GREG Quotes

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Greg: "It's Uramium"
Nick: "That's radioactive, do we have to evacuate the building or something?!"
Greg: "Well, the amount is trace, you should be fine"
Nick: "You sure?"
Greg: "No"

It really cracks me up when Nick overreacts!!
lol i do that alll the time...people always go "Are you sure?!" an I'm lyk "don't be stupid...of course I'm not!"
Stil greg an Nick do it a lot better lol! :lol:
hey Wojo wer did u get the pix 4 ur banner? very intruiged by these pix! :p (soz i wuda asked in my last comment but my edit time expired)
the pic on the right (my fave) I got from eric szmanda web
the one on the left I captured myself from an can find it posted on the "Greg game" thread.
thad you like it.
thaaaaaaank yoooooooou!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! lol LUVIN the pix on the website that instantly come up! Mega yum :p!!! thanx agen!! :) :) :)
:) :) Hey its the premiere 4 all u americans tonight isn't it? LUKY!!! Oh well maybe it'll mean ther will be more pictures of greg out wen its started:p :):)
ok seeing as they didnt show the premiere...can sum1 tell me how bad i'm missing out by answerin these? Was there any good greg quotes in it and how hot is he in the new season?
idk if this was already posted or what epi this was frum, but here ya go.....

Gil Grissom So, let's see. You surf, you scuba dive. You're into latex, you like fashion models and Marilyn Manson. And you also have a coin collection?
Greg Sanders Weird, ha?
Gil GrissomWell, I race cockroaches!

plz help me w/naming the epi! :-(
how bout if we do some more quotes on this thread...

Greg: "And the student becomes the master"

Bodies in Motion
Love this thread I added 30 quotes to my site!

This ones not CSI, its from the Net but still awesome.

Detective: There's nothing left to steal kid.
Jacob: [Eric's Char] Do I look like a looter to you?
Detective: You look like a light bulb. [Re his blonde hair]

Eric's hair was blonde during The Net. I'm starting to get used to it. Its kinda cute on him.
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