Grey's Anatomy

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BabaOReilly said:
There's no denying that what she did with Denny was wrong, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Burke getting shot.

I still says Izzie is partly to blame Baba. Obviously, he had to see for himself because Preston knew she wasn't telling him the truth.
Why didn't he insist on having someone else check on Denny. Yes, I know the ER was crazy that night. Anyway, what happen, happen. :rolleyes:

Amen Springmoon!

Burke needs to come clean. He's not 110% and that's scary. Very scary. :eek:


There is a great site called Stripped Wall but you have to sign register for it but trust me it's worth it :)

and WP_Rocks_MY_World your banner is LOVE, McSteamy Love!!!
Thanks missing!
Since I missed the ep, I don't have much else to add right now, but I'll be back later!
le sigh. i didn't like Burke in that episode at all! he wasn't even a teeny bit sympathetic. I hope he gets over it soon.

As for McDreamy being so passive of what Meredtih told him, I felt bad for Meredith actually. I know she is a little whiny but I really do like her character so when Derek was just all "ok" i sat there like "WTF! you FOOL."

Also! To add to the sort of Addison thing, I really like her character as well! But I don't like how they keep adding to her bad side.

aannd to top this off, Alex's comment to Bailey was brilliant, I really liek alex and that just made me lurve him more.
hey everyone! i am new to this thread, but have been a GA fan since the beginning. I have to say, this episode was pretty good. I love that Izzie is coming back to the hospital.

What do you think she will do with the check? I think she is going to donate it to the hospital and have a heart specialty wing named after Denny.
Welcome to the thread

I think she is going to donate to, but i never thought under Denny's name, good point there :)

I miss Denny alot, he was such a sweet guy and i loved his name!
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
BabaOReilly said:
There's no denying that what she did with Denny was wrong, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Burke getting shot.

I still says Izzie is partly to blame Baba. Obviously, he had to see for himself because Preston knew she wasn't telling him the truth.
Why didn't he insist on having someone else check on Denny. Yes, I know the ER was crazy that night. Anyway, what happen, happen. :rolleyes:

Amen Springmoon!

Burke needs to come clean. He's not 110% and that's scary. Very scary. :eek:



I still don't see how she can be responsible for a crazed gunman?
You're right, Baba there's no way she could be responsible for some loon. Burke is clearly misplacing his anger at Izzy. He can't work, his girlfriend is encouraging him in the only way she knows how (her bedside manner sucks) and his true condition is a secret from his colleagues. He's not enjoying himself at all :rolleyes: I can't for the life of me figure out how this is Izzy's fault!!!
Sorry guys to write this,
but I have NO idea why people like Grey's anatomy. Although I've seen only one episode so far, I don't think it's that good. And people say it's up against CSI. Well, IMO, if they wanted to create a show up against CSI, that should have been a really really good one. Maybe my opinion will change, sorry again to interrupt the topic with this.
Sorry to write this i really am but this is a thread for people who LIKE Greys Anatomy and who still think that CSI is a awesome show! well most of us ;) so as much as i do love CSI (It's my favorite show ever) i still love Greys, they are both awesome shows.
Actually no, this thread isn't only for people who like Greys Anatomy. A poster is more than welcome to come into the thread and post why they do not like the show - as long as they give reasons as to why not.
I've liked this show from the get go. I watched it just because it was on after Desperate Housewives, but grew to love it all the same. I like the depth that most of the characters display, and just when you think they fit into some neat little pigeonhole, they do something to change your mind.

Let's take Karev for example. He started out as this home-grown a**hole. But then he fell for Izzy, and was so hurt when she chose Denny over him, even though he did his damnedest to hide it.

Addison - started out as this hard-assed bitch but the more you learn about her, the more you like her. She still lets the bitch out on occasion, which is probably why she and Bailey seem to be good friends.

Anyways, I guess I like the show mostly because the characters aren't shallow misrepresentations of the medical community and the storylines are interesting. The show is not perfect, but it's consistently good enough that I choose it over CSI on Thursday nights.
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