Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

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You know that you were just faking your obsession with the CSI show formula (eg. crime solving) when your OTP ship leaves and you don't want to watch anymore....

Although I do love CSI so much. I have to say that the show just isn't the same... I'm unsure about buying future seasons on DVD because I may not want to watch them a gazillion times... When Sara left, it was bearable, but still very sad. Now that Grissom's gone... It's just not the same... Without Grissom, CSI is just not CSI! I keep on watching episodes on going 'Grissom would be doing that if he was still there...'

But maybe it will be for th best and I'll fall in love with the show all over again...

I just seems such a tragedy to loose the love for the 'place' where GSR happened.

Don't get me completely wrong, I still adore CSI.. I just haven't figured out whether most of that adoration is GSR adoration or actual CSI adoration... right now.

But onward with our GSR True Love!
I feel your pain SA_Kate I am watching the show but do the same thing, what if? I do however think Laurence Fishburne was the right choice, if if had of been someone else, I don't know, but he's a force to be reckoned with:eek:. he's amazing, not ever a replacement for Grissom, nor is this Riley a substitute for Sara, it's different, but we'll always have the 9 years GSR were doing their thing.. and on the title, it's coming up soon, and we need to find something that will be long-lasting, a 1,000 posts is alot, has anybody mentioned the title TRUE SOULMATES..FORVER? that would be appropriate wouldn't it?


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Hey Everyone I'm Kay

I want to start of by saying i'm new to GSR fandom, i was introduced to this by a very good friend of mine who is CSI Mad and after talking about GSR it became really interesting to me.

I think GSR is great because its just like a journey to true Love, Nothing was willing to stand in their way and if it did that wouldnt stop them. They could never hid anything from each other, as much as grissom hid his feelings somehow sara knew. Thats what makes it great sara let him know from the start how she felt,she wasnt afraid to go after what she wants and in the end she finally got her man. :)

"Perfect Couple makes Love Worth While " by KAY
cool name, and you've got good taste, and have your friend come on her too, better late than never:) and the only couple to ever be together on CSI, and a wonderful journey that's for sure:p isn't it great? aren't they awesome? so post away and have fun, we're a great team of fans on here, and all on the same page:bolian:


Hey don't worry Desert her friend is already on here. I introduced PassionateRebel to the world of GSR.

As for my top 3 thread titles, they would have to be:

Jungle Passion
No Words Needed
Ending Happy

I understand about the pain of not seeing our dear GSR on the screens anymore. It hurts but CSI is carrying on. Have there been any mentions yet? See over here in the UK we've only just seen The Grave Shift. Catherine gave a brief mention of Grissom, it was nice to hear :)

Have there been anymore mentions of Grissom/GSR in the episodes to come? It wouldn't ruin my enjoyment of the episode, it would make me look forward to it more :bolian:
I haven't watched far enough either to answer your question.

But I'm glad I'm not the only one who is missing our darling Grissom (and Sara).

Yes, the show is continuing on without them, but I truly miss the chemistry of all of them being together. It was one (of the many things) that just made CSI so good. With different people, you get different chemistry unfortunately... I hope that I will learn to love the new guys just as much, but now I don't have any GSR to obsess over...

What the point? ;) Just kidding... I think we've got some great ideas for the next thread title... And I have a random question, does anyone have any theories on Grissom and Sara's relationship in between when they met and when she came to work for him at CSI...???

We've heard about when they met but what about the time we've never seen?

Any theories?

Time for fanfic worthy brain storming, haha.

And welcome to the new blood (evil laughing) ;)
Good question SA_Kate on what elasped between San Francisco, HMMM, how much time where they apart from student/teacher? I do know after Holly was shot and killed, he immediately called Sara, and she was there in a heart beat [wouldn't you come if he called you?] It's a bit murky as how much time that was:confused: I don't ever remember them mentioning that aspect, does anyone else have a answer? And I'm positive they'll be mentioned soon, if not in "MASCARA" fingers crossed:thumbsup: here is a pic. of them in San Francisco, which Cath discovered on his fridge, not to mention her clothes in the closet. and the "How long have you and Sara been together" she asked, which he gave that sly grin and shined her on, no answer:vulcan:


COOL CHANGE Sara's 1st time on CSI "I don't even have to turn around, it's Sara Sidle"
I know, it is interesting!

