Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

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I just did a GOOGLE search, and found mega interviews with Billy and Jorja on their relationship, as Grissom and Sara, and he is the one who wanted this to move forward and has always stated this, if it weren't a popular theme, then the would have ditched it long ago, Also Carol M. Naren Shankar and David Rambo, & Sarah Goldfinger, all avid GSR fans were behind this as well, so I'm just stating that more fans wanted this then didn't want it, and he knew this, and it happened. The character Grissom is not a frivolous spur of the moment impulsive guy he's a slow methodical man, and waited to see where his heart was, and knew what he did was right for him..and so right for her. Here's one "quote" about their relationship from 2005:)

"It's this sort of mysterious dance. We rarely knew from one season to another how we were going to play the relationship" states FOX, whose character was first imagined as a love interest for Grissom


And we all want them to return and they will.. it's just a matter of time:bolian:

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Hey fans where are you all? I just came up with another title, I actually saw this engraved on a bracelet on a Soap Opera, so I thought I'd add it to the list of titles. ALWAYS..ONLY YOU sounds appropriate doesn't it? and I hope that we see them soon, I know they'll return, it's got to happen and alot of fans are I'm guessing are writing to the show asking for that wonderful return

THE HAPPY PLACE so sad and consoling each other, then she left and he'd follow soon to be with her
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Hey everyone!

I watched One To Go, I loved the ep. I thought the case was highly interesting and I have to admit I teared up when Grissom walked through the lab near the end. Especially when Catherine winked at him.

The forest scene, well that speaks for itself....WOW! Just the way Grissom took Sara into his arms; such a sweet, romantic scene. I will never get enough of it :drool: :adore:

As to who wished for GSR to happen, I have to agree with Adzix, I think everyone had a part in the decision. Though Billy and Jorja had a major part in that decision, and with Billy being a producer too well that gives him a power position of sorts.

GSR happened. That's all there is to say, and it satisfied a lot of fans :)

Adzix I have to disagree with you slightly. I'm sure GSR will be mentioned, if not in the 200th ep then maybe in the episodes near the finale? After all, the writers can't exactly abandon these characters after how long they were in the show. There is sure to be a mention, if not a guest appearance.
see, i do think we'll hear about GSR or Grissom sometime, but i'm not so sure there will be anything in Mascara. but, i'm always the pessimist one and been wrong a few times before. ;) i prefer to be pleasantly surprised rather than disappointed.
Hey everyone!

I've come back to add my two cents... I am hoping for a mention at least in the 200th episode, it really wouldn't be a celebration of 200 episodes of CSI without remembering Grissom, Sara and Warrick. Knowing TPTB, they are wanting to sort of call in a new era, I guess. Now that those guys are gone, but they can't forget them all together. If I was them (how the world would be different) I would atleast have a mention.

I would most probably have a bad bad day if the entire episode was just centered on the new characters (I like them, but you have to show respect to the ones who were there from the start).

I can't wait... *jumping up and down*

Thanks for that brilliant WP interview!! I was travelling down memory lane... I agree with WP's stance on the spin offs, all that energy should have been put into the original (sorry if I offend anyone, just my opinion). Although they are all brilliant in their own right.

GSR baby!!! It would be great if they would come back with a kid!!!Well, you know, majorly down the line.. I'm having semi-hopeful wishes that all the maybes about a CSI Movie will come true one day, but it would be damn hard to make it better than the TV Show since every episode is like a mini-movie in itself....

Sigh, sorry, my random comments.

Keep the GSR love alive!!!
Since Grissom's last episode just played in the UK, I have found some very nice reviews. This one I thought was particularly well written and thoughtful, especially concerning the characters of Grissom and Sara; and particularly lovely things about Jorja/Sara. Very spot on and objective, and apparently written by a man who considers himself a 'non-romantic'.

I liked this last part:

"Sometimes one says 'They deserve each other' about couples composed of two rather crappy people. Bickering, arguing people. Loud, nasty people. It is rare one says it the other way. That two characters are so good that they do deserve only the best, and they have it, each other...

...And CSI: Crime Scene Investigation has succeeded in doing that."

and this:

"I guess I'm often highly critical of TV as a medium. Critical at it's bombarding of our senses with messages of control, outright lies, misrepresentations, etc.

But if Gil Grissom can find love in Sara Sidle, then I'll allow it some virtues.
It's not all bad. For once, it offers hope."
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Since Grissom's last episode just played in the UK, I have found some very nice reviews. This one I thought was particularly well written and thoughtful, especially concerning the characters of Grissom and Sara; and particularly lovely things about Jorja/Sara. Very spot on and objective, and apparently written by a man who considers himself a 'non-romantic'.

I liked this last part:

"Sometimes one says 'They deserve each other' about couples composed of two rather crappy people. Bickering, arguing people. Loud, nasty people. It is rare one says it the other way. That two characters are so good that they do deserve only the best, and they have it, each other...

...And CSI: Crime Scene Investigation has succeeded in doing that."

and this:

"I guess I'm often highly critical of TV as a medium. Critical at it's bombarding of our senses with messages of control, outright lies, misrepresentations, etc.

