI blooper videos. Have you seen them? They are hilarious :lol:

Minnyanne, I don't seem to remember that scene. Then again my memory has been kinda shot lately :guffaw:
And I'll be watching this coming tuesday too. One To Go finally airs here in the UK. I think I'm going to need the tissues, the reality of Grissom's departure will finally sink in :(
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