GREG Quotes

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oh! well do you have CBS or CTV? coz i think they are showing it now!

nah i neva saw that episode either :( but most of lucky people are in america so its constantly on...its on once on a Saturday over here (used to be on on fridays too but they stopped that :() oh well..I've rented out season one..only got through the first 2 discs so far :p I'll soon catch up!
thanx 4 tellin me which episode it was by the way!
Catherine Willows: Yeah, that's how we stored hair evidence back then. Microscopy was
Greg Sanders: Really? I thought Elvis was king.
Catherine Willows: And you are how old?
Greg Sanders: Age is irrelevant in our relationship.
Catherine Willows: Maybe so, but face it, Greg you just don't have the equipment.

whee...super funny hehe
greg: all work and no play makes greg a dull boy...
gil: all play and no work makes greg and unemployed boy...

i just love it... not sure if it is correct but it's something along those lines :)
Sara: "I heard you finally lost your virginity."
Greg glances at Sara. She smiles at him.
Sara: "First autopsy. How was it?"
Greg: "It was fine. How was your first time? How did you react?"
Sara: "I puked."
Greg: "I didn't puke."
Sara: "Way to go, tough guy."

what eppy is that from? is sounds so funny
I think it's season 5..."down the drain" :) did you see how greg shot up wen sara sed "so you lost your virginity"?!?! that was the bit that got me in tears of laughter! :lol:
Catherine Willows: Yeah, that's how we stored hair evidence back then. Microscopy was
Greg Sanders: Really? I thought Elvis was king.
Catherine Willows: And you are how old?
Greg Sanders: Age is irrelevant in our relationship.
Catherine Willows: Maybe so, but face it, Greg you just don't have the equipment.

whee...super funny hehe
which epi is that from?
Cath is a former stripper]
Greg Sanders: So, the French Palace, huh?
Catherine Willows: Yup.
Greg Sanders: You know, my friends and I used to go there. Payday Fridays.
Catherine Willows: Uh-huh.
Greg Sanders: Maybe I saw you perform.
Catherine Willows: Oh, I doubt it.
Greg Sanders: Why?
Catherine Willows: You would've remembered.

Nick Stokes: Hey, Greg
Greg Sanders: [looking through the microscope] Shh! I might be looking at the mother of my children here.
Nick Stokes: Somebody's been putting in way too much overtime.
Greg Sanders: No, man, this is serious. I had a date last night and this girl has the most impossible green eyes. Just... BAM! Shoulder-length blonde hair, intelligent, and she smells so good.
Nick Stokes: Cute toes?
Greg Sanders: Oh, ideal!
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: And none are longer than the big toe.
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: Both feet. But, you know, what I need to know is what's on the inside?
Nick Stokes: Oh, what's in her heart?
Greg Sanders: No... her DNA. And let me tell you, this girl has got some fine epithelials.
Nick Stokes: [laughing] Dude, you're sick. Man, you've officially lost it!
Greg Sanders: No, no. There is this guy in Louisville. He charges 300 clams to test your spouse's underwear for foreign DNA. Now, that guy is sick. I'm just a romantic.
Nick Stokes: But whatever happened to getting to know someone over coffee, letting the relationship evolve? Romantic is sending flowers, not bogarting her skin cells.
Greg Sanders: Ahh, that's boring.

i know this isn't greg but it is funny

Memorable Quotes from
"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (2000)
Captain Jim Brass: Everyone should witness an autopsy on their first night.

Gil Grissom: Forget about making a hundred, forget about the victim, forget about the suspect and focus on the only thing that can't lie: the evidence.

Gil Grissom: There are three things people love to stare at: A rippling stream, a sunset, and a Zamboni going around and around.
Sara Sidle: Charlie Brown... I love a Zamboni.

Gil Grissom: There is always a clue.

Gil Grissom: High altitude enhances the entire sexual experience. It increases the euphoria.
Sara Sidle: Well, it's good. I don't know if it's that good... Cite your source.

Gil Grissom: High altitude enhances the entire sexual experience. It increases the euphoria.
Sara Sidle: Well, it's good. I don't know if it's that good... Cite your source.
Gil Grissom: Would you hand me a swab please?
Sara Sidle: You're avoiding the question. Cite your source.
Gil Grissom: A magazine.
Sara Sidle: What magazine?
Gil Grissom: "Applied psychodynamics in forensic science".
Sara Sidle: Never heard of it.
Gil Grissom: I'll get you a subscription.

Sara Sidle: I never said you weren't a good CSI.