I have read many fanfics that have speculated that they got romantically involved at that point... But they were too easy going (in my opinion) to have gone that far and then stepped back to their half flirting relationship. :p

I so am hoping for a mention in Mascara!

Did she actually find her clothes in the closet? I thought that she looked but that she didn't find anything... *goes off to watch again*

I love ouv lovely little GSR couple... Sigh...
Did she actually find her clothes in the closet? I thought that she looked but that she didn't find anything... *goes off to watch again*

Yeah, Catherine found a black flowery (at least I think it was flowery) dress in his closet during that deleted scene. I thought that to be a nice touch by the writers, pity they left that scene out of the actual episode. However, this is the only deleted scene they have included in the DVD sets. So in terms of it happening, you could always assume it happened sometime during the episode, but it was never shown.

I sound a bit delusional there maybe :confused:

I'm unsure to the Pre-Vegas situation. I am sure I have read somewhere that either Jorja or Billy thought Grissom and Sara had a little fling back in Frisco.

But maybe, in my opinion if that DID happen, that after Sara came to Vegas they decided to keep it as professional as they could? Obviously failing in the process. They were and are too much in love to have kept their feelings cast to one side forever. Particularly Grissom. Sara always made her feelings known to him, she wanted to "take the risk" as it were. Grissom in the first few seasons, wasn't at the right stage in his life to do that.

Am I making sense? Tell me if I need to elaborate more on my points ;) :bolian:
HI MissMurder nice to see you back on here
and yes Cath's expressions were "OMG" upon finding Sara's clothes there, talk about 'snooping' in "GDC":eek: and Cath is happy that they're together, she was buddies with them both... if looks like the team members never stopped by, and knew they lived together, or they kept it so low profile and discreet, and I agree they probably did have something going on in earlier. In "Ala Cart" he said at a class he taught, so long ago, and remembered "You had a pony tail":p but when Ecklie asked "how long have you been together, Grissom replied "9 years" she said 2 years, So I think he thought, geek that he was then, that because he was smitten with her, in his mind it was 9 years, but the intimate part, [and I've said this before was in 'Nesting Dolls', I think] so fans it's only 15 posts, till the new title appears, so lets start narrowing the titles down deal?


PERFECT HARMONY The first time they were out as a couple
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Hey Desert, yeah I'm back. Had a bit of work to do. Right now I have a psychology essay to do and that's a bit tough :)

I think the deal now on choosing a thread title is that we narrow the suggestions down and then put them up in a poll when the new thread is started. That's what all the other threads seem to be doing, and I say it's better to be safe than sorry. But if anyone has a favourite, feel free to post it. As we may be able to just choose one.

"You had a pony tail"

I have to admit, when I heard Grissom say that line in A La Cart, I thought that they may have had a little something in San Francisco. It would have been interesting to find out a little more about their past history before they left. Anyone have their own idea as to what happened? It would be nice to hear different fans suggestions of the GSR past :hugegrin:

Could anybody tell me here what episodes Grissom has been mentioned in? I know there is a couple since he left. Has there been anything GSR related?
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Grissom was mentioned in "Turn Turn Turn" he called Nick to wish him a Happy B-day, and also Cath and Ecklie mentioned how he kept his "condo" in Vegas. I forget which ep. this was. And hopefully he and Sara will be mentioned somehow, someway in '"Mascara" Thurs. so the titles, it look's like this one has the lead, so vote fans, and we'll tell our lovely moderators and then the new title thread can begin:p


Do these sound correct?

Of course jtd anything is fine, I was just listing some that other fans had selected, and I think the TRUE SOULMATES would also be a defining title:bolian: so whatever any fan has that we don't have now, go for it, so we can narrow these down, here's something you'll all love, this interview with William Friedkin, about the 200th ep. and our couple, not in this one, but I'll post this and you can read it POSSIBLE SPOILER

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Hi all. I have been crazy busy for the last several weeks, so no time to post here.

Thanks to all of you who keep this thread active and filled with great information!!

I find myself feeling "bleh" about the episodes now that Grissom is gone. I used to wait for little bits of GSR in the episodes to lift my spirits. I used to record all the epoisodes when the first aired, and made sure I was always home to watch. Now, if I don't see it the first time, I know I can watch on ON DEMAND from my cable company, or I know that I will eventually buy the DVD Set for the season. So, this thread keeps my spirits up.

I loved the link to the BLOG article. WOW. I thought the author had keen insight to GSR.

My Favorite's for the new Thread Title are:



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