Grey's Anatomy

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Hey guys

My first time posting in the Grey's thread. :D
I finally caught up with the show having bought both seasons. :)

I just love PD and will definitely be watching Grey's.

Here's a toast to Season #3!

I'll use a spoiler code just in case--
I enjoyed the finale. To me it felt like they didn't miss a beat from last season to this one. Alex, hott with the shaved head and stubble! :D I do have a question though- was there an episode between the finale and the premiere? I know that sounds weird, but I felt I was missing some stuff they referenced and the "previously on G/A" part showed some scenes I hadn't seeen (so did the music video for 'How To Save A Life'). Now, I only watched part of that recap episode they are airing tonight, were the scenes there?
Whew! No plague for Derek or George, but things are still up in the air for Callie and George, while Derek finally said he was in love with Meredith. It looks like there will be some competition between Finn and Derek, though I wonder if Derek's remaks about someone else coming along and then the cut to Callie laughing with Finn is a foreshadowing of something to come. Overall, a great episode. As someone who lost his father last February, I know all too well how Izzie felt about not wanting to move from one spot for a while. And for Christians, sitting Shiva is sometimes called "Watch night" if it's just the night after someone dies, though some Catholics have a wake not long after the person has died and they keep the embalmed body in their home for 7 days afterwards while people play music and dance (it's an Irish tradition).
do you knoe if they are going to show it again on Sunday night?
Sometimes they did that last season
I was glued to .. well you know .. last night but I SOOOO wanted to see about Derek and Merideth and Finn...
I don't think they are showing it Sunday night because after desperate housewives they are premiring Brothers and Sisters.
Maybe they won't start airing G/A episodes on Sunday's until next week. I do remember seeing a trailer saying "G/A on Thursdays and Sundays" too.

When did Callie and Finn have a scene together or a clip? I seriously think I missed something...(see my post before)
ThisIsMe said:
Maybe they won't start airing G/A episodes on Sunday's until next week. I do remember seeing a trailer saying "G/A on Thursdays and Sundays" too.

When did Callie and Finn have a scene together or a clip? I seriously think I missed something...(see my post before)

Finn came to see Merideth, but she avoided him to see Izzie and then he sat down while Callie was cooking. Callie started to rant about George. Later when Merideth came back they were laughing.
People who think they might have missed an episode....if you live in Canada they messed up and showed you the SECOND EPISODE!!!
Seriously? Okay, now I understand why I'm totally confused and that I'm not totally nuts! Whoo Hoo! :lol:
At least I can watch the premiere on ABC tonight :)

Oh, and episode 2 was really good for those interested ;) :lol:
csiadict11 said:
People who think they might have missed an episode....if you live in Canada they messed up and showed you the SECOND EPISODE!!!

Oh really :eek: We'll no wonder everyone's confused. That happened with another show and boy it was like WTF is going on. At least it is re-running tonight.
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