But if Gil Grissom can find love in Sara Sidle, then I'll allow it some virtues.
It's not all bad. For once, it offers hope."

Wow, thank you for linking to that! What an incredibly detailed and thoughtful analysis of CSI and GSR. What I particularly appreciate is that he speaks very highly of Sara. I didn't realize until a few months ago (because I'm so freaking out of the loop) that there are groups of people who absolutely despise that character... and I have no idea why.

Anyway, like SA_Kate said, Grissom and Sara (and Warrick) should be at least mentioned in ep200. I'm sure that, if WP or JF were going to be Very Special Guest Stars, we would've heard about it by now and y'all would've been raving about it for weeks... but at least a mention or two is in order.

*sigh* I really do miss GSR. I always looked for their little moments in the episodes. They always made it that much better no matter what else was happening.

Hey, are there still new fanfics being written about GSR? I haven't checked lately. If so, are there any particularly talented authors that y'all could recommend to me?
Thank's jtd94 wonderful article, the fabulous couple, good insight without the Catherine and Lady Heather parts:evil:although I get that they have been part of his life, he left to be with his heart, mind, body and soul Sara, It was a great read, much appreciated:bolian:

Some past memories with them while they were still on CSI

It's getting down to the wire on a new TITLE, so far these are the ones to ponder over, if an fan on here has a new or different one please post it, can we narrow it down to 5, and then pick and have our poll and vote for our favorite, what do you all think?


So there they are..go for it:thumbsup:

DOING THEIR THING what other woman loves doing this as much as him..SARA~
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Alright, my top three are:

Geeklove In The Rainforest
Jungle Passion
Together At Last

Isn't there gonna be a poll when the new thread opens? That's what usually happens with the Eric & Calleigh shipper thread...
Please remember that discussing thread names is fine, but you must also include three lines of discussion about the ship. Thank you.

Edit: DesertWind- You might not realize this, but you accidentally double posted. Keep an eye on the time next time. Thank you.
It's probably too late in the day but I've been thinking of What The Monkey Saw as a possible thread title. It could have a wide spectrum of interpretation as to its meaning.

I don't post here often so I'd like to name one of my favorite non-angst bits of GSR: the opener to "Ending Happy". There's Grissom, happily explaining why the swimming pool is so warm. He pauses, looks at Sara's very bland expression and realizes that maybe that's not the sort of thing to be discussing in front of your girlfriend.
Hey Elayne, please do come post here. We love having as many people as possible... And I also loved the beginning of Ending Happy. Such a blind moment of Grissom's but very cute. He doesn't get embarrassed, just very simply explains why he said what he... said.

My top favourite five:
What the Monkey Saw (I don't care if it's late, I love it!)
Jungle Passion
No Words Needed
Meant To Be
Together At Last

It was going to be three, but I got over it.

Thank you for that few lines of review, made me go squee. But I have to say, I agree with that guy. GSR has to be one of the most true to life romances I've seen on television. Mostly because romance isn't something that comes and takes over your life like they do in romance films. In real life, it is more likely for you to fal in love with someone you work with. And it's not just a plain and simple thing that can be happily ever after once has hour has passed.

GSR had it's ups and downs, but you had the continuation. True love, that is what they have, even though Grissom has his head shoved down a microscope half the time... :D :D

Thinking about what I said, about a mention being in the 200th episode. It's what I'm hoping for, but unfortunately I have erred onto the side of pessimism... I am sorry. But thinking back to the 100th episode, they didn't get overtly sentimental about everything. They just delved into a great story, into something that they hadn't doen before and was new and daring. It was a celebration of the show CSI itself. Granted, at that time, they didn't have any main characters to mourn and no one was expected anything else besides a brilliant episode of CSI. But it does make you think....

Okay, I'll get my negative behind out of here! Let's hope 200 is brilliant!
PS: There is still good GSR fanfic out there! I've been following one recently. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this here, but I will anyways...

But it was darn good! Last chapter almost brought me to tears!
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Hi Elayne and it's never to late, so glad your amonst us, can't ever have to many GSR fans, the only couple ever on CSI/VEGAS:thumbsup: and are we going to only pick 3? OK, here's mine, [below] and we'll wait till the whole group has their picks and then choose sound good?:p and Happilyhappy[ sorry about the double post, I rarely do that OOPS]:alienblush:


And I am hoping even if they're not in this 200th ep. they'll be mentioned in one way or another, I feel they will, so "forever team optimism" if not now, eventually I know they will


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I am mostly in favor of the names that indicate a future for them. Someone mentioned the episode 'Ending Happy' above. It's also one of my favs. Is it too late to consider that as a title for the new thread? It's just a little twist on our happy ending.

Here are my top 3:

Ending Happy
Life and Love after CSI
Happy Ending, New Beginning

I also like 'Meant To Be'.

Several good possibilities.
I'm sad to admit it, but without Grissom and Sara the new episodes aren't as appealing to me. I hope we get a mention of them before the season ends.
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