GREG Quotes

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From Ch Ch Changes:

Greg: "For the record, I really like having a penis"

[yeah, I like that about him too!!] :devil:

Sara: "Greg?"
Greg: "Hey. I was just printing something out for you ... on your hot case."
Sara: "From the internet?"
Greg: "Yeah, I ... I was... on break, had some time ... thought ... hey ...Sorry, I drew a blank on the wife."
Sara: "I could really, really just kiss you right now."

I no its not ment 2 be funny but its soooooooooo sweet!!! awwww luvly greggo.
He told Catherine about some new evidence and he wanted her to kiss his cheek but she just walked away. Cute scene.

Greg: "They had nothing to compare it to"
Catherine: "But they do now" *walks away*
thanx, awww! so sweet.
btw STIL cant get ovr how cute the pics in ur banner are!! lol

(wow its my hundreth post! YAY! :D)
your welcome, and thank you!
from Let the seller beware:

Sara: "Tell me this is raw chicken skin"
Greg: "Well, its raw and its definatly skin"
Greg Sanders: All work and no play makes Greg a dull boy.
Gil Grissom: All play and no work makes Greg an UNEMPLOYED boy.

That must be one of the funniest Greg quotes:D BTW all of you in here can take Eric / Greg, but then I'm taking Jorja / Sara
who knows the quote thats greg said in 'Fur And Loathing' about the dirty cat????i love it anyone?????????
greg: "A couple of glasses of merlot. Rack of lamb on my day off. I slept like a baby yesterday. You look horrible."
sara: "Thanks, Greg."

greg: "You want a valium for her?"
sara: "I heard that."

Wich episode is these quotes from??
At the end of Bid Middle .
Greg : I finally regane feeling in my spine , thanks for asking.
Grissom : A little technical reading Greg ?
Greg : Yeah , I guess I just wanna to see what the big deal is .
Grissom : Attrection is subjective it can't be analized.
Greg : Yeah , consider myself to be pretty open-minded , I find other people protolections very intreging. What do you like? What gets your juices flowing?
Grissom : Someone who doesn't judge me.

Other scene from Big Middle.
Greg :You know , this is just exectly a dream I had once , 'cept it wasn't in a garage and Grissom wasn't watching. Heh , it was a different dream.
* Greg gets dummie on him.*
Sara : How does it feel , dreamer?
Greg : Like 240 pounds of pure woman.
Grissom : How's your breathing ?
* Greg puts dummie of him *
Greg : Limited .
Grissom : Okay , add another 40 pounds.
* Sara winks and node's and puts 40 pounds on the dummie *
Sara : Ready.
* Grissom puts the dummie again on Greg *
Grissom : Well , the position is consisted with the victum . Face uped , right arm is pined.
Sara : If we could leave the dummie long enough we can actually match the blanch (?) off.
Greg : Hey guys * waving for help * Help?
* Grissom kinda forgetted or dissapointed * : O.

From which episode is this ?
Greg : I'm just like a spongue , I absorb information. * talks about the evidence *
Grissom : I thought that was my line.
Greg : Yeah , and I absorbed it.
greg: "A couple of glasses of merlot. Rack of lamb on my day off. I slept like a baby yesterday. You look horrible."
sara: "Thanks, Greg."

greg: "You want a valium for her?"
sara: "I heard that."

Wich episode is these quotes from??

Table Stakes S.1 (hehe i no one!!!)
He told Catherine about some new evidence and he wanted her to kiss his cheek but she just walked away. Cute scene.

Greg: "They had nothing to compare it to"
Catherine: "But they do now" *walks away*

Wich episode? :)
One hit wonder, I believe.
and another of my fave quotes from that episode:
Nick: "The semen sample I collected is still being processed in DNA"
Greg: "Not any more I'm done, and no jokes about me being fast in this department"

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