Grey's Anatomy

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I really hate how they are on at the same time. I watch Greys in my friends dorm, and tape CSI. I'm glad I tape CSI because I will have the season on DVD without paying for it!! I love my DVD recorder!
did anyone hear about the airing of grey's anatomy in Canada. Supposedly CTV aired episode two instead of episode one, it was on the news, and so that was why there was holes in it. I have no idea if they'll show episode one next week or what but I'm pretty sure it's just in canada or at least in calgary. :rolleyes:
Yeah- they actually showed the second episode of the first season at 8 (out here in BC at least) and then the actual premiere at 9, which I didn't watch because CSI was on... and I thought I'd just watched the premiere already!

So now, I'm a week ahead of the US! Heh heh. I was thinking while I watched it, "Oh, they're jumping right in. I must have missed the striptease thing at the beginning" because I turned it on about 2 minutes into the episode. :lol:

Oh well.
I wish they would do that here. anyone care to share what ep. 2 is about?...... :p
I really don't like McDreamy and Merideth. I just don't like Mer. I think she is annoying. I like his wife way better.
They will be showing episode one next thursday on CTV where episode two should have been...supposedly it was some mix up in comminications down in california, I dunno. And I agree AlyssaluvsDanny I think I like Addison more than merideth...but I haven't watched either the premiere or the second episode (got em recorded :D)so I will save my opinions till then.
I loved the season opener! :p
It was so sweet and sad watching Bailey say she's sorry to Denny.
I really enjoyed the flashback moments especially Derek and Adisson. Wow! She really hurt his feelings. The cheating.
What I don't understand is how and why he's still with his wife? And vice-versa? Adisson knows he loves the mistress. . . hmmm. :rolleyes:

How can a teenager just abandoned a newborn? How can her grandparents not know she's pregnant?? Isn't that soo sad? :(

Dark & twisted, scary & damaged, Meredith. Now I understand the affair she's going thru since it happened to her as a child with her mom and Richard.
Like mother, like daughter I guess. :rolleyes:

Wasn't it cute watching George and Derek raiding the lockers for food? :lol:
I cracked-up when George called McDreamy an "Ass" the hair, the hot wife, the beautiful ex-mistress. :lol: Yet George can't say "I Love You" back to Callie? :eek:

"Put your hands on my hands" sounds familiar huh? I truly miss the bearded man that said that, remember? :(

In the end, I loved how they all give Izzy time. Grieving. Brings back memories. :(

I recently came into Greys and i love it, because of George! he is why i started watching it also because of Gorge/Izzie. I love Addison though she was halarious in the secound episode (I'm from Canada). I know i'm going to be bashed but i dont like Maridith but her and McVet do go together.

There should be a Greys shipper thread.
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
I loved the season opener! :p
It was so sweet and sad watching Bailey say she's sorry to Denny.
I agree! and then watching her and that man that was quarantined after finding out his wife died- heartbreaking!

Wasn't it cute watching George and Derek raiding the lockers for food? :lol:
I cracked-up when George called McDreamy an "Ass" the hair, the hot wife, the beautiful ex-mistress. :lol:
Those scenes were great!!

I loved the scenes with Izzie and all her friends go in to try and talk to her. Katherine has been so great in the past few episodes!

At the end when Cristina finally had a breakdown moment with Burke :( It was nice for her to have a moment like that. I do like uptight Cristina though- when she just looked at Meredith and was like "What did you do?" So funny!

...I'm sure I have more points, but both episodes (saw 1 and 2) are starting to run together....

ETA: Okay, how adorable is he? CLICK HERE E! Interview with Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Denny)
"Top music television shows" from USA Weekend

Next time you're watching your favorite television show and a certain moment inspires you to cry, laugh out loud, or get goosebumps try a little experiment.
Shut your eyes. Hear that? Chances are there's a really great song lurking in the background, toying with your emotions . . . and you might not have noticed it before.

By Kristin Veitch

Here's the Top Five shows:

1. The OC
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Rescue Me
5. Entourage

Yes, ITA with the OC and GA. :D
Whenever I hear "Chasing Cars" and "How To Save A Life" I think of GA.

I love the song that they played (I forgot what episode it was) "I hate you" by Get set Go. Awesome song and it really helps when you are just REALLY mad at everyone. They do have some good songs like "How to save a life" by The Fray. Went along with the show.
Holy Shinola, how awesome was that episode last night? Grey's Anatomy is even better this season - this is what ER used to be like before it degenerated into that Melrose Place soap opera of cheese.

I especially loved the ending - welcome back McSteamy!! And you are so McHot! :lol:
I KNOW! I thought that episode was better than the first :D.
Imagine how Cristina felt when his parents walked in on her half naked!! lmao.

I expected that Addison would be with someone but then i didnt, and then McSteamy walked out. hahaha.
I was so Glad McDreamy ended it with Addison!!
Wow, it was so nice to see McSteamy back. :D And in a towel no less. :devil:

I figured Meridith wasn't going to choose between the two. Good for her. :) I'm looking forward to the Dating game. :D

The scene between Izzie and Bailey towards the end was great. I miss Izzie at the hospital. I also miss Burke in the ER. I didn't realize his injury was that serious. :eek:

I think it would be hard to choose between Fin & McDreamy.
Like Fin is so "sensative" and cute and he has plans.
and McDreamy.. well he's McDreamy.
Who would you pick??
I probably would have done the same thing as she did.
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