Grey's Anatomy

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It's funny how fans blame the women and call them names and not the men. :eek:

Now that Izzie has all that money, would she want to go back to work? :rolleyes: Hmmm I wonder if Denny's family knows about the money? :eek:

Sunday afternoon while watching "All For Our Country" I didn't realise Jeffrey D. Morgan was in that particular ep. :eek:

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
It's funny how fans blame the women and call them names and not the men. :eek:

I said Mark is a MOE--Male Hoe. I think he is an opportunistic SOB that takes advantage of women when they're vulnerable.
I'm on the Addison team!
Meredith can be funny, but often she's very annoying. And Derek is just to damn cocky.
CSI007WW said:
I'm on the Addison team!
Meredith can be funny, but often she's very annoying. And Derek is just to damn cocky.

I'll second that.

Finn was the better man but I don't think it would have ever really worked out for him and Meredith.

As for Addison she doesn't need either McDreamy or McSteamy, she's better than those two (as they both have big egos).
BabaOReilly said:
^^^ Maybe, but you only posted that after some encouragement, no? ;)

Actually, I'd intended to say more about McSteamy, but got distracted while posting here at the office...

I have no trouble with consenting adults having sex in general. The trouble I had with Mark and Callie is that they had just recently been intimate with others (Addison and George respectively) which made their actions more whore-y and dirty. Having multiple monogamous partners (not simultaneously) is one thing, but bedhopping is another, especially given how a lot of the spread of STDs can be prevented by not having too many partners, using condoms and so forth. I'm not advocating abstension, but I do consider both of their behaviour to be irresponsible, especially considering they are Doctors that know all too well about STDs and unplanned pregancies firsthand.
I'd imagine they're both wise enough to use the proper protection, don't you?

It's an interesting comment, but I'm sticking by my "consenting adults" theory.
Yes, well both Callie and McSteamy look like they know their ways around the bedroom, so I think they'll be OK. ;)

It's very altruistic of you to be so concerned for them, though. Good work. :lol:
The truth of the matter is, I think Callie was wrong not only from the standpoint of that she *just* walked out on George a couple of hours ago, but also in that Callie was really not understanding of the situation.

Izzie is like a sister/best friend to George. Izzie had just lost Denny a few days agoa and was still grieving. Izzie needed moral support during her call to hear Denny's voice and George was the only one of her friends that was off work and reachable at that point in time. Instead, Callie makes it all about her and that George doesn't value her, which wasn't true in my opinion, and she's doing this in order to get revenge on George and take care of her own needs without giving much thought to others around her.

Granted, George was a jerk about the moving in part--he should have handled it better. However, two wrongs don't make a right and Callie is already wrong twice here--about George needing to be there for his sister and in her actions with Mc-@$$hole. What goes around comes around, and Karma's gonna be a biatch to Callie, IMHO.
Well. Maybe they did that Callie/McSteamy thing so they had an excuse to put in a chlamydia outbreak in the hospital this time :lol:
Wow, so serious in here. And to think it all stared at the very top with Richard fooling around. Interesting, huh? :)

I didn't like the way Mark work with Miranda. What a jerk. :mad:

Besides his good looks, what does Addison see in McSteamy?
I'm wondering who started the affair? :rolleyes:

:cool: i like Ellen Pompeo as Meredith Grey , she plays a well role.. and her character is really wonderful, with all the spices with Sandra Oh... this is a must watch series too!!
I don't know, I actually don't think Mark is that good looking. But I also don't agree he is a jerk, it's just who he is. The writers/prouducers agree! (check out their podcast to know what I am talking about)
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