GREG Quotes

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hehe! I was watching the episode the other day with the cop and the hooker that nick i laffed so hard wen i herd the way greg sed "jennifer lopez"
greg: ...this i svery see-through *holds the shirt up* very.."Jennifer lopez" hehe an i also luv the look on nicks face wer he says
greg: It's gona b hard to prove
nick: Believe me if you saw the girl that went inside that shirt, you'd try! *giv eachother knowingly looks* (or sumthin lyk that)
hehe hilarious! :lol:
ooh kwl...hey apparently the 4th disc of season one is all 18's so my mum wont let me c them unless my sis says ther ok (an knowing her she's gona use this as blackmail) duz anyone know wat ther lyk? its the ones straight after the episode about the arson attack wer the dude was actually innocent? :confused:
soz i cant find how 2 delete the previous comment....plz forget its ther an carry on with the quotes...........sorry people!!!!!
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hey saw a good quote last night..soz if its bin posted before.

Greg: Skeletal muscle of Mel Bennett. It goes in ... contents come
out. In 30 seconds -- bioassay. I like saying that word. Bioassay. Sounds nubian.

hehe i keep saying that word now..I also saw a music video thing on the internet earlier an it had the clip wer greg gets blown up (which i hadn't seen before now)..I sat ther in shock! poor greggo!!! :( :( :(
OoPs! i'm sorry~ i alsways get confused with season 4 and three... hehehe... *blushes, hides and runs away*
lol yeah... but in this case, i should be crucified! to mess up a CSI season? when i'm a devoted fan? *still runs away* lol
Greg: I would never doubt your word.
Catherine: Smart man.

Grissom: Did you ever hear a dog say 'woof-woof,' Greg? I mean, what is the origin of that? And what do we sound like to them, I wonder.
Greg I don't know. Probably blah, blah, blah."
Grissom: Did you come here with some particular 'blah, blah, blah' for me?
Greg: Yes. Two words. Paw prints. Your dentally-challenged killer left them all over the vic's clothes.

Greg: Isn't that in the constitution somewhere? A man's inalienable right to pee in private?

Nick: What up, Einstein? Ooh, you got anything there?
Greg: You think Einstein had people hovering over his shoulders all the time? If he did, do you think that we'd be walking around with E=MC squared t-shirts?

:D :lol: :lol:
:lol: :D :lol: nice quotes laffed lyk hell at them
cll424! wojo's ryt dont run an hide! I hardly know anything about it *hangs head in shame* but I'm catchin up an learning :) pooooor greg tho :( ooh well at least he didnt die :) :) i dont think my brain wud work if they killed him off!!
lol yay! makes me feel better! :D now you go run and hid for hardly knowing anything! :devil: muahahaha just kidding!;)
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