Grey's Anatomy

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Man, this song seems to be driving you mad baba! :eek: I hate it when you hear a song and it turns out to be impossible to find. :(

I did a little bit of research, as far as I can work out the episode the music is from was the episode that aired on Sunday 30th April, I believe was 'Blues for Sister Someone'. I found some songs that were played during that episode, which were:

Red High Heals by The Chalets
Streetcorner Symphony by Rob Thomas
Police and the Private by Metric
Go Mad (Single/PRO Mix) by Caleb Kane
Follow Through by Hotel Lights (this song was played at the end of the episode)
Gogo Don't Go by The Chalets
Love by Sunshine
Fight Your Kids by The Chalets

Okay, the chances are you may have already checked these songs, but I thought if I could eliminate those songs it will help the cause. :lol:

*EDIT* Just to add to the list

Better Man by James Morrison
Oh, thanks Tink. And Happy B-Day! :D

See, that's a different list of songs than all the sites list? Are you sure we're talking about the same episode? Part 1 of the finale, the one where Burke is rushing back with Denny's heart and then kablam!!?
Happy Birthday Tinkerbell,

Have a great day

PS- Grey's is cool too
I have such the dilema on Thursdays now :eek: :rolleyes:
BabaOReilly said:
Oh man oh man oh man. I'm such a tool. All this time I thought I was looking for the song at the end of the last part of the finale and it turns out I was looking for the song at the end of part 1! Which it turns out is "How We Operate" by Gomez.

Man, I'm a tool. And I'm going out to pick up that album tomorrow. :lol:

Edited to add: OK, no I'm not going out to buy it tomorrow. I just listened to the song everyone says was the last song in part 1 of the finale(Gomez) on iTunes, and it doesn't sound like the last song of the episodes. I'm never going to find that freakin' song! ARG!

Are you sure the song isn't "Somewhere a Clock is Ticking" by Snow Patrol? Because I too mistook Gomez for that.
I'm talking about the song they play for the whole end of the episode. It cuts out just as Izzie says "Dr. Burke will be here soon" and she cuts that tube attached to Denny. I think I went to Amazon and listened to Somewhere A Clock is Ticking, but I don't think that was it. I'm going to go check again though.

Sorry guys- I don't mean to derail the thread. I'm sure there are other things you'd rather be discussing. :)
Tinkerbell said:
csiadict11 you have a great banner, but unfortunately it is a bit too big for the boards requirements, banners should be no larger than 75 in height and 220 in width. Could you please adjust it accordingly? Thanks. :)

Um of course except I don't really know how!
BabaOReilly said:
See, that's a different list of songs than all the sites list? Are you sure we're talking about the same episode? Part 1 of the finale, the one where Burke is rushing back with Denny's heart and then kablam!!?
No, I think I've given the wrong episode, I counted back to Sunday from your first post regarding the music on the 5th May, which took me to the 30th April, I then searched the episode that aired on the 30th April. Does that make sense? :lol:

Anyway, the episode I should've searched for was '17 Seconds' part one to the finale of the second season. So far from that episode I can find -

All That I Am by Daniel Lee Martin
Breathe (2AM) by Anna Nalick
Gold Lion by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking by Snow Patrol
Unlike Me by Kate Havnevik

You've probably checked these ones, I am going to continue on my mission. :D :lol:

csiadict11 said:

Um of course except I don't really know how!

All you need to do is change to pixels on the banner, although it looks like you've got 3 icons, so you may have to change the size of each icon. To do this you can either head down to Signature Banners #4 someone there may be able to adjust the size for you. Alternatively you can do it yourself, but you'll need some sort of PhotoShop software (unfortunately I'm not particularly great with PhotoShop or I would do it myself for you.)

By the way, thank you for all the birthday wishes. :)
Oh, Missing figured it out for me. It's "Somewhere A Clock is Ticking[/b]. I'm a happy camper! :D
So when both shows (CSI and Grey's) are on at the same time, how are you gonna choose. See, lucky me, I'm not really into Grey's Anatomy so I'm just gonna watch CSI!
I don't have to choose. Here, Grey's is on at 8, followed by CSI on the same channel. Oh, Canada...


Now if they'd just move Supernatural to 10pm, my life would be perfect.
:( You guys think you have Thursday conflicts. I have to choose between my three top shows. "Grey's Anatomy", "CSI", and one my favorite newer shows "Supernatural". I just love "Grey's Antomy" but I love "Supernatural" and "CSI". I don't have DVR or TiVo so what the heck am I suppose to do? :confused:
You go visit this website to watch CSI the day after it airs. I don't know what you're going to do about Supernatural. I'm definitely going to be watching Grey's on Thursday nights.
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