The baby would be a beaut! Grissom's eyes, Sara's hair and both their smarts rolled into one! I hope they are married, I'm not too sure about a baby... To me it seems very unlike them and very 'I'm having a fanfic dream' type thing. But I'm sure that if the writers want to do it, it will be the most beautiful, believable thing ever to happen (besides GSR)...

Keep the GSR faith!
I hope GSR will have a baby

there nothing stopping now as not working in the danger job of CSI. Plus i think both them would be great parents. Also i remember a interviews with GSR/WP/JF in TV (2006) Q&A. Someone ask a question if CSI go on for 6 more years, what would you like,not and to see happen? WP answer with: How we`d raise our 5 year old baby and JF laughs:lol:. I crossing my fingers and you never know what can happen?:hugegrin:
Thank you everyone:thumbsup: with the GSR episode i looking for and all got it right was 'Anatomy of a Lye'. I love you guys as i watched it twice after told me. I keep laughs:guffaw: with that scene it great GSR moment and how much i miss both them not working together no more on CSI.
I just watch it feeling a bit flat

now watched 9x10 OTG knowing that he wont be there next week but at least with Sara:drool:. Me and mum love this episode but want more for some reason. I love the ending mum doesnt like JF/SS hair short (oh man me, mum both miss Sara so much)and one moment my mum thought Sara was pregnant when stand back to Grissom. Yet she think Sara could be the way going at each others :luvlove::adore:god bless my mum. :lol:
Thank you for WP/JF great ending and for over the years with GSR:thumbsup:. We go miss GS/geeks so much onscreen but hope will return one day just dont take so long as Doug/Carol from ER for that GSR reunion pretty please . :beer:
As for 200th episode i think or hope might get a hint(s) about GSR in it i would see GSR again or WP but i cant see it just to soon

. Yet i been wrong before just wonder could we see GSR again when Cath/MH leave or not? Anyway for now it a sit tight, wait and see:thumbsup:. I go start watch s1 again looking out for golden moments of GSR again knowing there together now.
GSR it not goodbye with faith will see you again.:hugegrin: