Police Officer
Go for it SA_Kate we need sane fans on here, la-la-la-la-la:rommie: and we have about 75 more posts before a new title will appear, so keep um' comin' I heard that Jorja is tooling around D.C. and traveling about, and Billy is on vacation, meaning maybe they'll, the characters will return as our couple for the 200th epsiode married:bolian:
I agree! Marriage! And please don't desert this thread people, we got so much to wait for, I'm not completely sure what it is but you never know, maybe something brilliant and GSR worthy will pop up!
I'm currently reading through lots of fanfic and I think I'm having issues trying to accet the fact that they're not on the show any more...
But we still love them... I personally think that they are still out in the jungle... I'm not sure what they're doing but they're happy there...
Who's going to collect all our suggestions into a list?
I'll do it if no one else wants to...
Keep up the GSR Love...