Warrick Brown: Well, he's a sneaky SOB I'll give him that.

Sara Sidle: How's my hypothesis?
Gil Grissom: Huh? Oh, I barely heard you.
Sara Sidle: Good thing I have a healthy ego.

Sara Sidle: What's that smell?
Nick Stokes: I'm nuking a burrito.
Sara Sidle: Mmm. Junk food and radiation. Good combo.

Gil Grissom: Have you got the DNA results from the fingernail Catherine found?
Greg Sanders: Yeah. They're not a match to Patrick Haynes.
Gil Grissom: I never figured a man for the fingernail, Greg.
Greg Sanders: But this is where you break out the can of creep repellent. Half of the DNA markers are in common.
Gil Grissom: A possible first degree relative?

Catherine Willows: Gun down!
'Lesley Stahl' - Liquor Store Owner: What? I'm getting robbed again?
Catherine Willows: Everything ok?
Holly Gribbs: Yes, ma'am.
'Lesley Stahl' - Liquor Store Owner: Everything's not OK, look at this counter.
Catherine Willows: Listen, lady, if you don't care about catching the suspect, neither do we. You can pick your gun up tomorrow.
Holly Gribbs: You can do that?
Catherine Willows: No!

Sara Sidle: Dead body! Bonus.

Gil Grissom: OK, I'm starting to forgive you.

Captain Jim Brass: You're under arrest for obstructing justice, tampering with state's evidence, and violating seven articles of being scumbag.

Gil Grissom: Concentrate on what doesn't lie: the evidence.

Gil Grissom: I come here for calamari.
Catherine Willows: Oh... Alone?
Gil Grissom: No. Sometimes I have a beer with it.

Gil Grissom: Every day we meet people on the worst day of their lives.

Gil Grissom: If you chase two rabbits, you lose them both.

Warrick Brown: Well, you know Grissom, shortest distance between two points is science. For Catherine, it's pounding the pavement.

[Investigating a murder in high school]
Warrick Brown: So were you a jock or a brain?
Gil Grissom: I was a ghost.

[Grissom admits to a mistake]
Gil Grissom: What?
Nick Stokes: Well, it's just that we've never heard you admit to being wrong before.
Gil Grissom: I'm wrong all the time. It's how I get to "right".

[Cath is a former stripper]
Greg Sanders: So, the French Palace, huh?
Catherine Willows: Yup.
Greg Sanders: You know, my friends and I used to go there. Payday Fridays.
Catherine Willows: Uh-huh.
Greg Sanders: Maybe I saw you perform.
Catherine Willows: Oh, I doubt it.
Greg Sanders: Why?
Catherine Willows: You would've remembered.

Catherine Willows: You're right, you know. I should be just like you. Alone in my hermetically sealed condo, watching Discovery on the big screen, working genius-level crossword puzzles. But no relationships, no chance any will slop over into a case. Yeah, right. I want to be just like you.
Gil Grissom: Technically it's a townhouse. And the crosswords are advanced, not genius. But you're right, I'm deficient in a lot of ways. But I never screw up one of my cases with personal stuff.
Catherine Willows: Grissom... WHAT personal stuff?

Warrick Brown: Only clue he's got is a missing boat, which sucks because... it's missing.

Greg Sanders: I would never doubt your word.
Catherine Willows: Smart man.

Paul Newsome, District Engineer: Look, lady...
Catherine Willows: Catherine.
Paul Newsome, District Engineer: Sorry.
Catherine Willows: Don't say "Sorry". Just know who you're talking to.

[Holly Gribbs is performing her first autopsy]
Gil Grissom: You gotta breathe through your ears, Gribbs.

Catherine Willows: If there's one thing you learn on this job is that human beings are capable of anything.

[Gil and Catherine are investigating the bedroom of a stockbroker who was killed playing hockey]
Catherine Willows: It's never a good sign when a guy has more women than furniture.
Gil Grissom: What's the ratio here?
Catherine Willows: Judging from these stains, I'd say four women for every piece of furniture including the TV. At least we know what this guy was about: bucks, pucks and... chicks.

[explaining the job to Holly, the new girl]
Catherine Willows: We restore peace of mind. And when you're a victim, that's everything. Stick with it out. At least until you solve your first. And after that, if you don't feel like King Kong on cocaine, then you can quit. But if you stay, with my right hand to God, you will never regret it.

[Warrick and Grissom are on a roller coaster]
Warrick Brown: What happened to my evaluation?
Gil Grissom: You're sitting on it
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