Grey's Anatomy

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Tonights episode was great! Meredith on drugs was hillarious! When she had all three guys in the room at once and explained what went on between her and George, I was cracking up! :lol: I also liked it when she called McSteamy over, cute moment between them. Callie and McSteamy- totally didn't see that one coming! Yay for continuity and yay for George for doing a perfect abendectomy (<--okay, I know I totally spelt that wrong :p) DENNY!!! Well, the voice of Denny. It was nice having him do the V.O. at the end of the episode. Miss him :(
Callie is a HOE! Hooking up with McSteamy, WTF?!?!?!! McSteamy's gonna get syphillis if he keeps up his running around like that!!!
We don't know if McSteamy is going to go off with Callie. Maybe, despite his reputation he really likes Addison. Still, Callie doing this isn't helping me like her character.

Meredith on heroin including George in her 'boyfriends' was hilarious. I love George, I love how he's always there for Meredith and Izzie no matter what.

Wow, what's Izzie going to do with all that money? It certainly puts an interesting twist on things.
Why is Callie a HOE and not McSteamy? Can you say double standard?

And I say GO CALLIE! :p He's hot, she's feeling spurned and they're both consulting adults. I hope they totally have a brief fling.

Sex, it does a body good. :)
Callie's not a "hoe", as you so eloquently put it, but she is tired of playing second or third banana to Meredith and Izzy. George is a great friend to them, true, but he has to choose whether he's going to bend over for his friends every single time or take a chance on this relationship with Callie. Callie is clearly jealous of his relationship with the other two women, but can you blame her for moving on after being stood up yet again by George?

The promiscuous one here - other than Meredith of course - is McSteamy. And he has no idea how to deal with the overwhelming emotions of a patient. I was waiting for Bailey to backhand him last night and I was certainly glad when Addison grew a pair and told him to take a hike.

This show has so much awesome depth to it - I didn't see the Addison-McSteamy moments coming at all, nor the ones with Izzy, nor the George-Callie-McSteamy triangle either. I hope they take that one someplace interesting.
I loved this episode. The scene I loved most was when Addison was arguing with McSteamy at the bottom of the stairs, McDreamy arguing with Webber at the top of the stairs, and Meredith puking on the floor :lol:
I also liked it when Christina refered to the possible baby as McBaby :lol:
And that guy that needed plastic surgery? How stupid can you be? Who lights a smoke when you have an oxygen tube in you're nose :p
OMG i was in tears :( i hated hearing Denny's voice again but i cant believe it...Finn is gone :( :( i didn't like that episode. You should never have to say good bye to Finn :( yet on the very very very upside George and Izzie were holding hands! <333

Another reason why i dont like Meredith, she gave up one of the best things that could happen on the show :mad:

Oh ye gads i not hate Callie!! she was starting to get better but then she goes with McSteamy!!! she's steeling him aways and soon she's going to mold him into something he's not like she did with George but that god he stood up to her because she cant come between BFF's. Soon Mark is going to become 'McNeedstogetapair' when we dont want that to happen.
I love Greys! I love Meredith, She was so funny when she was on drugs for surgery. I watch Greys everyweek! :)
Whew! I am so happy no McBaby on the way. :lol:

Meredith was cute high on drugs. :lol: The boyfriend scene was great! :lol:

I thought it was interesting hearing Addison and Richard talk about walking way and being a better person.

I had the feeling Derek would walk away but to my surprise I didn't think Meredith would walk away from Finn? :eek:
He is the better guy. Derek hurt her once and I think he'll do it again. :rolleyes:

My god, Mark and Callie? :eek: I never thought about that. :eek:

I couldn't believe how much money Denny left Izzie. :eek:
Just hearing the sound of his voice was so sad.

I know! Sooo sad. I am not really sure where Denny got all of that money! CRAZY!!!

csikicksurass why weren't you happy with George and Izzie holding hands? They were just being close friends, that's all.
I loved G/A 1st season and last season went downhill at the end for me. Well then season's first few ep wasn't what I was liking. So this Thursday instead of watching it I watched CSI because I thought it would be better with Greg getting the crap beat out of him, which I was right it rocked and was awesome..3 thumbs up. Eric S acting was amazing. SO I did record G/A and I just got to watch it today and well I was friggin impressed. It rocked again, even Meredith, whom isn't my fav character. Her on drugs talking about her b/f was great, Callie and McSteamy..OMG NO friggin way. But I'm so glad. I hate her and George together, that's just so McPukie for me. OH and the end with George and Izzy together was too sweet. I so want them to get together. SO next week I'm not sure what I'll be watching and recording. I can't wait to find out which one of the shows won that nights rating game. Anyone know yet?
No i was VERY happy with them holding hands :D

I still miss Finn and Denny :( Finn should have his own show, He's THAT good and they should include Denny in every episode because i love him :)

Just wondering what team are you on?

Team Meredith
Team Addison

Whooo lets go Addie lets go *Clap, Clap, Clap* *Does the splits!*
I love Addison but in the end although Meredith does get annoying, Addison was the one who cheated on Derek whilst Meredith didn't know he was married at all. So I guess I'm on everyone's team except Derek's. Lol.
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