Grey's Anatomy

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What is she(Izzie) gonna do with that check. OMG deposit it already. I realize here that they are probably going to go the high road on this and the check will probably serve as some meaningfull thing. But really I would get that sucker into my account!!!
I agree--it sounded like Burke blamed Izzie for getting shot. That's not right. I really think Burke was angrier that Izzie had two good hands that could do good work and wasn't using them.
Hankster said:
I agree--it sounded like Burke blamed Izzie for getting shot. That's not right. I really think Burke was angrier that Izzie had two good hands that could do good work and wasn't using them.

Exactly, that's what I thought too. And just how long does Burke and Christina plan to keep up that secret about his hand shaking. She isn't always going to be around to step in. Besides wouldn't it get suspicious after awhile?
I thought so too, i thought that was painful 2 watch, and when Bailey was getting blamed for Denny Duqettes Death. Just terrible. & When Meredeth told Derek that she dumped Finn. And He just said Ok. I was like WTF?! I think Izzy should have deposited that check, You can be both, a dr. and a millionaire :)
OMG T.R. Knight is gay...who didn't see that coming? That's what the big fight was about with the guy who plays Burke and Patrick Dempsey one the set. I guess Burke said something about T.R. and P.D stuck up for him or something. Either way I love T.R/ George. he's my fav one on the show. He's an incredible actor and I still love him and he's still #2 on my hunk list right under Togo. Last nights ep was pretty good, and I'm not liking burke at all, what is his problem. I feel bad for izzy and Christine..yes even christine.
Hmm, that just sounds like gossip to me- the part about T.R's sexuality being the reason for a fight between cast members. I don't really think we should be discussing that here since it probably has very little basis in fact.
My friend's little sister Margo was in last night's episode! She played the daughter of the ex-couple who were..uh...stuck together LOL
That was exciting :)
I've known her since she was in elementary school.
Oh man, she had some funny lines!

"You are totally paying for my therapy... And my rent. (pause) And a new car."

I laughed my ass off! :lol:
I didnt see that coming, but i read it in the news paper and i was just about 2 write, what it said in there but owell. I still love my Georgy.
I loved George's reaction when he saw the 'couple' i love my George!!!!! who doesn't love him he is McCutie. I didn't change my perspective on T.R i still love him, he is SUCH a good actor and SUCH a cutie pie. I love him.
DragonflyDreamer said:
Eeep! I missed last nights episode! Can someone give me a summery?

Well there was a M&M (mortality and morbidity) which the interns were more than happy to go to until they found out one of the patients was Denny. Dr. Bailey was made the scapegoat for his death and one of the doctors accused her of being too hormonal/emotional (which upset her). Bailey was treating a young mother with breast cancer.

There also was a couple (who used to be married) and they got stuck together during sex. He had a piercing and she had a IUD (prevent pregnacy) and those got stuck together. Addison and Merideth worked that case.

Derek and Addison divorced was finalized and she told him that she was in love with Mark and lived with him for a couple of months. He is now upset about that again.
Merideth told Derek that she broke off with Finn and he didn't seem to really care, of course this comes right after Addison told him about Mark.

George tried to make up with Callie and she said it was to late.

Alex actually comforted Bailey by telling her that he knew what Izzie was going to do to Denny and he didn't stop her. That it wasn't her fault.
Hankster said:
I agree--it sounded like Burke blamed Izzie for getting shot. That's not right.

But she was partly to blame. :( I think Preston is putting the blame all on her though. And that's not fair to Izzie. :(

He would have come back at some point. It was just bad timing that he arrived as the dude with the gun was leaving. That's purely random.

There's no denying that what she did with Denny was wrong, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Burke getting shot.
I think that Burke was just looking for someone to blame for what happened to him. He seems like he wants to take some of his frustration out on Christina, but would that really be fair? So, he channels it over to Izzie. There is no question that what she did was wrong, and we need look no further than what Bailey had to go through during the M&M for the wide-reaching ramifications of her actions.

To back up to George and Callie: what was she supposed to do? Wait around for George yet again while he chose his girlfriends over her? That's not fair to her. She has been this potent, sexual character from the get-go and here's George, dilly-dallying and trying to figure out whatever in his head before he really gets the picture. I want to SMACK him for letting that hot Latina get away. There's no denying that he did need to comfort Izzie when he did, but he wasn't very good at balancing his friendships with his relationships.

Meredith vs. Addison. I like Addison. I LOVED that she and McSteamy hooked up again. She hurt Derek deeply and I can tell that as much as he is in love with Meredith, he still loves Addison as well, which is why she still has the power to hurt him. A year ago, if she had told him the whole story, then he probably would not have cared less. But they got back together and tried to make it work and he re-discovered all those things that he loved about her in the first place and then BAM he gets hit with all of this history. Who can blame him for being so upset?

What I like about Addison though is that she hasn't come across as this blatantly whiny and selfish character as Meredith has. Addison and Derek were both at fault for the marriage falling apart, but there it is. They both screwed it up, time to patch up hurt feelings and move on.

Whew. I don't think I've ever posted anything this long before :)
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